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Everything posted by UM3prey

  1. Ok, i can confirm this issue. Using Gcode flavor "Ultimaker" and Printing via USB is causing the problems. Printing via SD-Card is fine. Using G-code flavor "Marlin" it is possible to print via USB with stock settings. But immedatly i encounterd two new issues: The Z-hight from bedleveling is not used properly, compared to "ultimaker" gcode the "marlin" is causing the nozzle to be around 0,2mm higher than it souhld be. Also the flow value is not correct and causes slight overextrusion, again everything with stock settings (100% Flow) and same printing profile for Ultkimaker and Marlin G-code is there a easy way to use at least the z-hight from bedleveling in Marlin G-code?
  2. Hi GR5, thanks a lot for your detailed reply! I used the stock settings in Cura for the ultimaker 2+, so g-code flavor is already (as you described) set to "Ultimaker". Maybe the problem originated from the USB print via cura, i will cross check with an SD card next. Probably i will switch to the Marlin flavored g-code as suggested, because i will need the remote control via USB anyway in the future... Thanks for clearing things up 🙂
  3. After bringing an long neglected UM 2+ back to life, i had the very unpleasent user experince of a complete dysfunctional sytem. Using the provided Ultimaker 2+ Profile in cura 4.13.1 and printing via USB the printer is not homing axes, is not prehating, not doing a primeblob, but immedeatly starts printing wherever ist is. Doing a automatic firmware update via cura did not changed anything, despite the firmware version (from 2.6.2 to current version) What is going on? Why are there Printer profiles provided without start/end scripts? Am i missing something here?
  4. Had the same problems and it´s very much a hardware thing only. The printcores are sometimes a little sticky and don´t settle completely in the "Z 0" position after nozzle swap. During normal operation this is no issue because the filament is pushing the printcore down into settled position. But during bed leveleing the filament is not pushing an you coud get a significant offset in nozzle hight. (around 0,15mm in my case) Especially the 3D Solex Hardcore Printcores are prone to this issue as they have much smaller tolerances. How to solve the problem with Manual Bed leveling: Start manual bed leveling an do as instructed until you reach the step were the nozzle is swapped to nozzle 2 now push down the printcore manually using the loaded filament -> relese tension wheel at the extruder and push filament firmly by hand alternatively push the printcore down from the front or top with a suitable tool (e.g. allen key) adjust the Z hight for nozzle 2 as instructed problem should be solved -> to check start the "nozzle XY calibration" which schould work now without nozzle 2 touching the buildplate Maybe ist also usefull to make sure Prointcore 1 is settletd completely bevor starting the bed adjusting, but interestingly i never had problems there... This should also work with active leveling, but i never tested it...
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