totally agree on wanting to have the windows as large as can be, but we have enough square windowed UM's sitting around for regular print-jobs.
This printer is primarily made to attract the attention of pedestrians passing by our shopwindow. It's goal is to show people that technology (and 3D printing) is not scary and can look a bit fun too (we're a fablab that aims to lower the technological threshold for people from all walks of life).
Hence the disney-ish frills ... for the serious, no-frills characters we have the plain-jane printers inside.
having said that, the side-by-side pic shows it sitting next to a heatbed-UM ... plenty of room to spare ....
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calinb 11
Very stylish and "Meet My Maker" is a clever addition! However, the frills in the wooden frame windows would only get in the way of some of my heated bed add-ons. I could work around them but, personally, I'd prefer to have the largest, cleanest windows possible for both my heated bed add-ons (wires, glass plate retention clips, etc.) and hand access to the space of the build volume while still maintaining the structural integrity of the frame (box).
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