awesome, I'll try that tonight. I was waiting for the stable version. Does it performs at least as well as 13.04?
awesome, I'll try that tonight. I was waiting for the stable version. Does it performs at least as well as 13.04?
I tried at work. Nice, sliced it in 5 minutes ! Looks like I'm not moving to kisslicer. It's predicting a 30h print :???: Never tried to print anything longer than 7 hours, wish me luck
Yes, I consider it as stable as the previous version. But at the same time I'm a bit careful in releasing it as "main" version. It has quite a few new things under the hood that could cause issues.
Cura 13.05 testing version .....
We've been using it on all our UM's ... haven't found a bug or glitch yet ...
just want to state once again what an awesome improvement Cura has undergone .... Kudos ....
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Daid 306
It's a 32bit application, which means it runs out of memory after consuming 2GB of memory. (The amount of memory is not only related to the amount of polygons, but also to the internal volume of the model)
Checkout the Cura BETA thread, it contains a link to the 13.05 testing versions, these are much more suited to slice large models. I've sliced things up to 3000 layers on 500k polygon models without issues.
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