tinkergnome 927
With the preconditions that you use Cura and UltiGCode and a recent firmware version:
The retraction settings are stored on the printer. If you haven't done it yet, you should check the settings of the currently selected material profile.
Material -> Settings -> Customize -> Retraction...
I assume, that the values of the stored retraction length and speeds are a bit weird...
During a print, you should be able to check the retraction settings in the "TUNE"-menu.
Longer explanation:
If you have imported the settings from the MATERIAL.TXT file... there seems to be an issue with the recent firmware version:
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jpnovmen 0
I have just tested another Formfutura material (Crystal Flex) and I have the same excessive retraction problem...
I don't really understand as this new material has completely different properties than ApolloX. Is is much more flexible and has a lower print temperature.
I have try it with the 0.4mm nozzle and it prints very easily, except for the retraction problem. Again, as with ApolloX, it makes a bad retraction even before starting the real printing: just after extruding the test material and before printing the skirt. And continues doing bad retractions for each programmed one.
Very disturbing...
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