DidierKlein 729
Thanks for the compliments ^^
fix horribles might help for this kind of problem, the pack of spaghetti you had comes from that thin air!
Also, i notice you are using the latest Cura, be aware that it's a beta version that might have some bugs. Maybe you want to use a stable version (at least for long prints).
I usually use the 14.12 version which is quite good
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DidierKlein 729
Hi and welcome on the forum!
One good practise before launching a print is to look the layer view in Cura, this way you'll see what can potentially go wrong.
I think your problem comes from the model, did you play with the fix horrible settings in the expert window?
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MrNorm 0
You sir, are a legend! The layer view clearly shows the cut out section that got printed. It looks like the rest would have been in thin air, which probably caused all sorts of issues.
Not on this print. I've gone back to the simple slider, as that seems to produce the best prints for us.
I'll let you know how I get on!
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