I'm using a printer WASP, mod. Delta 2040 . I use Marlin firmware. Also my object is a n.10 faces-pyramid with a base of 29x29 mm and an height of 22 mm.
Something is not clear for me:
The jerk specifies the istantaneous rate reached from the printer before acceleration. Practically, jerk works when chaging speed or direction.
If the jer is 20mm/s and i'm working with a speed rate of 11.2 mm/s this means that the printer istantaneously reach 20 mm/s. If so there are two possibilities: 1. the printer decelerates from 20 to 11.2 mm/s; 2. the printer will move faster than expected behaviour.
In my test when I print at 11.2 mm/s I have an actual printing time of 152 s while the estimated time is of 240s.
What could be the reason ?
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robinmdh 100
No, since acceleration is taken into account and jerk as well actually (part of marlins motion planning is just ran on all the movements to calculate all that so I'd be surprised if jerk was removed from that checked with Tim(bagelorb)), the time estimates are within about 1~5% of error margin (for typical prints) except when heating up or cooling down printcores, as far as we've seen with the UM3.
The thing that's not taken into account is the weird little rounding errors and things that are actually bugs in marlin.
If you use a non marlin printer time estimates might be off more.
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