Not to try and scare anyone, but I have experienced some glitches with my heater previously. I am not sure if they were a repG problem, or something else. Once the heater kept reporting about 40°, and I momentarily thought there was a problem with my heater. I heard some loudish snapping sounds and looked over to see a thin wisp of black smoke coming off the print head. :shock:
I also had the temperature reading jump all around like crazy a few times. One thing I have noticed however is that these glitches only have happened after stopping and restarting prints multiple times, and never happened randomly in the middle of a print. Restarting RepG fixed the errors each time. I have not experienced anything similar since using pronterface, but that does not necessarily mean anything.
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cyclone 0
I use LogMeIn. The free version is good enough for doing standard operations
on an Ultimaker. I have a webcam setup with the cam software up and the print
spooler software running as well. Frame rate is sluggish but I can see if a print
is running fine or has failed.
I can log in through my phone or another pc and hit stop at any time. Quite nice.
There are probably other remote login softwares that can do the same thing.
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