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Posts posted by ctbeke

  1. On 12/10/2021 at 6:11 PM, Smithy said:

    @ctbeke Oh sorry, I was not aware of that.


    No worries, there's no way you could have known 😉


    On 12/10/2021 at 6:11 PM, Smithy said:

    All the best and good luck whatever you will do now.


    Thanks! I'll continue working on cloud technology at different companies based in The Netherlands.

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  2. On 10/9/2021 at 11:49 AM, mrender said:

    Digital factory does not seem like it can be relied upon lately as a serious tool.


    We always try to keep Digital Factory and other Ultimaker products bug free, but sometimes something slips through. Apologies for the inconvenience at this time, and we'll restore the functionality as quickly as possible.


    To get a clear picture, is the recent history gone from the printer's details page (/app/jobs/{printer-id}) or the new print jobs overview page (/app/print-jobs/history)? Your jobs should show up in both of course if everything works as planned. I personally cannot reproduce, so maybe you can also send me your printer's logs so we can correlate some data.



  3. 5 hours ago, Elias03 said:

    Hello, I have the same problem, when i press the button nothing happens. The firmware on the printer is 6.5.1. And I don't understand why still don't work... Can you Help me please 🙂


    Logs.zip 255.31 kB · 0 downloads




    I see the following error:


    websocket._exceptions.WebSocketAddressException: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution


    This usually happens when for some reason the printer cannot perform a DNS request. Often a temporary or local network configuration problem is the root cause. Are you on a network controlled by an IT department that could help you figure out why DNS is not working?


    Next to this I also see some some errors about the Air Manager. For this it's best to contact your reseller so that the firmware issues are correctly reported to the responsible teams and fixed.



  4. 14 hours ago, Boomerang1224 said:

    The settings guide seems to be missing from plugins in CURA v4.11. Can you advise on were to download as use all the time.


    We are currently experiencing an issue with publishing the latest version of the settings guide plugin. We'll get it back in the Marketplace as soon as possible.

  5. 19 hours ago, Bi-Doux said:


    I am having exactly the same issue on my laptop. I have tried with 3 different default browsers (i.e. Edge, Firefox and Chrome), all with cookies allowed, but with the same message appearing in the browser and no request to allow anything at any stage even when retrying several times to reconnect.

    Is there a way to add my Ultimaker account credentials somewhere in the configuration files without using a browser ?

    I have Cura installed on my desktop PC without such issue and I can try to copy the configuration files from there on my laptop if it has a chance to work.

    Thanks for any hint






    Please share logs with us so we can debug what is going on in your case.



  6. 15 hours ago, sbguilbault said:

    Sorry about that. Let's try again...

    logfiles.zip 2.03 MB · 0 downloads




    I see many "SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED" errors in your log. Is there anything in your local network that intercepts or prevents SSL handshakes from taking place? You can also read our networking guide on which hosts and ports to allow in your firewall for everything to work correctly.



  7. 16 hours ago, sbguilbault said:




    Can you upload the full ZIP file? These files do not contain the messages I need to debug your printer.



  8. On 8/11/2021 at 10:38 AM, SchraubenPhil said:


    Thanks for that.


    I see a lot of logs about things timing out, both network requests and processes inside the printer itself. I'll forward these logs to the embedded software team so they can have a look what's going on.


    In the mean time, you could try a firmware factory reset via the display and see if that improves things?



  9. 48 minutes ago, SchraubenPhil said:

    We are having exactly the same problem - ethernet connection works, i can view the camera over the network.

    In addition the print over network in cura doesn't work anymore.

    Reset both the printer and the digital factory didn't help.

    All of this worked until last week, i don't know what happened in the meantime.


    Log please ;)

  10. On 8/5/2021 at 10:15 PM, Morandir said:


      Thank you for a clear answer.  That is unfortunate.  Can we use our printers without using Digital Factory (Print over network)?


    If we can't remotely print to our printer without an ultimaker account, it will likely run afoul of many policies which may lead to no more Ultimaker in our organizations future.  As I said, unfortunate.




    Ultimaker is moving towards a cloud-first platform strategy (which brings many benefits for both users and Ultimaker, for example a greatly reduced cycle of delivering new features), but it will never become cloud-only as we're very aware of the IT policies of some companies in this industry. Printers will always be usable via either local network and/or completely offline (USB stick), but sometimes with reduced functionality. In similar fashion, we still store the print queue of Digital Factory on the printer itself. This means that in the unlikely event of a service disruption of our cloud, you can still continue to print everything that's in the queue, resulting in higher uptime of the total system.


    However we'd still be interested to know why it would not be possible in your company to use cloud services. Is it just hard policy? Are you not satisfied with the security documentation we offer? Feel free to contact me via direct message as well if you prefer that.



  11. We're aware that transferring (custom) material profiles from Cura to printers is cumbersome (e.g. it only works with a local network connection right now). However we're working on alternatives so that it also can work offline (USB) and via the cloud (Digital Factory) connection, so that all types of customer workflows are covered. I'm not sure when this will be rolled out, but keep an eye out for all the release notes.

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