I searched for z scars in the forum and am still not sure where the problem comes from exactly. even though most posts said to raise the Z speed.
My guess is that, it is due to extrudeing while moving in the z direction? or maybe leftover extrusion? in that case woudnt it be posible to move the head to the inner part of the model (if possible) and then lower the table?
correct me if Im wrong (which I most likly am ).
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Daid 306
First off, very nice model! And a great print already.
Most of the front "errors" are the Z scar, it's a bit hard to get rid off, but you can influence where it comes, right now it seems to origin around the front left corner of the machine, so you could rotate the model in a way so it's less of an issue. You could try the "Joris" setting, but that's not really designed for prints like this, but I've heard reports of people that it helped.
The insides of her legs and a few other 'blobs' are sort of what's left over of strings after the retraction. They should brush off with a knife.
The buttocs are slightly too much overhang I guess, that usually makes it look like this.
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