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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker S5

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  1. In the end the problem with the bed leveling failure had to do something with the material profile. In cura under preferences - materials - in the informations tab we ended up changing the Material type from 'Polymaker ASA' to 'ABS'. This alone somehow made the bed leveling sequence succeed without the printhead misaligning and bumping into the lever hook during it's last step of the bed leveling.
  2. Been in contact with support for a couple of days. Is it worth updating this post? If so: So far 2 options have been explored. (According to the log files the files that caused the specific issues were large in size because they were multiplied so much untill the printbed could be filled.) 1) downgrading the firmware version 8.2.1 to 8.2.0. I had high hopes for this simple solution because i never had issues with 8.2.0. Sadly this didn't fix the issue. 2) Doing a full printer recovery with a micro sd card with the img file (containing 8.2.0) provided by the support. Took some time + calibrating the printer again. Still this did not change the situation and the nozzle switch still hits the U shaped hook during the very last part of the bed leveling process. In last mail they forwared it to the product experts who will have a look into it.
  3. Did some more testing with cura 5.4 by exporting to a flashdrive instead of over cloud (which didn't made any difference) and observed every step it did. On the single color single part it all went fine. Then I tried doing the 2-material part which I multiplied 15x or more. first it correctly calibrates both nozzle by pushing them both against the glass plate (it switches between them without issue). Then it starts leveling the bed with the 1e nozzle correctly. Last it switches to the 2e nozzle to do the 3 point level thingy correctly. Now it totally gets lost. It moves back to the right side to lift the 2e nozzle but instead of aligning correctly it pushes the lever against the flat part of the U shaped lever grip instead of putting it right in between so it's not lifting the 2e nozzle at all. Then it starts printing with the 1e nozzle but at the previously mentioned 1mm above the bed again. Now to confirm all this I took the same 2-material part and started printing it just once, not multiplying it inside cura. This time it does everything correctly as before AND it correctly alligns the printhead and retracts the 2e nozzle as its last step before actually printing (perfect). I did the lift switch calibration under maintenance as well but that never made a difference. And small multi material prints worked fine nonetheless. I did bigger 2-material parts that i could multiply 3 times (2+ day print) to fill the bed before these prints without issue.
  4. The is a repost after deleting my previous post because I thought I was causing this issue myself by forgetting to fix the glass buildplate in place. In short we have a Ultimaker S5, currently using Cura 5.4 and switched to polymaker ASA not too long ago because of the 3kg+ spoolsizes which UM seemingly doesn't offer. We started having consistent printfails when we print bigger badges of smaller objects we multiplied x-times untill we can fill a full printbed. We start the print and after heating up, the printer is correctly doing its bedleveling sequence. But when it starts printing afterwards we notice it´s making spaghetti straight away because visually it's printing way too high above the bed. To us it looks like its printing about 1mm above the glass bed. Is this a 5.4 bug or is this a printer issue? After posting this I will downgrade Cura from 5.4 to 5.3 and see if this same issue happens again.
  5. @Dustin I see they simply removed this feature with firmware update 8.1.0. Since the analytics can't be found on the digital factory webpage, did they give any reasoning why they removed this useful feature??
  6. Hi, Before I often used the analytics page of our UM S5. Im pretty sure that was through connecting to the printer's IP. Now it's nowhere to be found. Not even on the digital factory. If this is gone this should be brought back. If it's still there I would like to know where to find it.
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