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Posts posted by Dadkitess

  1. Hello,


    My company is prioritizing RSPro as a supplier and I'm note used to it, I had my local supplier before.


    Do you have some advices / recommendations regarding some filament ? I bet there is some Must-Have but don't really know the brands or specificity of some of them.


    I'm looking for 2.85mm for our UMS5 :


    - A daily filament which would be mechanically and thermally (maybe like 75°C ?) more resistant that the Ultimaker Tough PLA, while being compatible with soluble support. PETG sounds good though it's more about 65-70°C compliant : what's the best PETG on the platform ? Ultimaker one looks good ? Other ideas ? Polycarbonate not compatible with Soluble Support, GF / CF implies CC core which is not ideal for a daily. Your opinion ?

    - A new soluble support to replace the very bad Ultimaker PVA : i've read that BVOH is superior for all aspects, and there is a Ultrafuse BVOH or BCN3D BVOH, which one is best ?

    - Some specific filament that would help for prototyping in constraints uses like mechanical parts / 120°C+ environment / others constraints. I'm looking at white PC for good mechanical and thermal resistance, maybe some Transparent Nylon if I need some transluscent prints (is it good ?), do you have others ideas that would be interesting ? I've read that Kimya does good specific filament, maybe among them ?


    Thank you for any advices / feedback you could bring !




  2. On 3/24/2023 at 4:49 PM, gr5 said:

    Oh!  Okay.  A picture of the core would be very helpful.  The heater block can be threaded higher or lower on the nozzle.  That shouldn't change things.  Are both printcore's made by Ultimaker or is one a 3rd party print core?  maybe from 3dsolex?  3dsolex print cores have a red circuit board.  Ultimaker's have a white circuit board.


    Your printer should have come with a minimum of 2 AA 0.4 cores and 1 BB 0.4 core.  Presumably there is a spare core you haven't been using.


    Yep, official Ultimaker PrintCore. What seems to be treaded lower than it should, is the brass nozzle, the thing you can change on other 3d printing brand, not the heater in my case, I thing.


    Indeed, it was delivered with the starter bundle, but I even bough from scratch 1 other AA 0.4 and BB 0.4 and I'm glad I did : I've had so many troubles with theses PrintCore, especially BB using the Ultimaler official PVA...


    Not using Solex3D but I'm really want to, IIRC you're involved in this brand ? My local supplied just got them for tests and they're really happy so far : less clogging, being able to change the nozzle diameter... But unfortunately, my company is now asking to use RSPro in priority and they don't sell Solex3D 😞


    On 3/24/2023 at 4:51 PM, gr5 said:

    Also realize that printcores are considered a "consumable" by ultimaker.  Similar to filament.  The cost of printcores is much lower than filament.  Ultimaker keeps the price of printcores as low as possible.  I think almost zero profit on printcores.


    I'm not sure I understood : Ultimaker PrintCore are, on the contrary, pretty expensive, and more than filament : it's about 100€ for a AA / BB, and about 350€ for a CC. Filament is about 45-55€ for 750g. This not very comparable though, haha.

  3. Yup : I've observed it running multiple time, and compared it to a pair of functioning PrintCore doing the same initial Z test, and indeed it was clearly visible that the left one was way too low and touched way too soon, inducing the second one to not be able to touch the plate relatively speaking, because of the height difference trigger.


    And so, when visually inspecting the PrintCore that was in fault, it was really clear that the brass nozzle itself is lower, because not threaded enough compared to the other. About 1 fillet more (one... Step of thread ?) is visible. I'll add pics when I find them back 😉


    Is it possible that some over-pressure because of clogging can "unthread" / unscrew it ? (Sorry for my English, hope it's clear enough ^^) Don't see how but we never know 😄

  4. My issue was indeed because of a probecore being way to low. Don't know how its use could have lowered it, don't think any clog issue would be able to unscrew the head around the thread so I guess that it was sold like this, and just barely OK that it worked during a pair of monthes and then triggered each time the height difference detection.


    If so, that quite a Q-Check issue from Ultimaker.

  5. I don't get what's going wrong with Ultimaker and now UltiMaker.


    Indeed I feel like most complaints can end with a "deal with it", which is quite often even supporter by other user/customer : you don't like it ? Then buy another one.


    Yeah. Yeah... Like, i've thrown 6k€ on a machine because of its marketized reliability, ease of use, performances, and semipro / pro dedication to make it worth for a company, a big brand, recognized, etc. And we have... a 6k€ machine that is damn loud, soooooo friggin' slow while having a huge rigid chassis, clogging every month, with some sub-par expensive material (PVA i'm looking at you) and a software that is not reaaaally Q-Chech as it should. And Community Team / Admin / Staff that comes to you saying "yeah, deal with it, sorry". Some of them, actually, not all, of course, and fortunately.


    This is sooo not okay. As a lot of customer, I would not recommend Ultimaker to anyone, be it a Pro-User or a daily home user. Not a chance. Too many bad experiences about it, my feedback to the team is FOUR PAGES LONG.


    Yes, some complaints concerns aspects that are not marketized, so it's not a lie, fair enough, even if, well, should I recall 6k€ ?... But some others are key words of the brand communication for this very specific machine : reliability, ease of use, pro usage, performances. Nah, sorry, now it's a full lie.


    Do something. And I don't mean another S7 which is basically a S5 mk2 with barely 25% of the design flaw fixed, making it the most overpriced actual recent machine out there. Please, look at the competition.

  6. Thanks for the answer, a Portable Version would be a Cura that does not need to be installed, you can launch the app right away without requiring Administration Allowance, which can be hard to have in company. PrusaSlicer 2.6 has it, for instance, you download a zip, you click on the .exe and boom, you're good to go, no installation 🙂


  7. No... Come on, this answer feels like "it will stay as is, sorry, your better contact your IT".


    Damn, UltiMaker, you're... UltiMaker ! The brand that is chosen because of its reliability, its professionalism, because it's the one that, indeed, we already find in many companies. Don't know if it's the new "Capital M" in your brand that change  something, but you're not doing it right. UMS5 is not reliable enough and crippled by design flaw, UMS7 is a UMS5 mk2 which does not solve half of theses issues, and this new machine might advertise that they're won't be another one for a couple more years while the competition is running away with proper innovations.


    And now, you... shift some functionalities to Cloud-Only processes ? Nah, come on, please, you're dealing with companies. Fix it, quick, your brand is already kinda damaged and I won't buy again from you. Many other might do as well.

    • Like 4
  8. Do you have some further detail regarding the Xmas tree support not being in this release ? Is it plan with optimization in another release ?


    It actually saved me for a deadline, my UMS5 was completely out of service (... Happens a lot) and only had my Prusa mk3s+ along, without, obviously, dual material extruders. And it reaaaaaaaally was a complicated and intricated geometry where soluble support is a major help. Hell, had to try another way, standard support was out of question because of this very complicated geometry and "normal tree" did not do the trick. Xmas did though, and I was quite amazed of how it ended up.


    Could have used the Prusa Slicer that also got something very similar or even better, but my CURA profile was quite complicated to reproduce, with a lot of tweaking here and there.


    Anyway, yeah, please do you know if you plan to reintroduce it after some polishing ? It's good not to release something that might have cause more trouble than help for other people, if this is what happened, of course 🙂


    Oh, and I'll definitely try this Dual Material interlocking : I was doing it myself in 3D, but did not have lot of success ^^


  9. Just tried it on CURA 5.1.1 and indeed, while it's doing OK with very basic settings and spiralize, it does not work with the spiralize option. At first, with 0.4mm width, it won't show layer past the 5-6 firsts, and if I reduce it to 0.35mm to test, it's going all the way up but with strings inside the cylinder, not proper spiralzing.



    • Like 1
  10. Yeah that's an issue we've faced 3 times in the 3 past monthes, and it's irritating.


    One PrintCore that was just fine, did not work with this error after reinserting in its exact same slot : we did a little machine maintenance, including the change of the front fan, nothing was disconnected or damages, it was made by the reseller. Once plugged in back, even after multiple restart of the machine, it shown this error, while a direct monitoring of the printcore actually shown a temperature reaching 280+°C. The reseller took the printcore to diagnose it, no idea of the answer it but they replaced it for free, fortunately.


    2 weeks later, another error like this one, restart of the machine, went fine.


    @MariMakes do you have an idea about this ? It looks like a pretty "recent" issue, hope that it won't happen more and more.

    • Like 1
  11. Normalement tu peux juste drop ton UFP dans CURA mais tu n'auras plus aucun contrôle dessus, quasi rien d'exploitable, c'est le 3MF qui embarque toute l'info : la 3D, les settings etc.


    Avec un peu de chance, tu n'as pas touché à CURA depuis, il devrait avoir gardé tes settings : plus qu'à drop ton STL à nouveau dans la scène et ajuster l'échelle 😉

  12. 18 hours ago, Jhawk6553 said:

    Was there any update on this? Mine still does not display temperatures

    7.1.3, last in date, solve this issue, and had been stable so far :




    IIRC, the temp issue was in a stable release : please UltiMaker, we already have so little information on this screen, Q-check that this kind of issue won't repeat on stable, that's not very professionnal for 6k€ machine 😕


    Oh, and if it's possible to get the actual Z layer when printing, this is quite convenient and viewable on any other machine. 


  13. This is really reaaaaally mk2-ish, can we agree about that ? 😛


    Anyway, that's a good thing a new printer comes to fix theses flaws, at least !


    I've already shared a BIG feedback through the UltiMaker Twitter Community Manager that said me he/she would transfer it but I'm not too confident that it went anywhere, to be frank.


    Mari, can I forward you this feedback in PM then ? 

  14. Ouaip, au besoin en presta externe, mais c'est pas au bénéfice de la réactivité, du coût, et de la maitrise en interne ^^ 


    Autant que possible, j'aime apprendre et maitriser ce qu'on peut faire au max avec les 2 machines qu'on a. Et dans un an ou deux, proposer l'achat d'une petite SLS d'appoint, c'est vraiment pas cher en soit, mais le problème c'est plus l'entreposage des produits et le traitement, on est très "process 5s" en ce moment haha.


    Je viens de voir que chez RS, ils ont ce PET-G CF, qui semble pas mal : https://fr.rs-online.com/web/p/materiaux-pour-impression-3d/1901953


    Et sinon ils ont l'air d'avoir un PLA +++ qui semble sympa, mais je sais pas ce que ça donne sans recuit, si y'a un gain par rapport au PLA Tough de chez Ulti. Ca reste une base PLA donc j'ai du mal à imaginer une tenue à au moins 75°C sans recuit : https://fr.rs-online.com/web/p/materiaux-pour-impression-3d/1740012

  15. Euh bah, si, quand même : tu auras jamais le même résultat qu'un supportage à 100% avec une semelle de soluble, notamment quand on ne parle pas de surface horizontale ^^ On peut d'ailleurs voir sur ton image que la surface horizontale est effectivement très clean, mais moins le gradient d'inclinaison à sa gauche, et c'est normal. C'est déjà excellent comme résultat, effectivement, faudra que je teste le Zgap = 0 !


    Mais clairement, j'imprime trop de pièces vraiment complexe, inextricable point de vue support, c'est l'enfer. Et j'ai quelques pièces de courbures continues sans aucun fond plat, que j'imprime sur un lit de PVA : purée, quand ça marche, c'est bluffant oO Et impossible à reproduire autrement en une seule pièce.


    Bref, ouaip j'ai besoin d'un support soluble 🙂

  16. Ben pas vraiment du coup, je cherche bien le matériau de base, mais sachant qu'il doit être compatible des matériaux de support soluble, et autant que possible, du BVOH qui a l'air d'être quand même pas mal supérieur au PVA. Logique non ? ^^


    Du coup tu proposes le BreakAway qui n'est pas une possibilité, car pas soluble, et la plupart de mes pièces sont trop complexes pour espérer retirer le support non soluble de petites cavités quasi-fermées. Et puis, c'est quand même vachement moins clean comme surface de supportage obtenu 😉


    Niveau PrintCore, j'ai déjà une CC 0.6 😉 Je note pour le Nanovia PETG/FC, tu as trouvé une compatibilité avec un support soluble ? Vu que c'est une base PETG, y'a moyen que ça marche bien avec du BVOH pour le coup.

  17. Hello !


    Je ne viens pas avec un problème, promis 🙂 Vu que le PVA n'a pas bonne presse, et encore moins celui d'UltiMaker, j'utilise le PolyDissolve S1 de chez Polymaker, qui est sensiblement mieux. Pour autant, dans une quête d'optimisation des moyens à ma disposition et pour continuer d'apprendre, j'aimerai essayer le BVOH, et notamment celui de chez BCN3D pour la simple (et bonne ?) raison qu'il est dispo chez RS Pro et qu'il me faut commander chez ce partenaire. Le cas échéant, n'hésitez pas à me dire s'il y a de mauvais retours dessus (j'ai pas vraiment trouvé d'avis tout court) et s'il existe une Rolls Royce du matériaux support à moins de 120 euros de kilo (... Oui parce que le PolyDyssolve 2 est carrément hors de prix ^^).


    Donc, BVOH en tête ou éventuelle autre piste, ma question est la suivante : quel est le meilleur matériau possible, garantissant une compatibilité avec le matériau support en question, sachant que je recherches les caractéristiques suivantes :


    - Solide et robuste, avec un peu de souplesse type PETG ou Polycarbonate à priori, mais le transparent que j'ai à la fâcheuse tendance de sacrifier la souplesse et est cassant, donc j'ai du mal à juger ^^ Pas mal de vibration mais je ne sais vraiment pas caractériser ce que ça implique pour un matériau.

    - Résistant à des températures aussi élevées que possible (évidemment xD), disons minimum 85°C, et résistant si possible à des températures négatives type -20°C. Le tout sans être en charge, juste exposé à ces températures, que la part garde sa forme quoi.

    - Résistant à l'humidité, genre pas plongé dans l'eau, mais dans le compartiment d'un véhicule pendant quelques heures, à l'abri du capot, mais du coup bah il fait humide quoi 😛

    - Suffisamment inerte aux composants volatiles ou liquides que l'on peut retrouver dans un GMP : gaz d'échappement, huile, graisse. Ce point n'est pas primordial, je dirais, dans la mesure ou les gars feront attentions aux pièces proto, mais si un matériau qui coche toutes les cases a carrément l'habitude de prendre feu ou de tomber en poussière lorsqu'exposé à un tout petit peu de gaz d'hydrocarbure, bon, pas le meilleur candidat quoi.

    - Disposant idéalement d'un profil reconnu UltiMaker, mais bon, dernière des priorités je dirais.

    - Pas trop cher, autour des 50-60€ la bobine de 750g, pas des trucs exotiques vendu 80€ les 250g ^^

    - Aussi "facile" que possible d'impression, là aussi c'est une évidence, mais bon, du Polycarbonate ça passe quoi !

    - Et donc, pour le remettre, compatible d'un matériau support soluble, et qui soit moins propice au clogging que le PVA Ultimaker.


    J'ai l'impression que ça redirige pas mal vers du Polycarbonate (pas transparent...) mais je trouve très peu d'info sur la compatibilité d'un matériau support avec du PC. Ce n'est clairement pas le cas du PVA Ulti, ça, c'est sur.

    Probable que la matériau idéal ci-dessus n'existe pas, mais est-ce qu'il y en a un qui coche l'essentiel, a savoir température, robustesse (avec un peu de souplesse), pas trop cher et compatible d'un matériau support soluble, lui aussi pas trop cher ?


    Par avance merci !


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