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Posts posted by jeremymorgan

  1. On 11/30/2021 at 8:21 AM, CarloK said:

    Our intention was to have no voltage on the fan when off. I think we can fix this with software but didn't get to test this yet.

    @CarloK Did you make any progress with this? Do you think it is possible to fix it in firmware?


    Every time I update my S3 with latest firmware I have had my fingers crossed hoping the fan idling noise will stop!


    By the way I opened a support ticket for this: #14701 then #23846 to follow up.

  2. @Smithy

    The change to enable the second camera was quite simple. The file:




    needs to have an extra line added:


    add rule ip filter INPUT ip protocol 6 ct state new tcp dport 8081 accept


    This needs to be placed underneath the similar '8080' line (or at least in that section of the file). The contents of the file then becomes:


    #!/usr/sbin/nft -f
    # This file contains two formats to represent the ipv4 (generated by iptables-restore-translate) and
    # ipv6 (old format that previously worked for MISP-1027)
    # Both formats are required as the complete ipv4 rule set does not work in the old ipv6 rule format, and vice versa
    # We attempted to make only one format work, but could not and do not want to spend extra time for no gain.
    flush ruleset
    add table filter
    add chain filter INPUT { type filter hook input priority 0; }
    add chain filter OUTPUT
    add rule ip filter INPUT ct state related,established accept
    add rule ip filter OUTPUT accept
    add rule ip filter INPUT ip protocol udp udp dport 53 accept
    add rule ip filter INPUT ip protocol udp udp dport 5353 accept
    add rule ip filter INPUT ip protocol 6 ct state new tcp dport 22 accept
    add rule ip filter INPUT ip protocol 6 ct state new tcp dport 80 accept
    add rule ip filter INPUT ip protocol 6 ct state new tcp dport 8080 accept
    add rule ip filter INPUT ip protocol 6 ct state new tcp dport 8081 accept
    add rule ip filter INPUT ip protocol 6 ct state established accept
    add rule ip filter INPUT ip protocol 1 icmp type echo-request accept
    add rule ip filter INPUT ip daddr accept
    add rule ip filter INPUT ip daddr accept # for Avahi/Zeroconf/Bonjour/mDNS (this is all the same)
    add rule ip filter INPUT drop
    # ----- IPv6 -----
    table ip6 filter {
            chain input {
                    type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;
                    ct state invalid drop
                    ct state established, related accept
                    ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 accept
            chain forward {
                    type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;
            # This chain explicitly states the default policy
            chain output {
                    type filter hook output priority 0; policy accept;
    # yes this is even more hacky, but the other format didn't work for this
    # and as mentioned the above does not work in this format, go figure!
    insert rule ip6 filter input ip6 nexthdr udp udp dport 53 accept


    I tried just adding the new line to the bottom of the file as I thought that might make writing a script to update the file easier, but it did not work in that position.


    It should theoretically be possible to add further cameras; each of these would be served on port 8082, 8083 etc. and a similar entry in the file would be required for each one.

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  3. @CarloK

    Great - that is the missing piece of the puzzle!


    I made the change to the file you suggested then started and stopped the Firewall from the front panel so that it would take effect. Both cameras are now working.


    I had previously looked for the nftables service, but this is disabled, so I presume the Ultimaker is doing its own thing:


    root@ultimakersystem-0030d627eca3:/usr/share/griffin/griffin/network/firewall# systemctl status nftables
    ● nftables.service - nftables
       Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nftables.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
       Active: inactive (dead)
         Docs: man:nft(8)


    I rebooted the printer and the filewall modification change I made remained, but I imagine this might have to be re-done if there is a firmware update?


    Thanks again for your help with this.


    • Like 1
  4. Thanks for the info.


    In 'dmesg' I can see that both cameras are detected:




    In process list (ps -ef) I can see that two mjpg-streamer instances are created on ports 8080 and 8081:




    If I browse to to 8080 port I get the ouput of my external camera no problem. On port 8081 (which I assume is now serving the internal camera) the connection hangs, even though there is a listening process:




    I tried the connection to 8081 with the Windows Firewall disabled and the connection hangs.


    I tried the connection to 8081 from a Linux box on my network, and this also hangs.


    I can connect to both ports 8080 and 8081 locally using telnet:




    Telnet connects for a short period then mjpg-streamer closes the connection due to inactivity.


    So it appears that this is close to working, but there something on the S3 blocking external connections to port 8081. The 'Firewall' setting in the Network menu of the S3 is set to 'off' by the way. If I turn this on then port 8080 gets blocked too (as expected).


    Any other suggestions?


  5. @gr5

    Please can you point me in the direction of your posts regarding adding a second USB camera?


    I have tried this on my S3. I plugged a Microsoft Webcam into the front USB port. Both internal and second external cameras are visible if I SSH in to the S3 and look in /dev. I can now see /dev/video0 and /dev/video1 (normally only there is only video0).


    The second camera is now available on my S3's IP 'http://<IP address>:8080/?action=stream', but I see nothing on port 8081.


    Is it possible to have streaming endpoints for both internal & external cameras? Does this now have to be configured somewhere?


    Thanks for any help.

  6. I have a brand new S3. After the printer boots up and is 'ready to print' (idle) I notice quite an annoying high-pitched whine from the front (axial) fan. It's not particularly loud, but is annoying in a quiet room if working near to the printer.


    When the printer is idle the fan is disabled so the fan blades are not moving - the fan is stalled.  The noise I can hear is coming from the fan motor. I asked my supplier to send a replacement fan, and I have fitted this but it has made no difference. I measured the voltage across the fan in this idle state and it is around 2.3V. I would have expected it to be lower. I think that this is the problem - as the idle voltage is not zero the fan is trying to start but the voltage is too low so it is unable to do so, and it is generating the noise. The fan works OK when printing by the way. Interestingly, if I rotate the fan blade a few degrees with a screwdriver the noise stops, but then returns when the blade springs back to its resting position.


    Anyone else noticed this? Maybe a firmware update to set the idle voltage lower could fix it? I believe Prusa had a similar issue with a fan driver that was fixed in firmware.

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