Hey and greetings again...
do you have any news regarding the fixing of the automatic levelling problem?
I still don´t know what exactly is or could be wrong with the UM3... Can I take other steps to eliminate the printbed from stopping half way to the cores and then don´t even touching them? It is pretty sad that I can not use the printer anymore now for almost 3 weeks and there is no clue what I could do to search or narrow in the problem..
See you and have a nice easter holiday
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Trueblondegod 1
& video of my issue here...sounds the same as a few others. Check out the video... in the below link
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HaryPlotter 1
Hi Trueblondegod,
thank you for the post, but I don´t get the same error that you got. With mine it just sais that the printheads are too far of (exeeds limit), but the printbed stops two times (once in the middle before the printheads moove and then before even touching the coretips so there must be somethine else wrong)... I´ld love to show you the vid, but I don´t get to upload .mp4-Files here...
The second thread was exactly, what I thought too, but the cables are attached to the board so this won´t be the problem either... only if the sensors have a defect. I have a capacitor-meter but I would need some advice on how to read them propperly (e.g. if the machine is runnig, or even doing a leveling test... in this case I would have to dismount them and test them but again this is a moving machine so I would need exact help to be able to execute this kind of a test.) Maybe someone of you already did it and can tell me which contacts to test and what the meter should read at each point.
That would at least eliminate the problem of not knowing if the sensors would be defective..
Thanks for any further advice and have a good week.
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