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Everything posted by rbrome

  1. Well then "Prime Tower Brim" should be grayed out when Built Plate Adhesion is set to "None". Because if it's enabled and doesn't work, that's still definitely a bug. But I would prefer that "Prime Tower Brim" actually worked when adhesion is set to "None", because that's a super common need and having to print a skirt is a silly and wasteful workaround.
  2. I have selected Prime Tower Brim but it's not adding a brim to the prime tower at all, and it's causing the prime tower to fall over. Is this a new bug?
  3. ... I should add that when un-installing, I did delete the hidden "cura" folder in ~/Library/Application Support/ , then I re-installed. No luck.
  4. I'm using Cura for Ultimaker on Mac OS 10.14 (Mojave). Previous versions worked fine. Cura 5 won't start. At all. Just one "bounce" in the app bar and that's it. No error message or anything. I tried un-installing and re-installing. Same thing.
  5. I get this error at least 3/4 of the times I've tried to print over the last few months. It usually takes 3-4 tries to get it to pass the core height check. The problem occurs during the first test it does (for core 2). It doesn't even try. It should take about 10 seconds for the bed to reach the nozzle (it does for the second check, for core 1), but instead it stops after just 1-2 seconds, when the bed is nowhere near the nozzle. Then it checks core 1, then the error. The nozzle and bed are clean. It's very frustrating, especially because I'm usually only using one core, so height difference between the cores is irrelevant. I wish this test could be turned off.
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