For the UM2, there is a gcode flavor setting in the Machine Settings on the Printers pane of the preferences.
Unfortunately the Machine Settings plugin is not yet compatible with the UM2+ so you cannot easily change the gcode flavor. This means you currently cannot use Cura 2.3.0 to print directly to the UM2+ over USB.
There is a workaround though. Copy and paste the following text into a file named "ultimaker2_plus_reprap.def.json" and place it in the resources/definitions folder inside the application folder. Next restart Cura and add a new printer of the type "Ultimaker 2+ (RepRap)". This printer will be able to print directly via USB (or to OctoPrint).
{ "id": "ultimaker2_plus_reprap", "version": 2, "name": "Ultimaker 2+ (RepRap)", "inherits": "ultimaker2_plus", "metadata": { "author": "Ultimaker", "manufacturer": "Ultimaker", "category": "Ultimaker", "quality_definition": "ultimaker2_plus", "weight": 2, "file_formats": "text/x-gcode", "platform": "ultimaker2_platform.obj", "platform_texture": "Ultimaker2Plusbackplate.png", "supported_actions":["UpgradeFirmware"] }, "overrides": { "machine_name": { "default_value": "Ultimaker 2+" }, "machine_start_gcode" : { "default_value": "", "value": "\"\" if machine_gcode_flavor == \"UltiGCode\" else \"G21 ;metric values\\nG90 ;absolute positioning\\nM82 ;set extruder to absolute mode\\nM107 ;start with the fan off\\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops\\nG28 Z0 ;move Z to bottom endstops\\nG0 X5 Y10 F7200 ;bring extruder to the front\\nG1 Z25.0 F7200 ;move the platform down 25mm\\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\\nG1 F200 E20 ;extrude 20 mm of feed stock\\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\\nG1 F7200\\n;Put printing message on LCD screen\\nM117 Printing...\"" }, "machine_end_gcode" : { "default_value": "", "value": "\"\" if machine_gcode_flavor == \"UltiGCode\" else \"M107 ;fans off\\nM104 S0 ;extruder heater off\\nM140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)\\nG21 ;metric values\\nG90 ;absolute positioning\\nG28 Z0 X0 Y0 ;move Z and X/Y to min endstops\\nG91 ;relative positioning\\nG1 E-15 F300 ;retract the filamen\\nM84 ;steppers off\\nG90 ;absolute positioning\"" }, "machine_gcode_flavor": { "default_value": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)" } }}
Edited by Guest
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ahoeben 2,011
If you want to print via USB, change gcode flavor to RepRap (Sprinter/Marlin) in Machine Settings
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r__t 0
What about if you are using v2.3?
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