Thanks SandervG. It must have been cosmic circumstance that Backspace usually propels my posts to whirl forever in cyberspace The "tunnel" must be like the "toob" ex US president George W Bush was fond of calling the internet. Like those pneumatic message pipes they used to have in big department stores.
Is it true that a new forum is just around the corner?
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SandervG 1,521
Hi @Nzo, those are 2 different things I believe.
The 'remember me' checkbox remembers your details and logs you in automatically when you visit The data is stored via a cookie, so if you would delete your cookies, it would not be able to remember your credentials.
That you get logged out is related to something else. I forgot what it was called for a second, but IIRC when you visit a page while being logged in, a 'tunnel' is being created that ensures that your contribution to our site is yours alone, and no parties get in between and perhaps get access to your personal information. For security reasons there is usually a timer on this 'tunnel'.
I'm not exactly sure what causes it, either multiple tabs might overrule existing 'tunnels', the timer just exceeds or something else, but that you get logged out while 'posting your reply' i.e. refreshing the page, is when this tunnel no longer exists.
When you make a post to the forums and you get logged out, you can usually retrieve your message by pressing 'back'. Copy it, refresh the page and post again
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