Did some Gcode file comparison in p4merge-app, between the files producing the two prints above (identical parts, but one with Brim and the other with Raft.) The Raft version stops after completion of layer 62, whilst the brim version keeps going to the correct end at 67. Strange enough, the Raft version claims to start at layer -9, but when completion of layer -6, it all of a sudden starts, in the same numbering as the brim-version, with layer 0 and so on.
There seem to be some mistake in the Cura produced gcode in my case here. Can anyone give me a hint on how to get past this issue?
Attaching the two Gcode files.
Hi, looking at recent commit logs, I think this has been fixed today so it should be in 2.6.
Hi, looking at recent commit logs, I think this has been fixed today so it should be in 2.6.
Hello, ok! That's great! Can only find 2.5xx though, maybe I'm missing a developer "daily" downloadable somewhere?
I was looking at the commit log of the CuraEngine master branch:
and more specifically:
I don't think pre-built versions of this are available yet but I guess 2.6 betas will arrive before too long.
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Flyhard 0
Tried a calibration dome, and it behaves great. However, trimming my part for testing of the errors region, it behaves wrong as described in this subject. Seem to be something in my stl geometry that Cura treats differently if it's with a raft or a brim.
Please see link to the trimmed problem part.
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