Thanks for answering, nallath.
I ended up doing this to create a cube that touches the buildplate:
s = size / 2 dtb = distance_to_buildplate verts = [ # 6 faces with 4 corners each [-s, -dtb, s], [-s, s, s], [ s, s, s], [ s, -dtb, s], # a = x-yz [-s, s, -s], [-s, -dtb, -s], [ s, -dtb, -s], [ s, s, -s], # b = x+yz [ s, -dtb, -s], [-s, -dtb, -s], [-s, -dtb, s], [ s, -dtb, s], # c = xy-z [-s, s, -s], [ s, s, -s], [ s, s, s], [-s, s, s], # d = xy+z [-s, -dtb, s], [-s, -dtb, -s], [-s, s, -s], [-s, s, s], # e = +xyz [ s, -dtb, -s], [ s, -dtb, s], [ s, s, s], [ s, s, -s] # f = -xyz ]
where "distance_to_buildplate" is the position in the Y axis of the cube when you click on the model, which is the same thing as the distance from the cube the ground.
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nallath 1,125
There are two things you can do; You can either create longer squares with the MeshBuilder and move them down a bit (since they are places based on their center) or you can scale the model (check the setScale function of the SceneNode that contains the meshdata)
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