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Posted · Cura won't slice anything!

So after a long time I instaled Cura 4.0 and tried slicing something , but the progress bar just won't advance , it did not work in 3.6 either.
Here is a log file :

2019-04-19 16:57:08,328 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin FileLogger
2019-04-19 16:57:08,360 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin FirmwareUpdateChecker
2019-04-19 16:57:08,391 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin FirmwareUpdater
2019-04-19 16:57:08,407 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeGzReader
2019-04-19 16:57:08,422 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeGzWriter
2019-04-19 16:57:08,453 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeProfileReader
2019-04-19 16:57:08,485 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeReader
2019-04-19 16:57:08,516 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeWriter
2019-04-19 16:57:08,532 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin ImageReader
2019-04-19 16:57:08,563 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin LegacyProfileReader
2019-04-19 16:57:08,578 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin LocalContainerProvider
2019-04-19 16:57:08,610 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin LocalFileOutputDevice
2019-04-19 16:57:08,625 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin MachineSettingsAction
2019-04-19 16:57:08,641 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin ModelChecker
2019-04-19 16:57:08,672 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin MonitorStage
2019-04-19 16:57:08,688 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Preferences.getValue [97]: Tried to get the value of non-existing setting cura/active_mode.
2019-04-19 16:57:08,703 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PerObjectSettingsTool
2019-04-19 16:57:08,735 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PostProcessingPlugin
2019-04-19 16:57:08,750 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PrepareStage
2019-04-19 16:57:08,766 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PreviewStage
2019-04-19 16:57:08,797 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin RemovableDriveOutputDevice
2019-04-19 16:57:08,844 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SimulationView
2019-04-19 16:57:08,875 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SliceInfoPlugin
2019-04-19 16:57:08,907 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SolidView
2019-04-19 16:57:08,922 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SupportEraser
2019-04-19 16:57:08,969 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.OAuth2.AuthorizationService.getAccessToken [106]: No auth data to retrieve the access_token from
2019-04-19 16:57:08,985 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin Toolbox
2019-04-19 16:57:09,000 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin CameraTool
2019-04-19 16:57:09,032 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin MirrorTool
2019-04-19 16:57:09,063 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin RotateTool
2019-04-19 16:57:09,094 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin ScaleTool
2019-04-19 16:57:09,125 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SelectionTool
2019-04-19 16:57:09,157 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin TranslateTool
2019-04-19 16:57:09,203 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UFPWriter
2019-04-19 16:57:09,235 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UltimakerMachineActions
2019-04-19 16:57:09,453 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onLoginStateChanged [57]: Log in state changed to False
2019-04-19 16:57:09,453 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onGetRemoteClustersFinished [80]: Parsed remote clusters to []
2019-04-19 16:57:09,453 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onGetRemoteClustersFinished [81]: Removed: 0, added: 0, updates: 0
2019-04-19 16:57:09,453 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UM3NetworkPrinting
2019-04-19 16:57:09,485 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UpdateChecker
2019-04-19 16:57:09,500 - INFO - [Thread-2] UpdateChecker.UpdateCheckerJob.run [36]: Checking for new version of cura
2019-04-19 16:57:09,563 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin USBPrinting
2019-04-19 16:57:09,594 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UserAgreement
2019-04-19 16:57:09,641 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade21to22
2019-04-19 16:57:09,657 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade22to24
2019-04-19 16:57:09,688 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade25to26
2019-04-19 16:57:09,719 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade26to27
2019-04-19 16:57:09,750 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade27to30
2019-04-19 16:57:09,782 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade30to31
2019-04-19 16:57:09,813 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade32to33
2019-04-19 16:57:09,844 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade33to34
2019-04-19 16:57:09,875 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade34to35
2019-04-19 16:57:09,891 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade35to40
2019-04-19 16:57:09,922 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SimpleView
2019-04-19 16:57:09,969 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin X3DReader
2019-04-19 16:57:10,016 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin XmlMaterialProfile
2019-04-19 16:57:10,047 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin XRayView
2019-04-19 16:57:10,078 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager.upgrade [143]: Looking for old configuration files to upgrade.
2019-04-19 16:57:10,078 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 16:57:10,094 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 16:57:10,094 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 16:57:10,094 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 16:57:10,110 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 16:57:10,110 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 16:57:10,125 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 16:57:10,125 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 16:57:10,125 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 16:57:10,141 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 16:57:10,141 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 16:57:10,141 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 16:57:10,157 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 16:57:10,157 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 16:57:10,172 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 16:57:10,172 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 16:57:10,172 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.startSplashWindowPhase [198]: The preferences file cannot be found, will use default values
2019-04-19 16:57:10,188 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._onSocketError [213]: Socket was unable to bind to port, increasing port number to 49675
2019-04-19 16:57:10,188 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 16:57:10,188 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 16:57:10,203 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 16:57:10,203 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.startSplashWindowPhase [207]: The preferences file 'None' cannot be found, will use default values
2019-04-19 16:57:10,391 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 16:57:10,407 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 16:57:10,407 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 16:57:10,453 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 16:57:10,469 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 16:57:10,469 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 16:57:10,469 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 16:57:10,485 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 16:57:10,485 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 16:57:10,485 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 16:57:10,485 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 16:57:10,500 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 16:57:10,500 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 16:57:10,500 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 16:57:10,516 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 16:57:10,516 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 16:57:10,516 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 16:57:10,516 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 16:57:10,532 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 16:57:13,235 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.loadAllMetadata [338]: Loading metadata into container registry took 2.8125009536743164 seconds
2019-04-19 16:57:13,360 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Scene.CuraSceneController.setActiveBuildPlate [104]: Select build plate: 0
2019-04-19 16:57:13,375 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [695]: Initializing variant manager
2019-04-19 16:57:13,375 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.VariantManager.initialize [59]: Exclude variant [empty_variant]
2019-04-19 16:57:13,391 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container ultimaker_s5_glass
2019-04-19 16:57:13,391 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [ultimaker_s5_glass] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:13,391 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container ultimaker_s5
2019-04-19 16:57:13,469 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [ultimaker_s5] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:13,469 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container ultimaker_s5_aluminum
2019-04-19 16:57:13,485 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [ultimaker_s5_aluminum] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:13,485 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [699]: Initializing material manager
2019-04-19 16:57:13,657 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [704]: Initializing quality manager
2019-04-19 16:57:13,672 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 16:57:13,672 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [709]: Initializing machine manager
2019-04-19 16:57:13,688 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [712]: Initializing container manager
2019-04-19 16:57:13,688 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [715]: Initializing machine error checker
2019-04-19 16:57:15,015 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin._createView [280]: Creating post processing plugin view.
2019-04-19 16:57:15,031 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: BQ_PauseAtHeight
2019-04-19 16:57:15,031 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: ChangeAtZ
2019-04-19 16:57:15,031 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: DisplayFilenameAndLayerOnLCD
2019-04-19 16:57:15,031 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: FilamentChange
2019-04-19 16:57:15,046 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: PauseAtHeight
2019-04-19 16:57:15,046 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: PauseAtHeightRepRapFirmwareDuet
2019-04-19 16:57:15,046 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: PauseAtHeightforRepetier
2019-04-19 16:57:15,046 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: SearchAndReplace
2019-04-19 16:57:15,062 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: Stretch
2019-04-19 16:57:15,187 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.load [158]: Loading theme file: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\themes\cura-light\theme.json
2019-04-19 16:57:15,296 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.load [230]: Loaded theme C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\themes\cura-light
2019-04-19 16:57:15,390 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin._createView [290]: Post processing view created.
2019-04-19 16:57:15,609 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.getImage [133]: No image header_pattern defined in Theme
2019-04-19 16:57:15,624 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.BuildPlateModel._update [33]: Updating BuildPlateModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:16,624 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:16,796 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/SettingsMenu.qml:23:20: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 16:57:16,796 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:17:39: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 16:57:16,796 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:16:44: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 16:57:16,796 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/SettingsMenu.qml:43: TypeError: Cannot read property 'isEnabled' of null
2019-04-19 16:57:16,812 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/SettingsMenu.qml:50: TypeError: Cannot read property 'isEnabled' of null
2019-04-19 16:57:16,812 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/SettingsMenu.qml:19: TypeError: Cannot read property 'extruderList' of null
2019-04-19 16:57:16,827 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.DiscoverUM3Action._createAdditionalComponentsView [196]: Creating additional ui components for UM3.
2019-04-19 16:57:16,874 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.DiscoverUM3Action.startDiscovery [47]: Starting device discovery.
2019-04-19 16:57:16,983 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Controller.setActiveStage [159]: Setting active stage to PrepareStage
2019-04-19 16:57:17,146 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:17,192 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:17:39: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 16:57:17,196 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:16:44: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 16:57:17,278 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/PrepareStage/PrepareMain.qml:16:5: QML ActionPanelWidget: Binding loop detected for property "width"
2019-04-19 16:57:17,283 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Controller.setActiveView [92]: Setting active view to SolidView
2019-04-19 16:57:17,286 - DEBUG - [MainThread] ModelChecker.ModelChecker._createView [103]: Creating model checker view.
2019-04-19 16:57:17,300 - DEBUG - [MainThread] ModelChecker.ModelChecker._createView [112]: Model checker view created.
2019-04-19 16:57:17,302 - DEBUG - [MainThread] SliceInfoPlugin.SliceInfo._createDialog [82]: Creating dialog [MoreInfoWindow.qml]
2019-04-19 16:57:17,374 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [747]: Booting Cura took 10.725345849990845 seconds
2019-04-19 16:57:17,469 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [61]: Updating QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:17,474 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [66]: No active GlobalStack, set quality profile model as empty.
2019-04-19 16:57:17,479 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [15]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:17,484 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [20]: No active GlobalStack, set CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel as empty.
2019-04-19 16:57:17,759 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtRenderer._initialize [183]: Support for Vertex Array Objects: True
2019-04-19 16:57:17,776 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [99]: Initialized OpenGL subsystems.
2019-04-19 16:57:17,781 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [100]: OpenGL Version:  3.3.0
2019-04-19 16:57:17,785 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [101]: OpenGL Vendor:   NVIDIA Corporation
2019-04-19 16:57:17,790 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [102]: OpenGL Renderer: GeForce 9500 GT/PCIe/SSE2
2019-04-19 16:57:17,794 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\default.shader]...
2019-04-19 16:57:17,802 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\selection.shader]...
2019-04-19 16:57:17,809 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\default.shader]...
2019-04-19 16:57:17,816 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\composite.shader]...
2019-04-19 16:57:17,824 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\overhang.shader]...
2019-04-19 16:57:17,832 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\striped.shader]...
2019-04-19 16:57:17,840 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\transparent_object.shader]...
2019-04-19 16:57:17,848 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\striped.shader]...
2019-04-19 16:57:17,856 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\platform.shader]...
2019-04-19 16:57:25,360 - INFO - [MainThread] UserAgreement.UserAgreement.didAgree [35]: User agreed to the user agreement
2019-04-19 16:57:31,081 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10
2019-04-19 16:57:31,159 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,206 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [Creality CR-10_settings] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,222 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [Creality CR-10_user] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,222 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0
2019-04-19 16:57:31,222 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,222 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container generic_pla_175
2019-04-19 16:57:31,237 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_imade3d_jellybox] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,253 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,253 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm_2-fans] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,253 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,269 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.25mm_thermoplastic_extruder] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,269 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.4mm_thermoplastic_extruder] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,269 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.8mm_thermoplastic_extruder] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,284 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,331 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_settings] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,331 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_user] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,347 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [136]: Extruder[creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] added to [Creality CR-10] at position [0]
2019-04-19 16:57:31,347 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:17:39: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 16:57:31,347 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:17:39: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 16:57:31,362 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,362 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [375]: Container with ID creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2 was already added.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,362 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container draft
2019-04-19 16:57:31,378 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [draft] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,378 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [Creality CR-10] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,378 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.MachineActionManager.addDefaultMachineActions [72]: Default machine actions added for machine definition [creality_cr10]
2019-04-19 16:57:31,394 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container fdmprinter
2019-04-19 16:57:31,472 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [fdmprinter] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,487 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] [ERROR] Could not connect to the given address
2019-04-19 16:57:31,519 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:16:44: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 16:57:31,519 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:17:39: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 16:57:31,519 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:17:39: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 16:57:31,534 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:17:39: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 16:57:31,550 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.UM3OutputDevicePlugin.checkCloudFlowIsPossible [412]: Checking if cloud connection is possible...
2019-04-19 16:57:31,550 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.UM3OutputDevicePlugin.checkCloudFlowIsPossible [435]: Cloud Flow not possible: User not logged in!
2019-04-19 16:57:31,721 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/SettingsMenu.qml:50: TypeError: Cannot read property 'isEnabled' of null
2019-04-19 16:57:31,726 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/SettingsMenu.qml:43: TypeError: Cannot read property 'isEnabled' of null
2019-04-19 16:57:31,731 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:16:44: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 16:57:31,736 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:17:39: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 16:57:31,741 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,803 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:16:44: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 16:57:31,854 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.BuildPlateModel._update [33]: Updating BuildPlateModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,859 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,864 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,869 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:31,921 - WARNING - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [132]: Extruder [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] has already been added to this stack [Creality CR-10]
2019-04-19 16:57:31,926 - WARNING - [MainThread] cura.Settings.ExtruderManager.registerExtruder [169]: Extruder [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] has already been registered on machine [Creality CR-10], not doing anything
2019-04-19 16:57:31,990 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._initMachineState [337]: Machine 'Creality CR-10' quality set to 'draft'
2019-04-19 16:57:31,997 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/SettingsMenu.qml:50: TypeError: Cannot read property 'isEnabled' of null
2019-04-19 16:57:32,002 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/SettingsMenu.qml:43: TypeError: Cannot read property 'isEnabled' of null
2019-04-19 16:57:32,007 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:16:44: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 16:57:32,012 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Menus/MaterialMenu.qml:17:39: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 16:57:32,018 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:32,126 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.BuildPlateModel._update [33]: Updating BuildPlateModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:32,131 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:32,136 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:32,142 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:32,154 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:32,456 - INFO - [MainThread] FirmwareUpdateChecker.FirmwareUpdateChecker.checkFirmwareVersion [76]: No machine with name Creality CR-10 in list of firmware to check.
2019-04-19 16:57:32,461 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onBackendQuit [811]: Backend quit with return code 0. Resetting process and socket.
2019-04-19 16:57:32,592 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 16:57:32,621 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [61]: Updating QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:32,623 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container coarse
2019-04-19 16:57:32,631 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [coarse] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:32,668 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container extra_coarse
2019-04-19 16:57:32,676 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [extra_coarse] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:32,714 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container fast
2019-04-19 16:57:32,722 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [fast] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:32,808 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container high
2019-04-19 16:57:32,816 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [high] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:32,858 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container normal
2019-04-19 16:57:32,993 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [normal] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:32,995 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container extra_fast
2019-04-19 16:57:33,003 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [extra_fast] added.
2019-04-19 16:57:33,055 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [15]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:33,060 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.getQualityChangesGroups [179]: Cannot find node for machine def [fdmprinter] in QualityChanges lookup table
2019-04-19 16:57:33,065 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MaterialManager._updateMaps [279]: Updating material lookup data ...
2019-04-19 16:57:33,132 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1270]: Updating quality/quality_changes due to material change
2019-04-19 16:57:33,138 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1277]: Current quality type = [draft]
2019-04-19 16:57:33,142 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1291]: Current available quality type [draft] is available, applying changes.
2019-04-19 16:57:33,219 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 16:57:33,412 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\default.shader]...
2019-04-19 16:57:33,419 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\grid.shader]...
2019-04-19 16:57:33,827 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._checkStack [140]: Need to check for errors again. Discard the current progress and reschedule a check.
2019-04-19 16:57:33,885 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [61]: Updating QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:33,910 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [15]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:33,915 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.getQualityChangesGroups [179]: Cannot find node for machine def [fdmprinter] in QualityChanges lookup table
2019-04-19 16:57:33,921 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 16:57:33,981 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._checkStack [140]: Need to check for errors again. Discard the current progress and reschedule a check.
2019-04-19 16:57:34,550 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 16:57:34,669 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 16:57:34,674 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [61]: Updating QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:34,695 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [15]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 16:57:34,699 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.getQualityChangesGroups [179]: Cannot find node for machine def [fdmprinter] in QualityChanges lookup table
2019-04-19 16:57:36,637 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 2.0s
2019-04-19 16:57:43,980 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 16:57:58,205 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 16:57:59,325 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 1.1s
2019-04-19 16:58:08,085 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 16:58:09,096 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 16:58:10,466 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 1.4s
2019-04-19 16:58:18,974 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:01:51,278 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:01:57,921 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry._populateMetaData [604]: Could not find plugin global_stack
2019-04-19 17:01:57,930 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry._populateMetaData [604]: Could not find plugin extruder_stack
2019-04-19 17:01:57,952 - WARNING - [MainThread] cura.Settings.ContainerManager.getContainerMetaDataEntry [65]: Could not get metadata of container Unknown because it was not found.
2019-04-19 17:01:58,189 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Preferences/Materials/MaterialsBrandSection.qml:97:5: QML Column: Binding loop detected for property "height"
2019-04-19 17:01:58,311 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Preferences/Materials/MaterialsPage.qml:236:13: QML MaterialsList: Binding loop detected for property "height"
2019-04-19 17:01:58,317 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Preferences/Materials/MaterialsList.qml:135:5: QML Column: Binding loop detected for property "height"
2019-04-19 17:02:00,831 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityManagementModel._update [38]: Updating QualityManagementModel.
2019-04-19 17:02:00,847 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.getQualityChangesGroups [179]: Cannot find node for machine def [fdmprinter] in QualityChanges lookup table
2019-04-19 17:02:00,971 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualitySettingsModel._update [73]: Updating QualitySettingsModel.
2019-04-19 17:02:00,976 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualitySettingsModel._update [73]: Updating QualitySettingsModel.
2019-04-19 17:02:01,091 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualitySettingsModel._update [73]: Updating QualitySettingsModel.
2019-04-19 17:02:08,211 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:02:17,265 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Settings.CuraContainerRegistry.importProfile [168]: Attempting to import profile C:/Users/andre/Desktop/PETG.curaprofile
2019-04-19 17:02:17,328 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_petg] added.
2019-04-19 17:02:17,343 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0_petg] added.
2019-04-19 17:02:17,766 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 17:02:17,773 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityManagementModel._update [38]: Updating QualityManagementModel.
2019-04-19 17:02:17,784 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualitySettingsModel._update [73]: Updating QualitySettingsModel.
2019-04-19 17:02:17,888 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [61]: Updating QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:02:17,987 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [15]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:02:23,177 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Settings.CuraContainerRegistry.importProfile [168]: Attempting to import profile C:/Users/andre/Desktop/PLA.curaprofile
2019-04-19 17:02:23,224 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_pla] added.
2019-04-19 17:02:23,255 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0_pla] added.
2019-04-19 17:02:23,607 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 17:02:23,612 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityManagementModel._update [38]: Updating QualityManagementModel.
2019-04-19 17:02:23,620 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualitySettingsModel._update [73]: Updating QualitySettingsModel.
2019-04-19 17:02:23,718 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [61]: Updating QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:02:23,834 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [15]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:02:27,377 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:02:28,133 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Settings.CuraContainerRegistry.importProfile [168]: Attempting to import profile C:/Users/andre/Desktop/Polyflex.curaprofile
2019-04-19 17:02:28,164 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_polyflex] added.
2019-04-19 17:02:28,195 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0_polyflex] added.
2019-04-19 17:02:28,559 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 17:02:28,565 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityManagementModel._update [38]: Updating QualityManagementModel.
2019-04-19 17:02:28,573 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualitySettingsModel._update [73]: Updating QualitySettingsModel.
2019-04-19 17:02:28,670 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [61]: Updating QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:02:28,790 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [15]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:02:33,314 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:02:33,335 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [61]: Updating QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:02:33,353 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [15]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:02:35,370 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 2.0s
2019-04-19 17:02:48,842 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:04:55,605 - INFO - [Thread-1] STLReader.STLReader.load_file [46]: Using NumPy-STL to load STL data.
2019-04-19 17:04:55,615 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] UM.Mesh.MeshData.calculateNormalsFromVertices [444]: Calculating normals took 0.0009968280792236328 seconds
2019-04-19 17:04:55,616 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] STLReader.STLReader._read [97]: Loaded a mesh with 11556 vertices
2019-04-19 17:04:55,637 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [401]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.01399993896484375 seconds. 208 input vertices. 208 output vertices.
2019-04-19 17:04:55,723 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] UM.FileHandler.ReadFileJob.run [69]: Loading file took 0.1 seconds
2019-04-19 17:04:55,750 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [401]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.023181915283203125 seconds. 208 input vertices. 208 output vertices.
2019-04-19 17:04:55,816 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [per_object_stack_1854010908624] added.
2019-04-19 17:04:55,861 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\transparent_object.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:04:56,640 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\toolhandle.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:05:01,427 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [228]: Starting to slice...
2019-04-19 17:05:01,427 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [246]: Going to slice build plate [0]!
2019-04-19 17:05:01,427 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:05:01,537 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:05:01,646 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:05:01,662 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:05:01,719 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:05:01,782 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:05:01,860 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:05:01,938 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:05:01,985 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:05:02,047 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:05:02,110 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:05:02,172 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:05:02,235 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:05:02,266 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:05:02,266 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:05:02,282 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:05:02,282 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:05:02,297 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:05:02,297 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:05:02,297 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:05:02,727 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onStartSliceCompleted [432]: Sending slice message took 1.2998261451721191 seconds
2019-04-19 17:05:05,376 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/RoundedRectangle.qml:68: TypeError: Cannot read property of null
2019-04-19 17:05:10,533 - INFO - [MainThread] Toolbox.src.Toolbox._makeRequestByType [553]: Requesting packages metadata from server.
2019-04-19 17:05:11,675 - INFO - [MainThread] Toolbox.src.Toolbox._makeRequestByType [553]: Requesting authors metadata from server.
2019-04-19 17:05:11,675 - DEBUG - [MainThread] Toolbox.src.Toolbox._createDialog [225]: Marketplace: Creating dialog [Toolbox.qml].
2019-04-19 17:05:13,299 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/qml/QtQuick/Controls/ScrollView.qml:234:9: QML Binding: Binding loop detected for property "value"
2019-04-19 17:05:15,359 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:05:22,727 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] [ERROR] Could not connect to the given address
2019-04-19 17:05:22,827 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onBackendQuit [811]: Backend quit with return code 0. Resetting process and socket.
2019-04-19 17:05:44,406 - INFO - [MainThread] Toolbox.src.Toolbox.startDownload [562]: Attempting to download & install package from https://api.ultimaker.com/cura-packages/v1/cura/v6.0.0/packages/OrientationPlugin/download.
2019-04-19 17:05:45,059 - INFO - [MainThread] Toolbox.src.Toolbox._onDownloadComplete [680]: Download complete.
2019-04-19 17:05:45,064 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.PackageManager.getPackageInfo [430]: Found potential package.json file '/package.json'
2019-04-19 17:05:45,070 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.PackageManager.getPackageLicense [455]: Found potential license file '/files/plugins/OrientationPlugin/LICENSE'
2019-04-19 17:05:46,555 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.PackageManager.getPackageInfo [430]: Found potential package.json file '/package.json'
2019-04-19 17:05:46,555 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PackageManager.installPackage [303]: Package [OrientationPlugin] version [3.2.1] is scheduled to be installed.
2019-04-19 17:05:46,571 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PackageManager._saveManagementData [168]: Package management file C:\Users\andre\AppData\Roaming\cura\4.0\packages.json was saved
2019-04-19 17:05:53,283 - INFO - [MainThread] Toolbox.src.Toolbox.startDownload [562]: Attempting to download & install package from https://api.ultimaker.com/cura-packages/v1/cura/v6.0.0/packages/CustomSupports/download.
2019-04-19 17:05:53,619 - INFO - [MainThread] Toolbox.src.Toolbox._onDownloadComplete [680]: Download complete.
2019-04-19 17:05:53,625 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.PackageManager.getPackageInfo [430]: Found potential package.json file '/package.json'
2019-04-19 17:05:53,631 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.PackageManager.getPackageLicense [455]: Found potential license file '/files/plugins/CustomSupports/LICENSE'
2019-04-19 17:05:54,869 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.PackageManager.getPackageInfo [430]: Found potential package.json file '/package.json'
2019-04-19 17:05:54,869 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PackageManager.installPackage [303]: Package [CustomSupports] version [0.0.4] is scheduled to be installed.
2019-04-19 17:05:54,885 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PackageManager._saveManagementData [168]: Package management file C:\Users\andre\AppData\Roaming\cura\4.0\packages.json was saved
2019-04-19 17:06:05,968 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/Toolbox/resources/qml/SmallRatingWidget.qml:27: TypeError: Cannot read property 'average_rating' of null
2019-04-19 17:06:05,973 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/Toolbox/resources/qml/SmallRatingWidget.qml:17: TypeError: Cannot read property 'user_rating' of null
2019-04-19 17:06:05,978 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/Toolbox/resources/qml/SmallRatingWidget.qml:10: TypeError: Cannot read property 'average_rating' of null
2019-04-19 17:06:05,982 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/Toolbox/resources/qml/ToolboxDetailPage.qml:140: TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of null
2019-04-19 17:06:05,987 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/Toolbox/resources/qml/ToolboxDetailPage.qml:141: TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of null
2019-04-19 17:06:05,992 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/Toolbox/resources/qml/ToolboxDetailPage.qml:142: TypeError: Cannot read property 'user_rating' of null
2019-04-19 17:06:05,996 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/Toolbox/resources/qml/ToolboxDetailPage.qml:143: TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of null
2019-04-19 17:06:06,001 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/Toolbox/resources/qml/SmallRatingWidget.qml:27: TypeError: Cannot read property 'average_rating' of null
2019-04-19 17:06:06,006 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/Toolbox/resources/qml/SmallRatingWidget.qml:17: TypeError: Cannot read property 'user_rating' of null
2019-04-19 17:06:06,010 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/Toolbox/resources/qml/SmallRatingWidget.qml:10: TypeError: Cannot read property 'average_rating' of null
2019-04-19 17:06:06,015 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/Toolbox/resources/qml/ToolboxAuthorPage.qml:136: TypeError: Cannot read property 'email' of null
2019-04-19 17:06:06,020 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/Toolbox/resources/qml/ToolboxAuthorPage.qml:119: TypeError: Cannot read property 'website' of null
2019-04-19 17:06:06,024 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/Toolbox/resources/qml/ToolboxAuthorPage.qml:67: TypeError: Cannot read property 'description' of null
2019-04-19 17:06:06,029 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/Toolbox/resources/qml/ToolboxAuthorPage.qml:57: TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of null
2019-04-19 17:06:06,034 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/Toolbox/resources/qml/ToolboxAuthorPage.qml:34: TypeError: Cannot read property 'icon_url' of null
2019-04-19 17:07:16,469 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.TaskManagement.OnExitCallbackManager.triggerNextCallback [51]: No more on-app-exit callbacks to process. Tell the app to exit.
2019-04-19 17:07:16,469 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.closeApplication [547]: Close application
2019-04-19 17:07:16,535 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.windowClosed [417]: Shutting down cura
2019-04-19 17:07:16,661 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:07:29,549 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin FileLogger
2019-04-19 17:07:29,580 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin FirmwareUpdateChecker
2019-04-19 17:07:29,596 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin FirmwareUpdater
2019-04-19 17:07:29,627 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeGzReader
2019-04-19 17:07:29,643 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeGzWriter
2019-04-19 17:07:29,658 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeProfileReader
2019-04-19 17:07:29,705 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeReader
2019-04-19 17:07:29,721 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeWriter
2019-04-19 17:07:29,752 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin ImageReader
2019-04-19 17:07:29,768 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin LegacyProfileReader
2019-04-19 17:07:29,799 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin LocalContainerProvider
2019-04-19 17:07:29,815 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin LocalFileOutputDevice
2019-04-19 17:07:29,846 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin MachineSettingsAction
2019-04-19 17:07:29,862 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin ModelChecker
2019-04-19 17:07:29,893 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin MonitorStage
2019-04-19 17:07:29,924 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PerObjectSettingsTool
2019-04-19 17:07:29,940 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PostProcessingPlugin
2019-04-19 17:07:29,971 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PrepareStage
2019-04-19 17:07:29,987 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PreviewStage
2019-04-19 17:07:30,018 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin RemovableDriveOutputDevice
2019-04-19 17:07:30,065 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SimulationView
2019-04-19 17:07:30,107 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SliceInfoPlugin
2019-04-19 17:07:30,125 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SolidView
2019-04-19 17:07:30,156 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SupportEraser
2019-04-19 17:07:30,203 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.OAuth2.AuthorizationService.getAccessToken [106]: No auth data to retrieve the access_token from
2019-04-19 17:07:30,203 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin Toolbox
2019-04-19 17:07:30,234 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin CameraTool
2019-04-19 17:07:30,281 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin MirrorTool
2019-04-19 17:07:30,320 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin RotateTool
2019-04-19 17:07:30,369 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin ScaleTool
2019-04-19 17:07:30,390 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SelectionTool
2019-04-19 17:07:30,421 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin TranslateTool
2019-04-19 17:07:30,468 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UFPWriter
2019-04-19 17:07:30,513 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UltimakerMachineActions
2019-04-19 17:07:30,752 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onLoginStateChanged [57]: Log in state changed to False
2019-04-19 17:07:30,752 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onGetRemoteClustersFinished [80]: Parsed remote clusters to []
2019-04-19 17:07:30,752 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onGetRemoteClustersFinished [81]: Removed: 0, added: 0, updates: 0
2019-04-19 17:07:30,752 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UM3NetworkPrinting
2019-04-19 17:07:30,799 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UpdateChecker
2019-04-19 17:07:30,799 - INFO - [Thread-2] UpdateChecker.UpdateCheckerJob.run [36]: Checking for new version of cura
2019-04-19 17:07:30,882 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin USBPrinting
2019-04-19 17:07:30,914 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UserAgreement
2019-04-19 17:07:30,947 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade21to22
2019-04-19 17:07:30,978 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade22to24
2019-04-19 17:07:31,025 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade25to26
2019-04-19 17:07:31,077 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade26to27
2019-04-19 17:07:31,121 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade27to30
2019-04-19 17:07:31,164 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade30to31
2019-04-19 17:07:31,205 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade32to33
2019-04-19 17:07:31,244 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade33to34
2019-04-19 17:07:31,298 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade34to35
2019-04-19 17:07:31,361 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade35to40
2019-04-19 17:07:31,428 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SimpleView
2019-04-19 17:07:31,508 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin X3DReader
2019-04-19 17:07:31,609 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin XmlMaterialProfile
2019-04-19 17:07:31,672 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin XRayView
2019-04-19 17:07:31,721 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin CustomSupports
2019-04-19 17:07:31,789 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin OrientationPlugin
2019-04-19 17:07:31,830 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager.upgrade [143]: Looking for old configuration files to upgrade.
2019-04-19 17:07:31,898 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:07:31,904 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:07:31,934 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:07:31,934 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:07:31,966 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:07:31,966 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:07:32,065 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:07:32,068 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:07:32,110 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:07:32,116 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:07:32,156 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:07:32,163 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:07:32,204 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:07:32,210 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:07:32,254 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:07:32,260 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:07:32,389 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._onSocketError [213]: Socket was unable to bind to port, increasing port number to 49675
2019-04-19 17:07:32,394 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:07:32,400 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:07:32,406 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:07:32,636 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:07:32,636 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:07:32,652 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:07:32,746 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:07:32,751 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:07:32,756 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:07:32,761 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:07:32,766 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:07:32,771 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:07:32,777 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:07:32,783 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:07:32,788 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:07:32,793 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:07:32,796 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:07:32,796 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:07:32,796 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:07:32,811 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:07:32,811 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:07:32,811 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:07:36,698 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.loadAllMetadata [338]: Loading metadata into container registry took 4.042280912399292 seconds
2019-04-19 17:07:36,860 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Scene.CuraSceneController.setActiveBuildPlate [104]: Select build plate: 0
2019-04-19 17:07:36,865 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [695]: Initializing variant manager
2019-04-19 17:07:36,873 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container ultimaker_s5_aluminum
2019-04-19 17:07:36,881 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [ultimaker_s5_aluminum] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:36,882 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container ultimaker_s5
2019-04-19 17:07:37,058 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [ultimaker_s5] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,087 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container ultimaker_s5_glass
2019-04-19 17:07:37,117 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [ultimaker_s5_glass] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,128 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.VariantManager.initialize [59]: Exclude variant [empty_variant]
2019-04-19 17:07:37,134 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [699]: Initializing material manager
2019-04-19 17:07:37,265 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [704]: Initializing quality manager
2019-04-19 17:07:37,293 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,300 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [709]: Initializing machine manager
2019-04-19 17:07:37,306 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [712]: Initializing container manager
2019-04-19 17:07:37,311 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [715]: Initializing machine error checker
2019-04-19 17:07:37,350 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container Creality CR-10
2019-04-19 17:07:37,355 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container Creality CR-10_user
2019-04-19 17:07:37,365 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [Creality CR-10_user] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,367 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_pla
2019-04-19 17:07:37,376 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_pla] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,379 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container draft
2019-04-19 17:07:37,388 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [draft] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,399 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container Creality CR-10_settings
2019-04-19 17:07:37,450 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [Creality CR-10_settings] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,453 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10
2019-04-19 17:07:37,620 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,625 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [Creality CR-10] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,634 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.MachineActionManager.addDefaultMachineActions [72]: Default machine actions added for machine definition [creality_cr10]
2019-04-19 17:07:37,642 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2
2019-04-19 17:07:37,648 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_user
2019-04-19 17:07:37,669 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_user] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,671 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0_pla
2019-04-19 17:07:37,683 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0_pla] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,685 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container generic_pla_175
2019-04-19 17:07:37,705 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_imade3d_jellybox] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,718 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,724 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm_2-fans] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,776 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,783 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.25mm_thermoplastic_extruder] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,792 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.4mm_thermoplastic_extruder] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,802 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.8mm_thermoplastic_extruder] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,810 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,813 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_settings
2019-04-19 17:07:37,829 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_settings] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,841 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0
2019-04-19 17:07:37,850 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,857 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:37,865 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container fdmprinter
2019-04-19 17:07:38,036 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [fdmprinter] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:38,719 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: BQ_PauseAtHeight
2019-04-19 17:07:38,725 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: ChangeAtZ
2019-04-19 17:07:38,731 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: DisplayFilenameAndLayerOnLCD
2019-04-19 17:07:38,737 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: FilamentChange
2019-04-19 17:07:38,745 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: PauseAtHeight
2019-04-19 17:07:38,748 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: PauseAtHeightRepRapFirmwareDuet
2019-04-19 17:07:38,758 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: PauseAtHeightforRepetier
2019-04-19 17:07:38,764 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: SearchAndReplace
2019-04-19 17:07:38,777 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: Stretch
2019-04-19 17:07:38,783 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.UM3OutputDevicePlugin.checkCloudFlowIsPossible [412]: Checking if cloud connection is possible...
2019-04-19 17:07:38,784 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.UM3OutputDevicePlugin.checkCloudFlowIsPossible [435]: Cloud Flow not possible: User not logged in!
2019-04-19 17:07:38,964 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [136]: Extruder[creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] added to [Creality CR-10] at position [0]
2019-04-19 17:07:38,969 - WARNING - [MainThread] cura.Settings.ExtruderManager.registerExtruder [169]: Extruder [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] has already been registered on machine [Creality CR-10], not doing anything
2019-04-19 17:07:38,983 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._initMachineState [330]: Machine 'Creality CR-10' quality changes set to 'PLA #2'
2019-04-19 17:07:39,329 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:07:39,329 - INFO - [MainThread] FirmwareUpdateChecker.FirmwareUpdateChecker.checkFirmwareVersion [76]: No machine with name Creality CR-10 in list of firmware to check.
2019-04-19 17:07:40,899 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin._createView [280]: Creating post processing plugin view.
2019-04-19 17:07:41,024 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.load [158]: Loading theme file: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\themes\cura-light\theme.json
2019-04-19 17:07:41,136 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.load [230]: Loaded theme C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\themes\cura-light
2019-04-19 17:07:41,214 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin._createView [290]: Post processing view created.
2019-04-19 17:07:41,472 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.getImage [133]: No image header_pattern defined in Theme
2019-04-19 17:07:41,488 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.BuildPlateModel._update [33]: Updating BuildPlateModel.
2019-04-19 17:07:42,667 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 17:07:42,950 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.DiscoverUM3Action._createAdditionalComponentsView [196]: Creating additional ui components for UM3.
2019-04-19 17:07:43,037 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.DiscoverUM3Action.startDiscovery [47]: Starting device discovery.
2019-04-19 17:07:43,064 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Controller.setActiveStage [159]: Setting active stage to PrepareStage
2019-04-19 17:07:43,267 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 17:07:43,439 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/PrepareStage/PrepareMain.qml:16:5: QML ActionPanelWidget: Binding loop detected for property "width"
2019-04-19 17:07:43,448 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Controller.setActiveView [92]: Setting active view to SolidView
2019-04-19 17:07:43,453 - DEBUG - [MainThread] ModelChecker.ModelChecker._createView [103]: Creating model checker view.
2019-04-19 17:07:43,468 - DEBUG - [MainThread] ModelChecker.ModelChecker._createView [112]: Model checker view created.
2019-04-19 17:07:43,469 - DEBUG - [MainThread] SliceInfoPlugin.SliceInfo._createDialog [82]: Creating dialog [MoreInfoWindow.qml]
2019-04-19 17:07:43,568 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [747]: Booting Cura took 15.748594284057617 seconds
2019-04-19 17:07:43,580 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MaterialManager._updateMaps [279]: Updating material lookup data ...
2019-04-19 17:07:43,644 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1270]: Updating quality/quality_changes due to material change
2019-04-19 17:07:43,644 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1277]: Current quality type = [draft]
2019-04-19 17:07:43,644 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1291]: Current available quality type [draft] is available, applying changes.
2019-04-19 17:07:43,738 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 17:07:43,775 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._checkStack [140]: Need to check for errors again. Discard the current progress and reschedule a check.
2019-04-19 17:07:43,856 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [61]: Updating QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:07:43,858 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container coarse
2019-04-19 17:07:43,866 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [coarse] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:43,905 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container extra_coarse
2019-04-19 17:07:43,915 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [extra_coarse] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:43,954 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container fast
2019-04-19 17:07:43,962 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [fast] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:44,044 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container high
2019-04-19 17:07:44,052 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [high] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:44,092 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container normal
2019-04-19 17:07:44,100 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [normal] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:44,101 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container extra_fast
2019-04-19 17:07:44,111 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [extra_fast] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:44,171 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [15]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:07:44,180 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:07:44,436 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtRenderer._initialize [183]: Support for Vertex Array Objects: True
2019-04-19 17:07:44,451 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [99]: Initialized OpenGL subsystems.
2019-04-19 17:07:44,456 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [100]: OpenGL Version:  3.3.0
2019-04-19 17:07:44,461 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [101]: OpenGL Vendor:   NVIDIA Corporation
2019-04-19 17:07:44,465 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [102]: OpenGL Renderer: GeForce 9500 GT/PCIe/SSE2
2019-04-19 17:07:44,470 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\default.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:07:44,478 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\selection.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:07:44,487 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\default.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:07:44,496 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\composite.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:07:44,504 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\overhang.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:07:44,512 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\striped.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:07:44,520 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\transparent_object.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:07:44,528 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\striped.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:07:44,537 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\default.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:07:44,544 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\grid.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:07:44,552 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\platform.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:07:44,680 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 17:07:45,187 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [61]: Updating QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:07:45,194 - INFO - [Thread-3] STLReader.STLReader.load_file [46]: Using NumPy-STL to load STL data.
2019-04-19 17:07:45,203 - DEBUG - [Thread-3] UM.Mesh.MeshData.calculateNormalsFromVertices [444]: Calculating normals took 0.0009996891021728516 seconds
2019-04-19 17:07:45,205 - DEBUG - [Thread-3] STLReader.STLReader._read [97]: Loaded a mesh with 11556 vertices
2019-04-19 17:07:45,223 - DEBUG - [Thread-3] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [401]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.013009071350097656 seconds. 208 input vertices. 208 output vertices.
2019-04-19 17:07:45,230 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [15]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:07:45,246 - DEBUG - [Thread-3] UM.FileHandler.ReadFileJob.run [69]: Loading file took 0.1 seconds
2019-04-19 17:07:45,263 - DEBUG - [Thread-3] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [401]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.01200103759765625 seconds. 208 input vertices. 208 output vertices.
2019-04-19 17:07:45,317 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [per_object_stack_3125713048520] added.
2019-04-19 17:07:45,385 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\transparent_object.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:07:46,718 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 2.5s
2019-04-19 17:07:53,758 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] [ERROR] Could not connect to the given address
2019-04-19 17:07:53,855 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onBackendQuit [811]: Backend quit with return code 0. Resetting process and socket.
2019-04-19 17:07:54,747 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:09:02,798 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.TaskManagement.OnExitCallbackManager.triggerNextCallback [51]: No more on-app-exit callbacks to process. Tell the app to exit.
2019-04-19 17:09:02,803 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.closeApplication [547]: Close application
2019-04-19 17:09:02,830 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.windowClosed [417]: Shutting down cura
2019-04-19 17:09:02,876 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:09:11,687 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin FileLogger
2019-04-19 17:09:11,731 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin FirmwareUpdateChecker
2019-04-19 17:09:11,759 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin FirmwareUpdater
2019-04-19 17:09:11,786 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeGzReader
2019-04-19 17:09:11,812 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeGzWriter
2019-04-19 17:09:11,872 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeProfileReader
2019-04-19 17:09:11,926 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeReader
2019-04-19 17:09:11,956 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeWriter
2019-04-19 17:09:11,993 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin ImageReader
2019-04-19 17:09:12,025 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin LegacyProfileReader
2019-04-19 17:09:12,061 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin LocalContainerProvider
2019-04-19 17:09:12,097 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin LocalFileOutputDevice
2019-04-19 17:09:12,124 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin MachineSettingsAction
2019-04-19 17:09:12,152 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin ModelChecker
2019-04-19 17:09:12,182 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin MonitorStage
2019-04-19 17:09:12,221 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PerObjectSettingsTool
2019-04-19 17:09:12,253 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PostProcessingPlugin
2019-04-19 17:09:12,286 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PrepareStage
2019-04-19 17:09:12,321 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PreviewStage
2019-04-19 17:09:12,368 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin RemovableDriveOutputDevice
2019-04-19 17:09:12,434 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SimulationView
2019-04-19 17:09:12,473 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SliceInfoPlugin
2019-04-19 17:09:12,504 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SolidView
2019-04-19 17:09:12,537 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SupportEraser
2019-04-19 17:09:12,608 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.OAuth2.AuthorizationService.getAccessToken [106]: No auth data to retrieve the access_token from
2019-04-19 17:09:12,614 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin Toolbox
2019-04-19 17:09:12,660 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin CameraTool
2019-04-19 17:09:12,713 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin MirrorTool
2019-04-19 17:09:12,760 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin RotateTool
2019-04-19 17:09:12,808 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin ScaleTool
2019-04-19 17:09:12,841 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SelectionTool
2019-04-19 17:09:12,886 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin TranslateTool
2019-04-19 17:09:12,977 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UFPWriter
2019-04-19 17:09:13,040 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UltimakerMachineActions
2019-04-19 17:09:13,392 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onLoginStateChanged [57]: Log in state changed to False
2019-04-19 17:09:13,393 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onGetRemoteClustersFinished [80]: Parsed remote clusters to []
2019-04-19 17:09:13,394 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onGetRemoteClustersFinished [81]: Removed: 0, added: 0, updates: 0
2019-04-19 17:09:13,401 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UM3NetworkPrinting
2019-04-19 17:09:13,466 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UpdateChecker
2019-04-19 17:09:13,472 - INFO - [Thread-2] UpdateChecker.UpdateCheckerJob.run [36]: Checking for new version of cura
2019-04-19 17:09:13,572 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin USBPrinting
2019-04-19 17:09:13,614 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UserAgreement
2019-04-19 17:09:13,676 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade21to22
2019-04-19 17:09:13,725 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade22to24
2019-04-19 17:09:13,768 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade25to26
2019-04-19 17:09:13,808 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade26to27
2019-04-19 17:09:13,854 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade27to30
2019-04-19 17:09:13,933 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade30to31
2019-04-19 17:09:13,998 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade32to33
2019-04-19 17:09:14,059 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade33to34
2019-04-19 17:09:14,103 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade34to35
2019-04-19 17:09:14,144 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade35to40
2019-04-19 17:09:14,185 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SimpleView
2019-04-19 17:09:14,237 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin X3DReader
2019-04-19 17:09:14,301 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin XmlMaterialProfile
2019-04-19 17:09:14,347 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin XRayView
2019-04-19 17:09:14,385 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin CustomSupports
2019-04-19 17:09:14,429 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin OrientationPlugin
2019-04-19 17:09:14,462 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager.upgrade [143]: Looking for old configuration files to upgrade.
2019-04-19 17:09:14,518 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:09:14,526 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:09:14,564 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:09:14,569 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:09:14,607 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:09:14,612 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:09:14,651 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:09:14,657 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:09:14,689 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:09:14,694 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:09:14,726 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:09:14,731 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:09:14,761 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:09:14,766 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:09:14,798 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:09:14,803 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:09:14,903 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._onSocketError [213]: Socket was unable to bind to port, increasing port number to 49675
2019-04-19 17:09:14,908 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:09:14,912 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:09:14,917 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:09:15,114 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:09:15,128 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:09:15,132 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:09:15,187 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:09:15,191 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:09:15,196 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:09:15,201 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:09:15,205 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:09:15,210 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:09:15,214 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:09:15,219 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:09:15,223 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:09:15,227 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:09:15,232 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:09:15,237 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:09:15,242 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:09:15,246 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:09:15,251 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:09:15,255 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:09:18,845 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.loadAllMetadata [338]: Loading metadata into container registry took 3.693957567214966 seconds
2019-04-19 17:09:19,016 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Scene.CuraSceneController.setActiveBuildPlate [104]: Select build plate: 0
2019-04-19 17:09:19,021 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [695]: Initializing variant manager
2019-04-19 17:09:19,030 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.VariantManager.initialize [59]: Exclude variant [empty_variant]
2019-04-19 17:09:19,032 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container ultimaker_s5_glass
2019-04-19 17:09:19,040 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [ultimaker_s5_glass] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,041 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container ultimaker_s5
2019-04-19 17:09:19,201 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [ultimaker_s5] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,206 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container ultimaker_s5_aluminum
2019-04-19 17:09:19,214 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [ultimaker_s5_aluminum] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,226 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [699]: Initializing material manager
2019-04-19 17:09:19,344 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [704]: Initializing quality manager
2019-04-19 17:09:19,367 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,372 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [709]: Initializing machine manager
2019-04-19 17:09:19,378 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [712]: Initializing container manager
2019-04-19 17:09:19,383 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [715]: Initializing machine error checker
2019-04-19 17:09:19,415 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container Creality CR-10
2019-04-19 17:09:19,420 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container Creality CR-10_user
2019-04-19 17:09:19,429 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [Creality CR-10_user] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,430 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_pla
2019-04-19 17:09:19,439 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_pla] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,440 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container draft
2019-04-19 17:09:19,448 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [draft] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,451 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container Creality CR-10_settings
2019-04-19 17:09:19,459 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [Creality CR-10_settings] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,460 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10
2019-04-19 17:09:19,552 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,558 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [Creality CR-10] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,563 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.MachineActionManager.addDefaultMachineActions [72]: Default machine actions added for machine definition [creality_cr10]
2019-04-19 17:09:19,571 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2
2019-04-19 17:09:19,575 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_user
2019-04-19 17:09:19,584 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_user] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,586 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0_pla
2019-04-19 17:09:19,596 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0_pla] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,600 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container generic_pla_175
2019-04-19 17:09:19,615 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_imade3d_jellybox] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,621 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,627 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm_2-fans] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,633 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,640 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.25mm_thermoplastic_extruder] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,646 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.4mm_thermoplastic_extruder] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,653 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.8mm_thermoplastic_extruder] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,658 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,660 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_settings
2019-04-19 17:09:19,672 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_settings] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,673 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0
2019-04-19 17:09:19,681 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,685 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:19,693 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container fdmprinter
2019-04-19 17:09:19,780 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [fdmprinter] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:20,312 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: BQ_PauseAtHeight
2019-04-19 17:09:20,320 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: ChangeAtZ
2019-04-19 17:09:20,328 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: DisplayFilenameAndLayerOnLCD
2019-04-19 17:09:20,335 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: FilamentChange
2019-04-19 17:09:20,344 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: PauseAtHeight
2019-04-19 17:09:20,351 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: PauseAtHeightRepRapFirmwareDuet
2019-04-19 17:09:20,402 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: PauseAtHeightforRepetier
2019-04-19 17:09:20,430 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: SearchAndReplace
2019-04-19 17:09:20,450 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: Stretch
2019-04-19 17:09:20,457 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.UM3OutputDevicePlugin.checkCloudFlowIsPossible [412]: Checking if cloud connection is possible...
2019-04-19 17:09:20,461 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.UM3OutputDevicePlugin.checkCloudFlowIsPossible [435]: Cloud Flow not possible: User not logged in!
2019-04-19 17:09:20,691 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [136]: Extruder[creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] added to [Creality CR-10] at position [0]
2019-04-19 17:09:20,696 - WARNING - [MainThread] cura.Settings.ExtruderManager.registerExtruder [169]: Extruder [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] has already been registered on machine [Creality CR-10], not doing anything
2019-04-19 17:09:20,723 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._initMachineState [330]: Machine 'Creality CR-10' quality changes set to 'PLA #2'
2019-04-19 17:09:21,364 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:09:21,367 - INFO - [MainThread] FirmwareUpdateChecker.FirmwareUpdateChecker.checkFirmwareVersion [76]: No machine with name Creality CR-10 in list of firmware to check.
2019-04-19 17:09:21,711 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MaterialManager._updateMaps [279]: Updating material lookup data ...
2019-04-19 17:09:21,866 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1270]: Updating quality/quality_changes due to material change
2019-04-19 17:09:21,876 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1277]: Current quality type = [draft]
2019-04-19 17:09:21,884 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1291]: Current available quality type [draft] is available, applying changes.
2019-04-19 17:09:21,937 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 17:09:22,052 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._checkStack [140]: Need to check for errors again. Discard the current progress and reschedule a check.
2019-04-19 17:09:28,972 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin._createView [280]: Creating post processing plugin view.
2019-04-19 17:09:29,685 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.load [158]: Loading theme file: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\themes\cura-light\theme.json
2019-04-19 17:09:30,058 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.load [230]: Loaded theme C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\themes\cura-light
2019-04-19 17:09:30,272 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin._createView [290]: Post processing view created.
2019-04-19 17:09:30,985 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.getImage [133]: No image header_pattern defined in Theme
2019-04-19 17:09:31,045 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.BuildPlateModel._update [33]: Updating BuildPlateModel.
2019-04-19 17:09:32,520 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 17:09:32,889 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.DiscoverUM3Action._createAdditionalComponentsView [196]: Creating additional ui components for UM3.
2019-04-19 17:09:33,046 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.DiscoverUM3Action.startDiscovery [47]: Starting device discovery.
2019-04-19 17:09:33,064 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Controller.setActiveStage [159]: Setting active stage to PrepareStage
2019-04-19 17:09:33,778 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 17:09:34,229 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/PrepareStage/PrepareMain.qml:16:5: QML ActionPanelWidget: Binding loop detected for property "width"
2019-04-19 17:09:34,236 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Controller.setActiveView [92]: Setting active view to SolidView
2019-04-19 17:09:34,242 - DEBUG - [MainThread] ModelChecker.ModelChecker._createView [103]: Creating model checker view.
2019-04-19 17:09:34,284 - DEBUG - [MainThread] ModelChecker.ModelChecker._createView [112]: Model checker view created.
2019-04-19 17:09:34,286 - DEBUG - [MainThread] SliceInfoPlugin.SliceInfo._createDialog [82]: Creating dialog [MoreInfoWindow.qml]
2019-04-19 17:09:34,493 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [747]: Booting Cura took 24.689333200454712 seconds
2019-04-19 17:09:34,507 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:09:34,553 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [61]: Updating QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:09:34,555 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container coarse
2019-04-19 17:09:34,568 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [coarse] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:34,609 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container extra_coarse
2019-04-19 17:09:34,618 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [extra_coarse] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:34,666 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container fast
2019-04-19 17:09:34,676 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [fast] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:34,818 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container high
2019-04-19 17:09:34,829 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [high] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:34,911 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container normal
2019-04-19 17:09:34,919 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [normal] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:34,921 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container extra_fast
2019-04-19 17:09:34,928 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [extra_fast] added.
2019-04-19 17:09:34,986 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [15]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:09:35,381 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtRenderer._initialize [183]: Support for Vertex Array Objects: True
2019-04-19 17:09:35,408 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [99]: Initialized OpenGL subsystems.
2019-04-19 17:09:35,419 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [100]: OpenGL Version:  3.3.0
2019-04-19 17:09:35,427 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [101]: OpenGL Vendor:   NVIDIA Corporation
2019-04-19 17:09:35,432 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [102]: OpenGL Renderer: GeForce 9500 GT/PCIe/SSE2
2019-04-19 17:09:35,437 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\default.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:09:35,446 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\selection.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:09:35,454 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\default.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:09:35,462 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\composite.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:09:35,471 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\overhang.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:09:35,481 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\striped.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:09:35,490 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\transparent_object.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:09:35,499 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\striped.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:09:35,510 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\default.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:09:35,517 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\grid.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:09:35,526 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\platform.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:09:35,677 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 17:09:36,215 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] [ERROR] Could not connect to the given address
2019-04-19 17:09:36,302 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [61]: Updating QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:09:36,323 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [15]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:09:36,331 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onBackendQuit [811]: Backend quit with return code 0. Resetting process and socket.
2019-04-19 17:09:37,409 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 2.9s
2019-04-19 17:09:45,785 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:13:41,083 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:13:42,324 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 1.2s
2019-04-19 17:13:43,216 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:13:44,202 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 1.0s
2019-04-19 17:14:09,237 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Settings/SettingItem.qml:124:19: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 17:14:09,243 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Settings/SettingTextField.qml:97:19: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 17:14:09,248 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Settings/SettingItem.qml:124:19: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 17:14:09,253 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Settings/SettingTextField.qml:97:19: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 17:14:09,257 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Settings/SettingItem.qml:124:19: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 17:14:09,263 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Settings/SettingTextField.qml:97:19: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 17:14:09,267 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Settings/SettingItem.qml:124:19: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 17:14:09,272 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Settings/SettingTextField.qml:97:19: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 17:14:09,276 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Settings/SettingItem.qml:124:19: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 17:14:09,281 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Settings/SettingTextField.qml:97:19: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 17:14:09,285 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Settings/SettingItem.qml:124:19: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 17:14:09,290 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Settings/SettingTextField.qml:97:19: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 17:14:09,295 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Settings/SettingItem.qml:124:19: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 17:14:09,299 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Settings/SettingTextField.qml:97:19: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
2019-04-19 17:14:21,503 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:14:36,244 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:14:36,680 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._checkStack [140]: Need to check for errors again. Discard the current progress and reschedule a check.
2019-04-19 17:14:36,790 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:14:37,770 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 1.0s
2019-04-19 17:14:39,916 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:14:40,901 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 1.0s
2019-04-19 17:14:44,796 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:14:44,951 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._checkStack [140]: Need to check for errors again. Discard the current progress and reschedule a check.
2019-04-19 17:14:45,061 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:14:45,515 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._checkStack [140]: Need to check for errors again. Discard the current progress and reschedule a check.
2019-04-19 17:14:45,612 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:14:46,282 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._checkStack [140]: Need to check for errors again. Discard the current progress and reschedule a check.
2019-04-19 17:14:46,383 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:14:47,735 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 1.4s
2019-04-19 17:14:51,228 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:14:51,929 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._checkStack [140]: Need to check for errors again. Discard the current progress and reschedule a check.
2019-04-19 17:14:52,038 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:14:53,152 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 1.1s
2019-04-19 17:15:02,263 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:15:03,433 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 1.2s
2019-04-19 17:15:04,825 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:15:06,041 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 1.2s
2019-04-19 17:15:09,140 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:15:09,273 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._checkStack [140]: Need to check for errors again. Discard the current progress and reschedule a check.
2019-04-19 17:15:09,383 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:15:09,674 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._checkStack [140]: Need to check for errors again. Discard the current progress and reschedule a check.
2019-04-19 17:15:09,784 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:15:10,749 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 0.9s
2019-04-19 17:15:10,972 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:15:11,576 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._checkStack [140]: Need to check for errors again. Discard the current progress and reschedule a check.
2019-04-19 17:15:11,685 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:15:11,878 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:15:12,424 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._checkStack [140]: Need to check for errors again. Discard the current progress and reschedule a check.
2019-04-19 17:15:12,534 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:15:13,910 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 1.4s
2019-04-19 17:15:31,173 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:15:43,933 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:16:22,206 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:16:46,422 - INFO - [Thread-1] STLReader.STLReader.load_file [46]: Using NumPy-STL to load STL data.
2019-04-19 17:16:46,423 - INFO - [Thread-2] STLReader.STLReader.load_file [46]: Using NumPy-STL to load STL data.
2019-04-19 17:16:46,424 - INFO - [Thread-3] STLReader.STLReader.load_file [46]: Using NumPy-STL to load STL data.
2019-04-19 17:16:46,452 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] UM.Mesh.MeshData.calculateNormalsFromVertices [444]: Calculating normals took 0.006998777389526367 seconds
2019-04-19 17:16:46,453 - DEBUG - [Thread-2] UM.Mesh.MeshData.calculateNormalsFromVertices [444]: Calculating normals took 0.0039980411529541016 seconds
2019-04-19 17:16:46,459 - DEBUG - [Thread-2] STLReader.STLReader._read [97]: Loaded a mesh with 11556 vertices
2019-04-19 17:16:46,460 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] STLReader.STLReader._read [97]: Loaded a mesh with 82644 vertices
2019-04-19 17:16:46,491 - DEBUG - [Thread-2] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [401]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.016998767852783203 seconds. 208 input vertices. 208 output vertices.
2019-04-19 17:16:46,505 - DEBUG - [Thread-3] UM.Mesh.MeshData.calculateNormalsFromVertices [444]: Calculating normals took 0.02187514305114746 seconds
2019-04-19 17:16:46,567 - DEBUG - [Thread-2] UM.FileHandler.ReadFileJob.run [69]: Loading file took 0.1 seconds
2019-04-19 17:16:46,583 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [401]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.10736823081970215 seconds. 351 input vertices. 351 output vertices.
2019-04-19 17:16:46,583 - DEBUG - [Thread-3] STLReader.STLReader._read [97]: Loaded a mesh with 291300 vertices
2019-04-19 17:16:46,598 - DEBUG - [Thread-2] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [401]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.03125357627868652 seconds. 208 input vertices. 208 output vertices.
2019-04-19 17:16:46,616 - INFO - [Thread-2] STLReader.STLReader.load_file [46]: Using NumPy-STL to load STL data.
2019-04-19 17:16:46,626 - DEBUG - [Thread-2] UM.Mesh.MeshData.calculateNormalsFromVertices [444]: Calculating normals took 0.0019989013671875 seconds
2019-04-19 17:16:46,628 - DEBUG - [Thread-2] STLReader.STLReader._read [97]: Loaded a mesh with 26622 vertices
2019-04-19 17:16:46,638 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] UM.FileHandler.ReadFileJob.run [69]: Loading file took 0.2 seconds
2019-04-19 17:16:46,647 - DEBUG - [Thread-2] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [401]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.014001846313476562 seconds. 55 input vertices. 55 output vertices.
2019-04-19 17:16:46,662 - DEBUG - [Thread-2] UM.FileHandler.ReadFileJob.run [69]: Loading file took 0.0 seconds
2019-04-19 17:16:46,681 - DEBUG - [Thread-2] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [401]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.01399850845336914 seconds. 54 input vertices. 54 output vertices.
2019-04-19 17:16:46,693 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [401]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.05099940299987793 seconds. 351 input vertices. 351 output vertices.
2019-04-19 17:16:46,790 - DEBUG - [Thread-3] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [401]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.20237088203430176 seconds. 2315 input vertices. 2315 output vertices.
2019-04-19 17:16:46,812 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [per_object_stack_2810009056144] added.
2019-04-19 17:16:46,881 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [per_object_stack_2810009095528] added.
2019-04-19 17:16:46,924 - DEBUG - [Thread-3] UM.FileHandler.ReadFileJob.run [69]: Loading file took 0.5 seconds
2019-04-19 17:16:46,949 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [per_object_stack_2810008705344] added.
2019-04-19 17:16:46,992 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\transparent_object.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:16:47,114 - DEBUG - [Thread-3] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [401]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.18399786949157715 seconds. 2315 input vertices. 2315 output vertices.
2019-04-19 17:16:47,186 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [per_object_stack_2810009164992] added.
2019-04-19 17:16:53,610 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\toolhandle.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:16:57,282 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:17:09,461 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:18:18,660 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [228]: Starting to slice...
2019-04-19 17:18:18,660 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [246]: Going to slice build plate [0]!
2019-04-19 17:18:18,660 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:18:18,785 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:18:18,927 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:18:18,938 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:18:19,013 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:18:19,044 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:18:19,060 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:18:19,107 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:18:19,122 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:18:19,201 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:18:19,326 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:18:19,372 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:18:19,372 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:18:19,451 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:18:19,544 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:18:19,654 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:18:19,685 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:18:19,716 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:18:19,763 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:18:19,925 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:18:20,951 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onStartSliceCompleted [432]: Sending slice message took 2.290106773376465 seconds
2019-04-19 17:18:40,018 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] [ERROR] Could not connect to the given address
2019-04-19 17:18:40,128 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onBackendQuit [811]: Backend quit with return code 0. Resetting process and socket.
2019-04-19 17:19:18,625 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:19:18,630 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:19:18,666 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:19:18,681 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:19:18,686 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:19:18,817 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:19:18,833 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:19:18,838 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:19:18,844 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:19:18,850 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:19:18,855 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:19:18,861 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:19:18,867 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:19:18,873 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:19:18,879 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:19:18,885 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:19:18,891 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:19:18,897 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:19:18,902 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:19:18,908 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:19:18,913 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:19:38,689 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:19:39,842 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] [ERROR] Could not connect to the given address
2019-04-19 17:19:40,433 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onBackendQuit [811]: Backend quit with return code 0. Resetting process and socket.
2019-04-19 17:19:43,228 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:19:44,636 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 1.4s
2019-04-19 17:19:52,723 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:20:03,584 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:20:05,069 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 1.5s
2019-04-19 17:20:08,974 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:20:09,383 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._checkStack [140]: Need to check for errors again. Discard the current progress and reschedule a check.
2019-04-19 17:20:09,588 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:20:11,404 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 1.8s
2019-04-19 17:20:12,788 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [228]: Starting to slice...
2019-04-19 17:20:12,788 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [246]: Going to slice build plate [0]!
2019-04-19 17:20:12,788 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:20:12,929 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:20:12,976 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:20:12,992 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:20:13,152 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:20:13,199 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:20:13,246 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:20:13,262 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:20:13,324 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:20:13,340 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:20:13,387 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:20:13,418 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:20:13,449 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:20:13,481 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:20:13,527 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:20:13,543 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:20:13,574 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:20:13,606 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:20:13,652 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:20:13,684 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:20:14,992 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onStartSliceCompleted [432]: Sending slice message took 2.202559471130371 seconds
2019-04-19 17:20:34,057 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] [ERROR] Could not connect to the given address
2019-04-19 17:20:34,068 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onBackendQuit [811]: Backend quit with return code 0. Resetting process and socket.
2019-04-19 17:22:05,995 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Controller.setActiveStage [159]: Setting active stage to PreviewStage
2019-04-19 17:22:06,085 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Controller.setActiveView [92]: Setting active view to SimulationView
2019-04-19 17:22:06,087 - INFO - [MainThread] STLReader.STLReader.load_file [46]: Using NumPy-STL to load STL data.
2019-04-19 17:22:06,094 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Mesh.MeshData.calculateNormalsFromVertices [444]: Calculating normals took 0.0009989738464355469 seconds
2019-04-19 17:22:06,115 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [401]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.014994144439697266 seconds. 351 input vertices. 351 output vertices.
2019-04-19 17:22:06,116 - DEBUG - [MainThread] STLReader.STLReader._read [97]: Loaded a mesh with 12612 vertices
2019-04-19 17:22:06,125 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\plugins\SimulationView\simulationview_composite.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:22:06,276 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/PreviewStage/PreviewMain.qml:22:5: QML ActionPanelWidget: Binding loop detected for property "width"
2019-04-19 17:22:06,656 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\color.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:22:06,670 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\plugins\SimulationView\layers.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:22:06,678 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\plugins\SimulationView\layers_shadow.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:22:06,686 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\toolhandle.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:22:06,693 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\color.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:22:07,236 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Controller.setActiveStage [159]: Setting active stage to MonitorStage
2019-04-19 17:22:07,251 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Controller.setActiveView [92]: Setting active view to SolidView
2019-04-19 17:22:09,556 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Controller.setActiveStage [159]: Setting active stage to PrepareStage
2019-04-19 17:22:09,592 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 17:22:09,705 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/PrepareStage/PrepareMain.qml:16:5: QML ActionPanelWidget: Binding loop detected for property "width"
2019-04-19 17:22:37,097 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:22:57,376 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:22:57,381 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:22:57,422 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:22:57,436 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:22:57,442 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:22:57,507 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:22:57,507 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:22:57,522 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:22:57,522 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:22:57,537 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:22:57,544 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:22:57,544 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:22:57,559 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:22:57,559 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:22:57,575 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:22:57,575 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:22:57,575 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:22:57,591 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:22:57,591 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:22:57,591 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:22:57,606 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:22:57,606 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:22:57,755 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._checkStack [140]: Need to check for errors again. Discard the current progress and reschedule a check.
2019-04-19 17:22:57,883 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:22:58,722 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._checkStack [140]: Need to check for errors again. Discard the current progress and reschedule a check.
2019-04-19 17:22:58,877 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:22:59,858 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 1.0s
2019-04-19 17:23:02,384 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:23:08,684 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:23:09,744 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 1.0s
2019-04-19 17:23:10,209 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:23:11,190 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 1.0s
2019-04-19 17:23:18,528 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] [ERROR] Could not connect to the given address
2019-04-19 17:23:18,560 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onBackendQuit [811]: Backend quit with return code 0. Resetting process and socket.
2019-04-19 17:23:25,376 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [228]: Starting to slice...
2019-04-19 17:23:25,377 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [246]: Going to slice build plate [0]!
2019-04-19 17:23:25,382 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:23:26,247 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:23:26,309 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:23:26,356 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:23:26,387 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:23:26,450 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:23:26,575 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:23:26,775 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:23:26,781 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:23:26,786 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:23:26,792 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:23:26,797 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:23:26,802 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:23:26,808 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:23:26,813 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:23:26,819 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:23:26,825 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:23:26,831 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:23:26,836 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:23:26,842 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:23:27,315 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onStartSliceCompleted [432]: Sending slice message took 1.9387853145599365 seconds
2019-04-19 17:23:32,197 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:23:47,399 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] [ERROR] Could not connect to the given address
2019-04-19 17:23:47,430 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onBackendQuit [811]: Backend quit with return code 0. Resetting process and socket.
2019-04-19 17:24:58,931 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:24:58,936 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:24:58,974 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:24:58,988 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:24:58,994 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:24:59,233 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:24:59,238 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:24:59,244 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:24:59,249 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:24:59,255 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:24:59,260 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:24:59,266 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:24:59,271 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:24:59,276 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:24:59,281 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:24:59,285 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:24:59,290 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:24:59,295 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:24:59,300 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:24:59,305 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:24:59,310 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:25:02,207 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [228]: Starting to slice...
2019-04-19 17:25:02,208 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [246]: Going to slice build plate [0]!
2019-04-19 17:25:04,511 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onStartSliceCompleted [432]: Sending slice message took 2.3029661178588867 seconds
2019-04-19 17:25:20,254 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] [ERROR] Could not connect to the given address
2019-04-19 17:25:20,332 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onBackendQuit [811]: Backend quit with return code 0. Resetting process and socket.
2019-04-19 17:29:36,760 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:29:36,765 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:29:36,799 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:29:36,815 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:29:36,821 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:29:36,896 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:29:36,901 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:29:36,905 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:29:36,911 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:29:36,916 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:29:36,921 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:29:36,925 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:29:36,930 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:29:36,950 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:29:36,958 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:29:36,964 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:29:36,970 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:29:36,979 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:29:36,988 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:29:36,994 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:29:37,000 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:29:57,904 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] [ERROR] Could not connect to the given address
2019-04-19 17:29:57,983 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onBackendQuit [811]: Backend quit with return code 0. Resetting process and socket.
2019-04-19 17:30:11,386 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [228]: Starting to slice...
2019-04-19 17:30:11,386 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [246]: Going to slice build plate [0]!
2019-04-19 17:30:11,392 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:30:11,448 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:30:11,535 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:30:11,543 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:30:11,599 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:30:11,695 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:30:11,702 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:30:11,710 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:30:11,720 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:30:11,731 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:30:11,941 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:30:11,955 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:30:11,976 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:30:11,983 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:30:11,997 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:30:12,013 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:30:12,018 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:30:12,023 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:30:12,032 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:30:12,042 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:30:13,580 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onStartSliceCompleted [432]: Sending slice message took 2.19296932220459 seconds
2019-04-19 17:30:13,974 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:30:13,974 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [301]: Killing engine process
2019-04-19 17:30:13,982 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [304]: Engine process is killed. Received return code 1
2019-04-19 17:30:13,988 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:30:14,011 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:30:14,025 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:30:14,030 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:30:14,099 - DEBUG - [Thread-38] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:30:14,104 - DEBUG - [Thread-38] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:30:14,108 - DEBUG - [Thread-38] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:30:14,113 - DEBUG - [Thread-38] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:30:14,118 - DEBUG - [Thread-38] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:30:14,122 - DEBUG - [Thread-38] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:30:14,127 - DEBUG - [Thread-38] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:30:14,131 - DEBUG - [Thread-38] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:30:14,136 - DEBUG - [Thread-38] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:30:14,141 - DEBUG - [Thread-38] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:30:14,145 - DEBUG - [Thread-38] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:30:14,150 - DEBUG - [Thread-38] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:30:14,155 - DEBUG - [Thread-38] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:30:14,159 - DEBUG - [Thread-38] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:30:14,164 - DEBUG - [Thread-38] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:30:14,169 - DEBUG - [Thread-38] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:30:14,642 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [228]: Starting to slice...
2019-04-19 17:30:14,643 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [246]: Going to slice build plate [0]!
2019-04-19 17:30:16,551 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onStartSliceCompleted [432]: Sending slice message took 1.906975507736206 seconds
2019-04-19 17:30:32,310 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:30:32,312 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [301]: Killing engine process
2019-04-19 17:30:32,317 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [304]: Engine process is killed. Received return code 1
2019-04-19 17:30:32,323 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:30:32,346 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:30:32,362 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:30:32,367 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:30:32,437 - DEBUG - [Thread-41] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:30:32,442 - DEBUG - [Thread-41] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:30:32,447 - DEBUG - [Thread-41] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:30:32,451 - DEBUG - [Thread-41] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:30:32,456 - DEBUG - [Thread-41] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:30:32,460 - DEBUG - [Thread-41] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:30:32,465 - DEBUG - [Thread-41] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:30:32,470 - DEBUG - [Thread-41] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:30:32,474 - DEBUG - [Thread-41] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:30:32,479 - DEBUG - [Thread-41] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:30:32,484 - DEBUG - [Thread-41] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:30:32,489 - DEBUG - [Thread-41] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:30:32,493 - DEBUG - [Thread-41] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:30:32,498 - DEBUG - [Thread-41] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:30:32,502 - DEBUG - [Thread-41] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:30:32,507 - DEBUG - [Thread-41] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:30:33,328 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.TaskManagement.OnExitCallbackManager.triggerNextCallback [51]: No more on-app-exit callbacks to process. Tell the app to exit.
2019-04-19 17:30:33,333 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.closeApplication [547]: Close application
2019-04-19 17:30:33,355 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.windowClosed [417]: Shutting down cura
2019-04-19 17:30:33,448 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:30:33,449 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [301]: Killing engine process
2019-04-19 17:30:33,460 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [304]: Engine process is killed. Received return code 1
2019-04-19 17:30:50,531 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin FileLogger
2019-04-19 17:30:50,561 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin FirmwareUpdateChecker
2019-04-19 17:30:50,588 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin FirmwareUpdater
2019-04-19 17:30:50,617 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeGzReader
2019-04-19 17:30:50,644 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeGzWriter
2019-04-19 17:30:50,673 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeProfileReader
2019-04-19 17:30:50,720 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeReader
2019-04-19 17:30:50,747 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeWriter
2019-04-19 17:30:50,774 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin ImageReader
2019-04-19 17:30:50,798 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin LegacyProfileReader
2019-04-19 17:30:50,821 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin LocalContainerProvider
2019-04-19 17:30:50,851 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin LocalFileOutputDevice
2019-04-19 17:30:50,877 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin MachineSettingsAction
2019-04-19 17:30:50,903 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin ModelChecker
2019-04-19 17:30:50,937 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin MonitorStage
2019-04-19 17:30:50,981 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PerObjectSettingsTool
2019-04-19 17:30:51,025 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PostProcessingPlugin
2019-04-19 17:30:51,057 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PrepareStage
2019-04-19 17:30:51,090 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PreviewStage
2019-04-19 17:30:51,126 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin RemovableDriveOutputDevice
2019-04-19 17:30:51,165 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SimulationView
2019-04-19 17:30:51,193 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SliceInfoPlugin
2019-04-19 17:30:51,219 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SolidView
2019-04-19 17:30:51,247 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SupportEraser
2019-04-19 17:30:51,289 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.OAuth2.AuthorizationService.getAccessToken [106]: No auth data to retrieve the access_token from
2019-04-19 17:30:51,297 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin Toolbox
2019-04-19 17:30:51,329 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin CameraTool
2019-04-19 17:30:51,362 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin MirrorTool
2019-04-19 17:30:51,401 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin RotateTool
2019-04-19 17:30:51,441 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin ScaleTool
2019-04-19 17:30:51,471 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SelectionTool
2019-04-19 17:30:51,506 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin TranslateTool
2019-04-19 17:30:51,563 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UFPWriter
2019-04-19 17:30:51,600 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UltimakerMachineActions
2019-04-19 17:30:51,788 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onLoginStateChanged [57]: Log in state changed to False
2019-04-19 17:30:51,789 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onGetRemoteClustersFinished [80]: Parsed remote clusters to []
2019-04-19 17:30:51,789 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onGetRemoteClustersFinished [81]: Removed: 0, added: 0, updates: 0
2019-04-19 17:30:51,796 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UM3NetworkPrinting
2019-04-19 17:30:51,852 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UpdateChecker
2019-04-19 17:30:51,864 - INFO - [Thread-2] UpdateChecker.UpdateCheckerJob.run [36]: Checking for new version of cura
2019-04-19 17:30:51,936 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin USBPrinting
2019-04-19 17:30:51,991 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UserAgreement
2019-04-19 17:30:52,042 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade21to22
2019-04-19 17:30:52,077 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade22to24
2019-04-19 17:30:52,111 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade25to26
2019-04-19 17:30:52,147 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade26to27
2019-04-19 17:30:52,181 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade27to30
2019-04-19 17:30:52,216 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade30to31
2019-04-19 17:30:52,251 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade32to33
2019-04-19 17:30:52,289 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade33to34
2019-04-19 17:30:52,323 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade34to35
2019-04-19 17:30:52,362 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade35to40
2019-04-19 17:30:52,399 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SimpleView
2019-04-19 17:30:52,437 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin X3DReader
2019-04-19 17:30:52,479 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin XmlMaterialProfile
2019-04-19 17:30:52,518 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin XRayView
2019-04-19 17:30:52,557 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin CustomSupports
2019-04-19 17:30:52,599 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin OrientationPlugin
2019-04-19 17:30:52,628 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager.upgrade [143]: Looking for old configuration files to upgrade.
2019-04-19 17:30:52,683 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:30:52,690 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:30:52,724 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:30:52,729 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:30:52,774 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:30:52,781 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:30:52,815 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:30:52,820 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:30:52,855 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:30:52,862 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:30:52,898 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:30:52,904 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:30:52,945 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:30:52,954 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:30:53,002 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:30:53,009 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:30:53,111 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._onSocketError [213]: Socket was unable to bind to port, increasing port number to 49675
2019-04-19 17:30:53,116 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:30:53,119 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:30:53,124 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:30:53,341 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:30:53,356 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:30:53,361 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:30:53,424 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:30:53,430 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:30:53,435 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:30:53,441 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:30:53,446 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:30:53,451 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:30:53,456 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:30:53,462 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:30:53,469 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:30:53,475 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:30:53,481 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:30:53,486 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:30:53,490 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:30:53,496 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:30:53,501 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:30:53,507 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:30:57,467 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.loadAllMetadata [338]: Loading metadata into container registry took 4.09795880317688 seconds
2019-04-19 17:30:57,617 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Scene.CuraSceneController.setActiveBuildPlate [104]: Select build plate: 0
2019-04-19 17:30:57,622 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [695]: Initializing variant manager
2019-04-19 17:30:57,629 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container ultimaker_s5_glass
2019-04-19 17:30:57,637 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [ultimaker_s5_glass] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:57,639 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container ultimaker_s5
2019-04-19 17:30:57,838 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [ultimaker_s5] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:57,846 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.VariantManager.initialize [59]: Exclude variant [empty_variant]
2019-04-19 17:30:57,848 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container ultimaker_s5_aluminum
2019-04-19 17:30:57,857 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [ultimaker_s5_aluminum] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:57,866 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [699]: Initializing material manager
2019-04-19 17:30:57,976 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [704]: Initializing quality manager
2019-04-19 17:30:58,000 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 17:30:58,005 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [709]: Initializing machine manager
2019-04-19 17:30:58,010 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [712]: Initializing container manager
2019-04-19 17:30:58,015 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [715]: Initializing machine error checker
2019-04-19 17:30:58,047 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container Creality CR-10
2019-04-19 17:30:58,052 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container Creality CR-10_user
2019-04-19 17:30:58,061 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [Creality CR-10_user] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:58,062 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_pla
2019-04-19 17:30:58,070 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_pla] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:58,072 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container draft
2019-04-19 17:30:58,080 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [draft] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:58,082 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container Creality CR-10_settings
2019-04-19 17:30:58,090 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [Creality CR-10_settings] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:58,092 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10
2019-04-19 17:30:58,169 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:58,174 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [Creality CR-10] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:58,179 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.MachineActionManager.addDefaultMachineActions [72]: Default machine actions added for machine definition [creality_cr10]
2019-04-19 17:30:58,186 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2
2019-04-19 17:30:58,191 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_user
2019-04-19 17:30:58,200 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_user] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:58,202 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0_pla
2019-04-19 17:30:58,213 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0_pla] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:58,216 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container generic_pla_175
2019-04-19 17:30:58,230 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_imade3d_jellybox] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:58,235 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:58,240 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm_2-fans] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:58,246 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:58,251 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.25mm_thermoplastic_extruder] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:58,257 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.4mm_thermoplastic_extruder] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:58,263 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.8mm_thermoplastic_extruder] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:58,268 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:58,270 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_settings
2019-04-19 17:30:58,283 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_settings] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:58,284 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0
2019-04-19 17:30:58,292 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:58,297 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:58,324 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container fdmprinter
2019-04-19 17:30:58,405 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [fdmprinter] added.
2019-04-19 17:30:58,724 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: BQ_PauseAtHeight
2019-04-19 17:30:58,726 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: ChangeAtZ
2019-04-19 17:30:58,728 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: DisplayFilenameAndLayerOnLCD
2019-04-19 17:30:58,730 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: FilamentChange
2019-04-19 17:30:58,732 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: PauseAtHeight
2019-04-19 17:30:58,735 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: PauseAtHeightRepRapFirmwareDuet
2019-04-19 17:30:58,737 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: PauseAtHeightforRepetier
2019-04-19 17:30:58,738 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: SearchAndReplace
2019-04-19 17:30:58,741 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: Stretch
2019-04-19 17:30:58,744 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.UM3OutputDevicePlugin.checkCloudFlowIsPossible [412]: Checking if cloud connection is possible...
2019-04-19 17:30:58,745 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.UM3OutputDevicePlugin.checkCloudFlowIsPossible [435]: Cloud Flow not possible: User not logged in!
2019-04-19 17:30:59,009 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [136]: Extruder[creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] added to [Creality CR-10] at position [0]
2019-04-19 17:30:59,014 - WARNING - [MainThread] cura.Settings.ExtruderManager.registerExtruder [169]: Extruder [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] has already been registered on machine [Creality CR-10], not doing anything
2019-04-19 17:30:59,024 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._initMachineState [330]: Machine 'Creality CR-10' quality changes set to 'PLA #2'
2019-04-19 17:30:59,376 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:30:59,378 - INFO - [MainThread] FirmwareUpdateChecker.FirmwareUpdateChecker.checkFirmwareVersion [76]: No machine with name Creality CR-10 in list of firmware to check.
2019-04-19 17:31:01,130 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin._createView [280]: Creating post processing plugin view.
2019-04-19 17:31:01,384 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.load [158]: Loading theme file: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\themes\cura-light\theme.json
2019-04-19 17:31:01,536 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.load [230]: Loaded theme C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\themes\cura-light
2019-04-19 17:31:01,628 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin._createView [290]: Post processing view created.
2019-04-19 17:31:01,903 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.getImage [133]: No image header_pattern defined in Theme
2019-04-19 17:31:01,921 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.BuildPlateModel._update [33]: Updating BuildPlateModel.
2019-04-19 17:31:03,176 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 17:31:03,462 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.DiscoverUM3Action._createAdditionalComponentsView [196]: Creating additional ui components for UM3.
2019-04-19 17:31:03,523 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.DiscoverUM3Action.startDiscovery [47]: Starting device discovery.
2019-04-19 17:31:03,539 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Controller.setActiveStage [159]: Setting active stage to PrepareStage
2019-04-19 17:31:03,713 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 17:31:03,920 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/PrepareStage/PrepareMain.qml:16:5: QML ActionPanelWidget: Binding loop detected for property "width"
2019-04-19 17:31:03,926 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Controller.setActiveView [92]: Setting active view to SolidView
2019-04-19 17:31:03,931 - DEBUG - [MainThread] ModelChecker.ModelChecker._createView [103]: Creating model checker view.
2019-04-19 17:31:03,948 - DEBUG - [MainThread] ModelChecker.ModelChecker._createView [112]: Model checker view created.
2019-04-19 17:31:03,950 - DEBUG - [MainThread] SliceInfoPlugin.SliceInfo._createDialog [82]: Creating dialog [MoreInfoWindow.qml]
2019-04-19 17:31:04,055 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [747]: Booting Cura took 15.656819820404053 seconds
2019-04-19 17:31:04,083 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MaterialManager._updateMaps [279]: Updating material lookup data ...
2019-04-19 17:31:04,224 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1270]: Updating quality/quality_changes due to material change
2019-04-19 17:31:04,231 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1277]: Current quality type = [draft]
2019-04-19 17:31:04,241 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1291]: Current available quality type [draft] is available, applying changes.
2019-04-19 17:31:04,494 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 17:31:04,770 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [61]: Updating QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:31:04,773 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container coarse
2019-04-19 17:31:04,783 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [coarse] added.
2019-04-19 17:31:04,990 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container extra_coarse
2019-04-19 17:31:05,013 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [extra_coarse] added.
2019-04-19 17:31:05,127 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container fast
2019-04-19 17:31:05,140 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [fast] added.
2019-04-19 17:31:05,330 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container high
2019-04-19 17:31:05,352 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [high] added.
2019-04-19 17:31:05,475 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container normal
2019-04-19 17:31:05,498 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [normal] added.
2019-04-19 17:31:05,500 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container extra_fast
2019-04-19 17:31:05,517 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [extra_fast] added.
2019-04-19 17:31:05,595 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [15]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:31:05,604 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._checkStack [140]: Need to check for errors again. Discard the current progress and reschedule a check.
2019-04-19 17:31:05,613 - INFO - [Thread-1] STLReader.STLReader.load_file [46]: Using NumPy-STL to load STL data.
2019-04-19 17:31:05,622 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] UM.Mesh.MeshData.calculateNormalsFromVertices [444]: Calculating normals took 0.0009999275207519531 seconds
2019-04-19 17:31:05,625 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] STLReader.STLReader._read [97]: Loaded a mesh with 11556 vertices
2019-04-19 17:31:05,645 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [401]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.016993999481201172 seconds. 208 input vertices. 208 output vertices.
2019-04-19 17:31:05,717 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:31:05,746 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] UM.FileHandler.ReadFileJob.run [69]: Loading file took 0.1 seconds
2019-04-19 17:31:05,796 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [401]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.042996883392333984 seconds. 208 input vertices. 208 output vertices.
2019-04-19 17:31:07,502 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtRenderer._initialize [183]: Support for Vertex Array Objects: True
2019-04-19 17:31:07,529 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [99]: Initialized OpenGL subsystems.
2019-04-19 17:31:07,535 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [100]: OpenGL Version:  3.3.0
2019-04-19 17:31:07,541 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [101]: OpenGL Vendor:   NVIDIA Corporation
2019-04-19 17:31:07,547 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [102]: OpenGL Renderer: GeForce 9500 GT/PCIe/SSE2
2019-04-19 17:31:07,552 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\default.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:31:07,563 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\selection.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:31:07,571 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\default.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:31:07,580 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\composite.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:31:07,590 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\overhang.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:31:07,598 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\striped.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:31:07,609 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\transparent_object.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:31:07,617 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\striped.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:31:07,629 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\default.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:31:07,637 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\grid.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:31:07,649 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\platform.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:31:07,845 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 17:31:07,978 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [per_object_stack_2376451691352] added.
2019-04-19 17:31:08,568 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [61]: Updating QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:31:08,608 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [15]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:31:08,640 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\transparent_object.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:31:12,094 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [228]: Starting to slice...
2019-04-19 17:31:12,095 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [246]: Going to slice build plate [0]!
2019-04-19 17:31:13,119 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 7.4s
2019-04-19 17:31:13,591 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onStartSliceCompleted [432]: Sending slice message took 1.495973825454712 seconds
2019-04-19 17:31:14,436 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] [ERROR] Could not connect to the given address
2019-04-19 17:31:14,440 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onBackendQuit [811]: Backend quit with return code 0. Resetting process and socket.
2019-04-19 17:31:18,032 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:31:32,791 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:31:32,796 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:31:32,814 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:31:32,828 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:31:32,834 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:31:32,917 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:31:32,923 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:31:32,930 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:31:32,936 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:31:32,943 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:31:32,949 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:31:32,964 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:31:32,970 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:31:32,978 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:31:32,984 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:31:32,990 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:31:32,996 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:31:33,003 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:31:33,010 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:31:33,018 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:31:33,023 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:31:53,923 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] [ERROR] Could not connect to the given address
2019-04-19 17:31:54,056 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onBackendQuit [811]: Backend quit with return code 0. Resetting process and socket.
2019-04-19 17:36:35,969 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [228]: Starting to slice...
2019-04-19 17:36:35,969 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [246]: Going to slice build plate [0]!
2019-04-19 17:36:35,975 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:36:36,032 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:36:36,127 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:36:36,134 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:36:36,228 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:36:36,357 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:36:36,408 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:36:36,431 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:36:36,578 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:36:36,597 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:36:36,602 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:36:36,609 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:36:36,639 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:36:36,649 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:36:36,661 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:36:36,778 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:36:36,871 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:36:36,876 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:36:36,881 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:36:36,886 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:36:37,332 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onStartSliceCompleted [432]: Sending slice message took 1.3629786968231201 seconds
2019-04-19 17:36:41,199 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:36:41,200 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [301]: Killing engine process
2019-04-19 17:36:41,206 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [304]: Engine process is killed. Received return code 1
2019-04-19 17:36:41,212 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:36:41,229 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:36:41,239 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:36:41,245 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:36:41,316 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:36:41,323 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:36:41,329 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:36:41,335 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:36:41,341 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:36:41,347 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:36:41,352 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:36:41,357 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:36:41,362 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:36:41,366 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:36:41,371 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:36:41,376 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:36:41,381 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:36:41,386 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:36:41,391 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:36:41,395 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:37:02,323 - DEBUG - [Thread-20] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] [ERROR] Could not connect to the given address
2019-04-19 17:37:02,327 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onBackendQuit [811]: Backend quit with return code 0. Resetting process and socket.
2019-04-19 17:37:42,709 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [228]: Starting to slice...
2019-04-19 17:37:42,710 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [246]: Going to slice build plate [0]!
2019-04-19 17:37:42,717 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:37:42,740 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:37:43,122 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:37:43,128 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:37:43,854 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:37:43,860 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:37:43,865 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:37:43,870 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:37:43,875 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:37:43,880 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:37:43,891 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:37:43,898 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:37:43,903 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:37:43,908 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:37:43,913 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:37:43,919 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:37:43,927 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:37:43,933 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:37:43,939 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:37:43,944 - DEBUG - [Thread-23] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:37:46,053 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [228]: Starting to slice...
2019-04-19 17:37:46,072 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [246]: Going to slice build plate [0]!
2019-04-19 17:37:46,073 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:37:46,074 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [301]: Killing engine process
2019-04-19 17:37:46,092 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [304]: Engine process is killed. Received return code 1
2019-04-19 17:37:46,099 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:37:46,115 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:37:46,130 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:37:46,136 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:37:46,281 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:37:46,304 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:37:46,319 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:37:46,333 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:37:46,348 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:37:46,361 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:37:46,370 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:37:46,440 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:37:46,453 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:37:46,479 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:37:46,488 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:37:46,526 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:37:46,544 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:37:46,554 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:37:46,571 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:37:46,590 - DEBUG - [Thread-26] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:37:52,381 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onStartSliceCompleted [432]: Sending slice message took 6.327927589416504 seconds
2019-04-19 17:37:57,606 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:37:57,607 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [301]: Killing engine process
2019-04-19 17:37:57,614 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [304]: Engine process is killed. Received return code 1
2019-04-19 17:37:57,620 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:37:57,639 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:37:57,654 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:37:57,659 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:37:57,760 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:37:57,767 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:37:57,774 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:37:57,781 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:37:57,788 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:37:57,794 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:37:57,803 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:37:57,810 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:37:57,817 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:37:57,823 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:37:57,830 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:37:57,838 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:37:57,844 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:37:57,850 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:37:57,855 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:37:57,860 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:38:18,757 - DEBUG - [Thread-29] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] [ERROR] Could not connect to the given address
2019-04-19 17:38:18,813 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onBackendQuit [811]: Backend quit with return code 0. Resetting process and socket.
2019-04-19 17:38:48,283 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry._populateMetaData [604]: Could not find plugin extruder_stack
2019-04-19 17:38:48,295 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry._populateMetaData [604]: Could not find plugin global_stack
2019-04-19 17:38:48,320 - WARNING - [MainThread] cura.Settings.ContainerManager.getContainerMetaDataEntry [65]: Could not get metadata of container Unknown because it was not found.
2019-04-19 17:38:48,703 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Preferences/Materials/MaterialsPage.qml:236:13: QML MaterialsList: Binding loop detected for property "height"
2019-04-19 17:38:48,710 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/resources/qml/Preferences/Materials/MaterialsList.qml:135:5: QML Column: Binding loop detected for property "height"
2019-04-19 17:38:54,435 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:39:59,878 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [228]: Starting to slice...
2019-04-19 17:39:59,879 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [246]: Going to slice build plate [0]!
2019-04-19 17:39:59,884 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:40:00,003 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:40:00,121 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:40:00,127 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:40:00,310 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:40:00,323 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:40:00,337 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:40:00,355 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:40:00,398 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:40:00,458 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:40:00,551 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:40:00,557 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:40:00,570 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:40:00,585 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:40:00,606 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:40:00,614 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:40:00,622 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:40:00,628 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:40:00,644 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:40:00,676 - DEBUG - [Thread-32] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:40:01,281 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onStartSliceCompleted [432]: Sending slice message took 1.4019780158996582 seconds
2019-04-19 17:40:20,152 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:40:20,153 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [301]: Killing engine process
2019-04-19 17:40:20,160 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [304]: Engine process is killed. Received return code 1
2019-04-19 17:40:20,165 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:40:20,182 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:40:20,197 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:40:20,203 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:40:20,270 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:40:20,276 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:40:20,282 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:40:20,288 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:40:20,295 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:40:20,299 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:40:20,304 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:40:20,309 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:40:20,314 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:40:20,318 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:40:20,323 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:40:20,328 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:40:20,333 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:40:20,338 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:40:20,342 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:40:20,347 - DEBUG - [Thread-35] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:40:21,259 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.TaskManagement.OnExitCallbackManager.triggerNextCallback [51]: No more on-app-exit callbacks to process. Tell the app to exit.
2019-04-19 17:40:21,264 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.closeApplication [547]: Close application
2019-04-19 17:40:21,309 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.windowClosed [417]: Shutting down cura
2019-04-19 17:40:21,374 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:40:21,374 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [301]: Killing engine process
2019-04-19 17:40:21,384 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [304]: Engine process is killed. Received return code 1
2019-04-19 17:40:59,849 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin FileLogger
2019-04-19 17:40:59,879 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin FirmwareUpdateChecker
2019-04-19 17:40:59,903 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin FirmwareUpdater
2019-04-19 17:40:59,924 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeGzReader
2019-04-19 17:40:59,945 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeGzWriter
2019-04-19 17:40:59,965 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeProfileReader
2019-04-19 17:41:00,000 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeReader
2019-04-19 17:41:00,023 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeWriter
2019-04-19 17:41:00,046 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin ImageReader
2019-04-19 17:41:00,068 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin LegacyProfileReader
2019-04-19 17:41:00,088 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin LocalContainerProvider
2019-04-19 17:41:00,113 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin LocalFileOutputDevice
2019-04-19 17:41:00,134 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin MachineSettingsAction
2019-04-19 17:41:00,156 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin ModelChecker
2019-04-19 17:41:00,181 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin MonitorStage
2019-04-19 17:41:00,210 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PerObjectSettingsTool
2019-04-19 17:41:00,235 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PostProcessingPlugin
2019-04-19 17:41:00,260 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PrepareStage
2019-04-19 17:41:00,284 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PreviewStage
2019-04-19 17:41:00,315 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin RemovableDriveOutputDevice
2019-04-19 17:41:00,351 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SimulationView
2019-04-19 17:41:00,378 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SliceInfoPlugin
2019-04-19 17:41:00,403 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SolidView
2019-04-19 17:41:00,431 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SupportEraser
2019-04-19 17:41:00,467 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.OAuth2.AuthorizationService.getAccessToken [106]: No auth data to retrieve the access_token from
2019-04-19 17:41:00,473 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin Toolbox
2019-04-19 17:41:00,503 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin CameraTool
2019-04-19 17:41:00,533 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin MirrorTool
2019-04-19 17:41:00,565 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin RotateTool
2019-04-19 17:41:00,596 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin ScaleTool
2019-04-19 17:41:00,622 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SelectionTool
2019-04-19 17:41:00,653 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin TranslateTool
2019-04-19 17:41:00,715 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UFPWriter
2019-04-19 17:41:00,747 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UltimakerMachineActions
2019-04-19 17:41:00,919 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onLoginStateChanged [57]: Log in state changed to False
2019-04-19 17:41:00,920 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onGetRemoteClustersFinished [80]: Parsed remote clusters to []
2019-04-19 17:41:00,921 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onGetRemoteClustersFinished [81]: Removed: 0, added: 0, updates: 0
2019-04-19 17:41:00,927 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UM3NetworkPrinting
2019-04-19 17:41:00,977 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UpdateChecker
2019-04-19 17:41:00,983 - INFO - [Thread-2] UpdateChecker.UpdateCheckerJob.run [36]: Checking for new version of cura
2019-04-19 17:41:01,041 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin USBPrinting
2019-04-19 17:41:01,072 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UserAgreement
2019-04-19 17:41:01,115 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade21to22
2019-04-19 17:41:01,147 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade22to24
2019-04-19 17:41:01,179 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade25to26
2019-04-19 17:41:01,211 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade26to27
2019-04-19 17:41:01,245 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade27to30
2019-04-19 17:41:01,278 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade30to31
2019-04-19 17:41:01,313 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade32to33
2019-04-19 17:41:01,346 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade33to34
2019-04-19 17:41:01,381 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade34to35
2019-04-19 17:41:01,416 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade35to40
2019-04-19 17:41:01,454 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SimpleView
2019-04-19 17:41:01,490 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin X3DReader
2019-04-19 17:41:01,533 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin XmlMaterialProfile
2019-04-19 17:41:01,571 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin XRayView
2019-04-19 17:41:01,609 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin CustomSupports
2019-04-19 17:41:01,650 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin OrientationPlugin
2019-04-19 17:41:01,679 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager.upgrade [143]: Looking for old configuration files to upgrade.
2019-04-19 17:41:01,732 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:41:01,739 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:41:01,772 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:41:01,777 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:41:01,810 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:41:01,816 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:41:01,847 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:41:01,853 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:41:01,892 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:41:01,897 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:41:01,930 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:41:01,936 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:41:01,967 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:41:01,972 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:41:02,004 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:41:02,009 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:41:02,101 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._onSocketError [213]: Socket was unable to bind to port, increasing port number to 49675
2019-04-19 17:41:02,106 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:41:02,110 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:41:02,114 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:41:02,325 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:41:02,339 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:41:02,344 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:41:02,404 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:41:02,409 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:41:02,414 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:41:02,419 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:41:02,424 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:41:02,428 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:41:02,433 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:41:02,438 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:41:02,443 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:41:02,448 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:41:02,452 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:41:02,457 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:41:02,462 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:41:02,466 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:41:02,471 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:41:02,476 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:41:05,433 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.loadAllMetadata [338]: Loading metadata into container registry took 3.0819644927978516 seconds
2019-04-19 17:41:05,606 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Scene.CuraSceneController.setActiveBuildPlate [104]: Select build plate: 0
2019-04-19 17:41:05,610 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [695]: Initializing variant manager
2019-04-19 17:41:05,618 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container ultimaker_s5_aluminum
2019-04-19 17:41:05,625 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [ultimaker_s5_aluminum] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:05,627 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container ultimaker_s5
2019-04-19 17:41:05,792 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [ultimaker_s5] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:05,799 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container ultimaker_s5_glass
2019-04-19 17:41:05,807 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [ultimaker_s5_glass] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:05,814 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.VariantManager.initialize [59]: Exclude variant [empty_variant]
2019-04-19 17:41:05,819 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [699]: Initializing material manager
2019-04-19 17:41:06,049 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [704]: Initializing quality manager
2019-04-19 17:41:06,071 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 17:41:06,076 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [709]: Initializing machine manager
2019-04-19 17:41:06,081 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [712]: Initializing container manager
2019-04-19 17:41:06,086 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [715]: Initializing machine error checker
2019-04-19 17:41:06,117 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container Creality CR-10
2019-04-19 17:41:06,122 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container Creality CR-10_user
2019-04-19 17:41:06,130 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [Creality CR-10_user] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:06,132 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_pla
2019-04-19 17:41:06,140 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_pla] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:06,142 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container draft
2019-04-19 17:41:06,150 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [draft] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:06,155 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container Creality CR-10_settings
2019-04-19 17:41:06,163 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [Creality CR-10_settings] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:06,165 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10
2019-04-19 17:41:06,245 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:06,250 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [Creality CR-10] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:06,255 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.MachineActionManager.addDefaultMachineActions [72]: Default machine actions added for machine definition [creality_cr10]
2019-04-19 17:41:06,259 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2
2019-04-19 17:41:06,263 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_user
2019-04-19 17:41:06,271 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_user] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:06,272 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0_pla
2019-04-19 17:41:06,282 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0_pla] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:06,284 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container generic_pla_175
2019-04-19 17:41:06,296 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_imade3d_jellybox] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:06,301 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:06,306 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm_2-fans] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:06,311 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:06,316 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.25mm_thermoplastic_extruder] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:06,320 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.4mm_thermoplastic_extruder] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:06,325 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.8mm_thermoplastic_extruder] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:06,330 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:06,332 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_settings
2019-04-19 17:41:06,342 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_settings] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:06,344 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0
2019-04-19 17:41:06,350 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:06,356 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:06,379 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container fdmprinter
2019-04-19 17:41:06,457 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [fdmprinter] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:06,757 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: BQ_PauseAtHeight
2019-04-19 17:41:06,759 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: ChangeAtZ
2019-04-19 17:41:06,761 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: DisplayFilenameAndLayerOnLCD
2019-04-19 17:41:06,764 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: FilamentChange
2019-04-19 17:41:06,766 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: PauseAtHeight
2019-04-19 17:41:06,768 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: PauseAtHeightRepRapFirmwareDuet
2019-04-19 17:41:06,770 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: PauseAtHeightforRepetier
2019-04-19 17:41:06,771 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: SearchAndReplace
2019-04-19 17:41:06,774 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: Stretch
2019-04-19 17:41:06,777 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.UM3OutputDevicePlugin.checkCloudFlowIsPossible [412]: Checking if cloud connection is possible...
2019-04-19 17:41:06,778 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.UM3OutputDevicePlugin.checkCloudFlowIsPossible [435]: Cloud Flow not possible: User not logged in!
2019-04-19 17:41:06,937 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [136]: Extruder[creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] added to [Creality CR-10] at position [0]
2019-04-19 17:41:06,941 - WARNING - [MainThread] cura.Settings.ExtruderManager.registerExtruder [169]: Extruder [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] has already been registered on machine [Creality CR-10], not doing anything
2019-04-19 17:41:06,951 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._initMachineState [330]: Machine 'Creality CR-10' quality changes set to 'PLA #2'
2019-04-19 17:41:07,265 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:41:07,267 - INFO - [MainThread] FirmwareUpdateChecker.FirmwareUpdateChecker.checkFirmwareVersion [76]: No machine with name Creality CR-10 in list of firmware to check.
2019-04-19 17:41:08,853 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin._createView [280]: Creating post processing plugin view.
2019-04-19 17:41:08,991 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.load [158]: Loading theme file: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\themes\cura-light\theme.json
2019-04-19 17:41:09,097 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.load [230]: Loaded theme C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\themes\cura-light
2019-04-19 17:41:09,186 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin._createView [290]: Post processing view created.
2019-04-19 17:41:09,462 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.getImage [133]: No image header_pattern defined in Theme
2019-04-19 17:41:09,481 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.BuildPlateModel._update [33]: Updating BuildPlateModel.
2019-04-19 17:41:10,546 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 17:41:10,785 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.DiscoverUM3Action._createAdditionalComponentsView [196]: Creating additional ui components for UM3.
2019-04-19 17:41:10,843 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.DiscoverUM3Action.startDiscovery [47]: Starting device discovery.
2019-04-19 17:41:10,864 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Controller.setActiveStage [159]: Setting active stage to PrepareStage
2019-04-19 17:41:11,031 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 17:41:11,200 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/PrepareStage/PrepareMain.qml:16:5: QML ActionPanelWidget: Binding loop detected for property "width"
2019-04-19 17:41:11,205 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Controller.setActiveView [92]: Setting active view to SolidView
2019-04-19 17:41:11,215 - DEBUG - [MainThread] ModelChecker.ModelChecker._createView [103]: Creating model checker view.
2019-04-19 17:41:11,232 - DEBUG - [MainThread] ModelChecker.ModelChecker._createView [112]: Model checker view created.
2019-04-19 17:41:11,234 - DEBUG - [MainThread] SliceInfoPlugin.SliceInfo._createDialog [82]: Creating dialog [MoreInfoWindow.qml]
2019-04-19 17:41:11,348 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [747]: Booting Cura took 13.938833713531494 seconds
2019-04-19 17:41:11,392 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 17:41:11,413 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MaterialManager._updateMaps [279]: Updating material lookup data ...
2019-04-19 17:41:11,481 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1270]: Updating quality/quality_changes due to material change
2019-04-19 17:41:11,486 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1277]: Current quality type = [draft]
2019-04-19 17:41:11,491 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1291]: Current available quality type [draft] is available, applying changes.
2019-04-19 17:41:11,561 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._checkStack [140]: Need to check for errors again. Discard the current progress and reschedule a check.
2019-04-19 17:41:11,602 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [61]: Updating QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:41:11,604 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container coarse
2019-04-19 17:41:11,612 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [coarse] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:11,652 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container extra_coarse
2019-04-19 17:41:11,660 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [extra_coarse] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:11,696 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container fast
2019-04-19 17:41:11,704 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [fast] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:11,786 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container high
2019-04-19 17:41:11,794 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [high] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:11,835 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container normal
2019-04-19 17:41:11,842 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [normal] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:11,845 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container extra_fast
2019-04-19 17:41:11,852 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [extra_fast] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:11,910 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [15]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:41:11,918 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:41:13,175 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtRenderer._initialize [183]: Support for Vertex Array Objects: True
2019-04-19 17:41:13,202 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [99]: Initialized OpenGL subsystems.
2019-04-19 17:41:13,207 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [100]: OpenGL Version:  3.3.0
2019-04-19 17:41:13,211 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [101]: OpenGL Vendor:   NVIDIA Corporation
2019-04-19 17:41:13,216 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [102]: OpenGL Renderer: GeForce 9500 GT/PCIe/SSE2
2019-04-19 17:41:13,221 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\default.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:41:13,229 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\selection.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:41:13,236 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\default.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:41:13,243 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\composite.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:41:13,251 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\overhang.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:41:13,259 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\striped.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:41:13,268 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\transparent_object.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:41:13,276 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\striped.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:41:13,287 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\default.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:41:13,294 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\grid.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:41:13,302 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\platform.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:41:13,435 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 17:41:13,538 - INFO - [Thread-1] STLReader.STLReader.load_file [46]: Using NumPy-STL to load STL data.
2019-04-19 17:41:13,548 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] UM.Mesh.MeshData.calculateNormalsFromVertices [444]: Calculating normals took 0.0019996166229248047 seconds
2019-04-19 17:41:13,551 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] STLReader.STLReader._read [97]: Loaded a mesh with 26622 vertices
2019-04-19 17:41:13,568 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [61]: Updating QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:41:13,583 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [401]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.026998519897460938 seconds. 55 input vertices. 55 output vertices.
2019-04-19 17:41:13,602 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [15]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:41:13,611 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] UM.FileHandler.ReadFileJob.run [69]: Loading file took 0.1 seconds
2019-04-19 17:41:13,630 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [401]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.01400136947631836 seconds. 54 input vertices. 54 output vertices.
2019-04-19 17:41:13,680 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [per_object_stack_2040198927304] added.
2019-04-19 17:41:13,767 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\transparent_object.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:41:15,838 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 3.9s
2019-04-19 17:41:23,413 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] [ERROR] Could not connect to the given address
2019-04-19 17:41:23,421 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onBackendQuit [811]: Backend quit with return code 0. Resetting process and socket.
2019-04-19 17:41:23,717 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:43:24,615 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [228]: Starting to slice...
2019-04-19 17:43:24,616 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [246]: Going to slice build plate [0]!
2019-04-19 17:43:24,622 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:43:24,836 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:43:24,895 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:43:24,909 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:43:24,971 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:43:25,007 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:43:25,014 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:43:25,049 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:43:25,084 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:43:25,152 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:43:25,215 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:43:25,230 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:43:25,249 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:43:25,340 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:43:25,434 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:43:25,465 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:43:25,473 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:43:25,481 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:43:25,489 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:43:25,496 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:43:26,060 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onStartSliceCompleted [432]: Sending slice message took 1.4439780712127686 seconds
2019-04-19 17:43:40,054 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:43:40,054 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [301]: Killing engine process
2019-04-19 17:43:40,061 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [304]: Engine process is killed. Received return code 1
2019-04-19 17:43:40,066 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:43:40,087 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:43:40,101 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:43:40,107 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:43:40,196 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:43:40,201 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:43:40,205 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:43:40,210 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:43:40,215 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:43:40,219 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:43:40,224 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:43:40,229 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:43:40,233 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:43:40,238 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:43:40,243 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:43:40,247 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:43:40,252 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:43:40,256 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:43:40,262 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:43:40,266 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:43:41,894 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.TaskManagement.OnExitCallbackManager.triggerNextCallback [51]: No more on-app-exit callbacks to process. Tell the app to exit.
2019-04-19 17:43:41,899 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.closeApplication [547]: Close application
2019-04-19 17:43:41,961 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.windowClosed [417]: Shutting down cura
2019-04-19 17:43:42,021 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:43:42,022 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [301]: Killing engine process
2019-04-19 17:43:42,028 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [304]: Engine process is killed. Received return code 1
2019-04-19 17:46:36,498 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin FileLogger
2019-04-19 17:46:36,523 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin FirmwareUpdateChecker
2019-04-19 17:46:36,545 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin FirmwareUpdater
2019-04-19 17:46:36,566 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeGzReader
2019-04-19 17:46:36,585 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeGzWriter
2019-04-19 17:46:36,606 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeProfileReader
2019-04-19 17:46:36,638 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeReader
2019-04-19 17:46:36,659 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeWriter
2019-04-19 17:46:36,682 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin ImageReader
2019-04-19 17:46:36,703 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin LegacyProfileReader
2019-04-19 17:46:36,723 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin LocalContainerProvider
2019-04-19 17:46:36,748 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin LocalFileOutputDevice
2019-04-19 17:46:36,768 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin MachineSettingsAction
2019-04-19 17:46:36,790 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin ModelChecker
2019-04-19 17:46:36,814 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin MonitorStage
2019-04-19 17:46:36,842 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PerObjectSettingsTool
2019-04-19 17:46:36,866 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PostProcessingPlugin
2019-04-19 17:46:36,891 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PrepareStage
2019-04-19 17:46:36,914 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PreviewStage
2019-04-19 17:46:36,945 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin RemovableDriveOutputDevice
2019-04-19 17:46:36,979 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SimulationView
2019-04-19 17:46:37,006 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SliceInfoPlugin
2019-04-19 17:46:37,030 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SolidView
2019-04-19 17:46:37,057 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SupportEraser
2019-04-19 17:46:37,092 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.OAuth2.AuthorizationService.getAccessToken [106]: No auth data to retrieve the access_token from
2019-04-19 17:46:37,098 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin Toolbox
2019-04-19 17:46:37,126 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin CameraTool
2019-04-19 17:46:37,156 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin MirrorTool
2019-04-19 17:46:37,188 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin RotateTool
2019-04-19 17:46:37,221 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin ScaleTool
2019-04-19 17:46:37,246 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SelectionTool
2019-04-19 17:46:37,277 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin TranslateTool
2019-04-19 17:46:37,325 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UFPWriter
2019-04-19 17:46:37,356 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UltimakerMachineActions
2019-04-19 17:46:37,512 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onLoginStateChanged [57]: Log in state changed to False
2019-04-19 17:46:37,512 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onGetRemoteClustersFinished [80]: Parsed remote clusters to []
2019-04-19 17:46:37,513 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onGetRemoteClustersFinished [81]: Removed: 0, added: 0, updates: 0
2019-04-19 17:46:37,519 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UM3NetworkPrinting
2019-04-19 17:46:37,571 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UpdateChecker
2019-04-19 17:46:37,578 - INFO - [Thread-2] UpdateChecker.UpdateCheckerJob.run [36]: Checking for new version of cura
2019-04-19 17:46:37,633 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin USBPrinting
2019-04-19 17:46:37,663 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UserAgreement
2019-04-19 17:46:37,704 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade21to22
2019-04-19 17:46:37,736 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade22to24
2019-04-19 17:46:37,768 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade25to26
2019-04-19 17:46:37,801 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade26to27
2019-04-19 17:46:37,833 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade27to30
2019-04-19 17:46:37,867 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade30to31
2019-04-19 17:46:37,900 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade32to33
2019-04-19 17:46:37,932 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade33to34
2019-04-19 17:46:37,966 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade34to35
2019-04-19 17:46:37,999 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade35to40
2019-04-19 17:46:38,034 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SimpleView
2019-04-19 17:46:38,070 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin X3DReader
2019-04-19 17:46:38,110 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin XmlMaterialProfile
2019-04-19 17:46:38,145 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin XRayView
2019-04-19 17:46:38,182 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin CustomSupports
2019-04-19 17:46:38,222 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin OrientationPlugin
2019-04-19 17:46:38,249 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager.upgrade [143]: Looking for old configuration files to upgrade.
2019-04-19 17:46:38,300 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:46:38,306 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:46:38,338 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:46:38,343 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:46:38,374 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:46:38,379 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:46:38,410 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:46:38,415 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:46:38,446 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:46:38,451 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:46:38,482 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:46:38,487 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:46:38,517 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:46:38,523 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:46:38,553 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:46:38,560 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:46:38,647 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._onSocketError [213]: Socket was unable to bind to port, increasing port number to 49675
2019-04-19 17:46:38,651 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:46:38,655 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:46:38,659 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:46:38,866 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:46:38,879 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:46:38,884 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:46:38,946 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:46:38,951 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:46:38,956 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:46:38,961 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:46:38,966 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:46:38,970 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:46:38,975 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:46:38,980 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:46:38,984 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:46:38,989 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:46:38,994 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:46:38,999 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:46:39,003 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:46:39,008 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:46:39,014 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:46:39,019 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:46:41,780 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.loadAllMetadata [338]: Loading metadata into container registry took 2.887972354888916 seconds
2019-04-19 17:46:41,920 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Scene.CuraSceneController.setActiveBuildPlate [104]: Select build plate: 0
2019-04-19 17:46:41,925 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [695]: Initializing variant manager
2019-04-19 17:46:41,935 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.VariantManager.initialize [59]: Exclude variant [empty_variant]
2019-04-19 17:46:41,937 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container ultimaker_s5_glass
2019-04-19 17:46:41,945 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [ultimaker_s5_glass] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:41,946 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container ultimaker_s5
2019-04-19 17:46:42,095 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [ultimaker_s5] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,099 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container ultimaker_s5_aluminum
2019-04-19 17:46:42,106 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [ultimaker_s5_aluminum] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,114 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [699]: Initializing material manager
2019-04-19 17:46:42,210 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [704]: Initializing quality manager
2019-04-19 17:46:42,232 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,237 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [709]: Initializing machine manager
2019-04-19 17:46:42,242 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [712]: Initializing container manager
2019-04-19 17:46:42,247 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [715]: Initializing machine error checker
2019-04-19 17:46:42,277 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container Creality CR-10
2019-04-19 17:46:42,282 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container Creality CR-10_user
2019-04-19 17:46:42,290 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [Creality CR-10_user] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,292 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_pla
2019-04-19 17:46:42,300 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_pla] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,301 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container draft
2019-04-19 17:46:42,309 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [draft] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,312 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container Creality CR-10_settings
2019-04-19 17:46:42,320 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [Creality CR-10_settings] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,322 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10
2019-04-19 17:46:42,397 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,403 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [Creality CR-10] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,408 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.MachineActionManager.addDefaultMachineActions [72]: Default machine actions added for machine definition [creality_cr10]
2019-04-19 17:46:42,413 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2
2019-04-19 17:46:42,418 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_user
2019-04-19 17:46:42,426 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_user] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,427 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0_pla
2019-04-19 17:46:42,437 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0_pla] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,439 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container generic_pla_175
2019-04-19 17:46:42,451 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_imade3d_jellybox] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,456 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,460 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm_2-fans] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,465 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,470 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.25mm_thermoplastic_extruder] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,475 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.4mm_thermoplastic_extruder] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,480 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.8mm_thermoplastic_extruder] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,485 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,486 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_settings
2019-04-19 17:46:42,497 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_settings] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,499 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0
2019-04-19 17:46:42,505 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,510 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,535 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container fdmprinter
2019-04-19 17:46:42,611 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [fdmprinter] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:42,906 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: BQ_PauseAtHeight
2019-04-19 17:46:42,908 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: ChangeAtZ
2019-04-19 17:46:42,910 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: DisplayFilenameAndLayerOnLCD
2019-04-19 17:46:42,913 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: FilamentChange
2019-04-19 17:46:42,914 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: PauseAtHeight
2019-04-19 17:46:42,916 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: PauseAtHeightRepRapFirmwareDuet
2019-04-19 17:46:42,918 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: PauseAtHeightforRepetier
2019-04-19 17:46:42,920 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: SearchAndReplace
2019-04-19 17:46:42,922 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: Stretch
2019-04-19 17:46:42,926 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.UM3OutputDevicePlugin.checkCloudFlowIsPossible [412]: Checking if cloud connection is possible...
2019-04-19 17:46:42,927 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.UM3OutputDevicePlugin.checkCloudFlowIsPossible [435]: Cloud Flow not possible: User not logged in!
2019-04-19 17:46:43,079 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [136]: Extruder[creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] added to [Creality CR-10] at position [0]
2019-04-19 17:46:43,083 - WARNING - [MainThread] cura.Settings.ExtruderManager.registerExtruder [169]: Extruder [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] has already been registered on machine [Creality CR-10], not doing anything
2019-04-19 17:46:43,092 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._initMachineState [330]: Machine 'Creality CR-10' quality changes set to 'PLA #2'
2019-04-19 17:46:43,402 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:46:43,403 - INFO - [MainThread] FirmwareUpdateChecker.FirmwareUpdateChecker.checkFirmwareVersion [76]: No machine with name Creality CR-10 in list of firmware to check.
2019-04-19 17:46:44,857 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin._createView [280]: Creating post processing plugin view.
2019-04-19 17:46:44,985 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.load [158]: Loading theme file: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\themes\cura-light\theme.json
2019-04-19 17:46:45,089 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.load [230]: Loaded theme C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\themes\cura-light
2019-04-19 17:46:45,176 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin._createView [290]: Post processing view created.
2019-04-19 17:46:45,439 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.getImage [133]: No image header_pattern defined in Theme
2019-04-19 17:46:45,457 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.BuildPlateModel._update [33]: Updating BuildPlateModel.
2019-04-19 17:46:46,484 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 17:46:46,714 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.DiscoverUM3Action._createAdditionalComponentsView [196]: Creating additional ui components for UM3.
2019-04-19 17:46:46,771 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.DiscoverUM3Action.startDiscovery [47]: Starting device discovery.
2019-04-19 17:46:46,787 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Controller.setActiveStage [159]: Setting active stage to PrepareStage
2019-04-19 17:46:46,945 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 17:46:47,107 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/PrepareStage/PrepareMain.qml:16:5: QML ActionPanelWidget: Binding loop detected for property "width"
2019-04-19 17:46:47,113 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Controller.setActiveView [92]: Setting active view to SolidView
2019-04-19 17:46:47,155 - DEBUG - [MainThread] ModelChecker.ModelChecker._createView [103]: Creating model checker view.
2019-04-19 17:46:47,170 - DEBUG - [MainThread] ModelChecker.ModelChecker._createView [112]: Model checker view created.
2019-04-19 17:46:47,172 - DEBUG - [MainThread] SliceInfoPlugin.SliceInfo._createDialog [82]: Creating dialog [MoreInfoWindow.qml]
2019-04-19 17:46:47,256 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [747]: Booting Cura took 12.433862924575806 seconds
2019-04-19 17:46:47,296 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MaterialManager._updateMaps [279]: Updating material lookup data ...
2019-04-19 17:46:47,361 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1270]: Updating quality/quality_changes due to material change
2019-04-19 17:46:47,367 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1277]: Current quality type = [draft]
2019-04-19 17:46:47,371 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1291]: Current available quality type [draft] is available, applying changes.
2019-04-19 17:46:47,434 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 17:46:47,461 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._checkStack [140]: Need to check for errors again. Discard the current progress and reschedule a check.
2019-04-19 17:46:47,541 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [61]: Updating QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:46:47,547 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container coarse
2019-04-19 17:46:47,554 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [coarse] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:47,592 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container extra_coarse
2019-04-19 17:46:47,600 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [extra_coarse] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:47,637 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container fast
2019-04-19 17:46:47,645 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [fast] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:47,727 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container high
2019-04-19 17:46:47,734 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [high] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:47,776 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container normal
2019-04-19 17:46:47,783 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [normal] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:47,785 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container extra_fast
2019-04-19 17:46:47,793 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [extra_fast] added.
2019-04-19 17:46:47,843 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [15]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:46:47,851 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:46:49,068 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtRenderer._initialize [183]: Support for Vertex Array Objects: True
2019-04-19 17:46:49,083 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [99]: Initialized OpenGL subsystems.
2019-04-19 17:46:49,087 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [100]: OpenGL Version:  3.3.0
2019-04-19 17:46:49,092 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [101]: OpenGL Vendor:   NVIDIA Corporation
2019-04-19 17:46:49,097 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [102]: OpenGL Renderer: GeForce 9500 GT/PCIe/SSE2
2019-04-19 17:46:49,102 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\default.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:46:49,109 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\selection.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:46:49,116 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\default.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:46:49,123 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\composite.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:46:49,131 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\overhang.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:46:49,140 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\striped.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:46:49,148 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\transparent_object.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:46:49,156 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\striped.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:46:49,208 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\default.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:46:49,224 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\grid.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:46:49,231 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\platform.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:46:49,362 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 17:46:49,488 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [61]: Updating QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:46:49,511 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [15]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:46:50,969 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 3.1s
2019-04-19 17:46:59,417 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:46:59,955 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] [ERROR] Could not connect to the given address
2019-04-19 17:46:59,982 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onBackendQuit [811]: Backend quit with return code 0. Resetting process and socket.
2019-04-19 17:47:14,254 - INFO - [Thread-1] STLReader.STLReader.load_file [46]: Using NumPy-STL to load STL data.
2019-04-19 17:47:14,274 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] UM.Mesh.MeshData.calculateNormalsFromVertices [444]: Calculating normals took 0.005001544952392578 seconds
2019-04-19 17:47:14,280 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] STLReader.STLReader._read [97]: Loaded a mesh with 82644 vertices
2019-04-19 17:47:14,415 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [401]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.12900376319885254 seconds. 351 input vertices. 351 output vertices.
2019-04-19 17:47:14,451 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] UM.FileHandler.ReadFileJob.run [69]: Loading file took 0.2 seconds
2019-04-19 17:47:14,507 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [401]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.049997806549072266 seconds. 351 input vertices. 351 output vertices.
2019-04-19 17:47:14,545 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [per_object_stack_2609140226928] added.
2019-04-19 17:47:14,589 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\transparent_object.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:47:24,579 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:47:27,664 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.TaskManagement.OnExitCallbackManager.triggerNextCallback [51]: No more on-app-exit callbacks to process. Tell the app to exit.
2019-04-19 17:47:27,669 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.closeApplication [547]: Close application
2019-04-19 17:47:27,687 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.windowClosed [417]: Shutting down cura
2019-04-19 17:47:27,721 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:54:11,043 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin FileLogger
2019-04-19 17:54:11,069 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin FirmwareUpdateChecker
2019-04-19 17:54:11,092 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin FirmwareUpdater
2019-04-19 17:54:11,115 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeGzReader
2019-04-19 17:54:11,144 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeGzWriter
2019-04-19 17:54:11,165 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeProfileReader
2019-04-19 17:54:11,199 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeReader
2019-04-19 17:54:11,221 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin GCodeWriter
2019-04-19 17:54:11,244 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin ImageReader
2019-04-19 17:54:11,266 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin LegacyProfileReader
2019-04-19 17:54:11,289 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin LocalContainerProvider
2019-04-19 17:54:11,319 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin LocalFileOutputDevice
2019-04-19 17:54:11,344 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin MachineSettingsAction
2019-04-19 17:54:11,368 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin ModelChecker
2019-04-19 17:54:11,395 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin MonitorStage
2019-04-19 17:54:11,428 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PerObjectSettingsTool
2019-04-19 17:54:11,458 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PostProcessingPlugin
2019-04-19 17:54:11,487 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PrepareStage
2019-04-19 17:54:11,520 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin PreviewStage
2019-04-19 17:54:11,562 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin RemovableDriveOutputDevice
2019-04-19 17:54:11,604 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SimulationView
2019-04-19 17:54:11,643 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SliceInfoPlugin
2019-04-19 17:54:11,683 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SolidView
2019-04-19 17:54:11,716 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SupportEraser
2019-04-19 17:54:11,761 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.OAuth2.AuthorizationService.getAccessToken [106]: No auth data to retrieve the access_token from
2019-04-19 17:54:11,769 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin Toolbox
2019-04-19 17:54:11,839 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin CameraTool
2019-04-19 17:54:12,007 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin MirrorTool
2019-04-19 17:54:12,257 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin RotateTool
2019-04-19 17:54:12,321 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin ScaleTool
2019-04-19 17:54:12,373 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SelectionTool
2019-04-19 17:54:12,418 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin TranslateTool
2019-04-19 17:54:12,518 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UFPWriter
2019-04-19 17:54:12,573 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UltimakerMachineActions
2019-04-19 17:54:12,827 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onLoginStateChanged [57]: Log in state changed to False
2019-04-19 17:54:12,828 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onGetRemoteClustersFinished [80]: Parsed remote clusters to []
2019-04-19 17:54:12,829 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.Cloud.CloudOutputDeviceManager._onGetRemoteClustersFinished [81]: Removed: 0, added: 0, updates: 0
2019-04-19 17:54:12,836 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UM3NetworkPrinting
2019-04-19 17:54:12,900 - INFO - [Thread-2] UpdateChecker.UpdateCheckerJob.run [36]: Checking for new version of cura
2019-04-19 17:54:12,911 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UpdateChecker
2019-04-19 17:54:13,053 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin USBPrinting
2019-04-19 17:54:13,127 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin UserAgreement
2019-04-19 17:54:13,215 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade21to22
2019-04-19 17:54:13,252 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade22to24
2019-04-19 17:54:13,289 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade25to26
2019-04-19 17:54:13,322 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade26to27
2019-04-19 17:54:13,357 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade27to30
2019-04-19 17:54:13,393 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade30to31
2019-04-19 17:54:13,426 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade32to33
2019-04-19 17:54:13,458 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade33to34
2019-04-19 17:54:13,491 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade34to35
2019-04-19 17:54:13,525 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade35to40
2019-04-19 17:54:13,560 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin SimpleView
2019-04-19 17:54:13,594 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin X3DReader
2019-04-19 17:54:13,634 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin XmlMaterialProfile
2019-04-19 17:54:13,670 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin XRayView
2019-04-19 17:54:13,708 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin CustomSupports
2019-04-19 17:54:13,747 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [436]: Loaded plugin OrientationPlugin
2019-04-19 17:54:13,777 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager.upgrade [143]: Looking for old configuration files to upgrade.
2019-04-19 17:54:13,828 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:54:13,839 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:54:13,872 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:54:13,877 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:54:13,908 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:54:13,914 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:54:13,945 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:54:13,950 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:54:13,983 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:54:13,989 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:54:14,021 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:54:14,027 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:54:14,059 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:54:14,064 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:54:14,096 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\packages.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:54:14,101 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [295]: Failed to get file version: .\plugins.json, skip it
2019-04-19 17:54:14,192 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._onSocketError [213]: Socket was unable to bind to port, increasing port number to 49675
2019-04-19 17:54:14,196 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:54:14,200 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:54:14,205 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:54:14,426 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:54:14,440 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:54:14,445 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:54:14,507 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:54:14,512 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:54:14,516 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:54:14,521 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:54:14,525 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:54:14,530 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:54:14,535 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:54:14,539 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:54:14,544 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:54:14,549 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:54:14,553 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:54:14,558 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:54:14,562 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:54:14,567 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:54:14,571 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:54:14,576 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:54:18,487 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.loadAllMetadata [338]: Loading metadata into container registry took 4.031955003738403 seconds
2019-04-19 17:54:18,793 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Scene.CuraSceneController.setActiveBuildPlate [104]: Select build plate: 0
2019-04-19 17:54:18,801 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [695]: Initializing variant manager
2019-04-19 17:54:18,822 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.VariantManager.initialize [59]: Exclude variant [empty_variant]
2019-04-19 17:54:18,826 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container ultimaker_s5_aluminum
2019-04-19 17:54:18,845 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [ultimaker_s5_aluminum] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:18,849 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container ultimaker_s5
2019-04-19 17:54:19,157 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [ultimaker_s5] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,164 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container ultimaker_s5_glass
2019-04-19 17:54:19,172 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [ultimaker_s5_glass] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,181 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [699]: Initializing material manager
2019-04-19 17:54:19,298 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [704]: Initializing quality manager
2019-04-19 17:54:19,323 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,328 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [709]: Initializing machine manager
2019-04-19 17:54:19,335 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [712]: Initializing container manager
2019-04-19 17:54:19,339 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [715]: Initializing machine error checker
2019-04-19 17:54:19,373 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container Creality CR-10
2019-04-19 17:54:19,378 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container Creality CR-10_user
2019-04-19 17:54:19,387 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [Creality CR-10_user] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,388 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_pla
2019-04-19 17:54:19,397 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_pla] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,399 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container draft
2019-04-19 17:54:19,408 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [draft] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,410 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container Creality CR-10_settings
2019-04-19 17:54:19,419 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [Creality CR-10_settings] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,420 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10
2019-04-19 17:54:19,503 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,509 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [Creality CR-10] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,514 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.MachineActionManager.addDefaultMachineActions [72]: Default machine actions added for machine definition [creality_cr10]
2019-04-19 17:54:19,521 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2
2019-04-19 17:54:19,526 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_user
2019-04-19 17:54:19,535 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_user] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,537 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0_pla
2019-04-19 17:54:19,549 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0_pla] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,550 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container generic_pla_175
2019-04-19 17:54:19,563 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_imade3d_jellybox] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,568 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,574 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_imade3d_jellybox_0.4_mm_2-fans] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,578 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,583 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.25mm_thermoplastic_extruder] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,589 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.4mm_thermoplastic_extruder] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,594 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175_cartesio_0.8mm_thermoplastic_extruder] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,599 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [generic_pla_175] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,601 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_settings
2019-04-19 17:54:19,613 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2_settings] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,615 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container creality_cr10_extruder_0
2019-04-19 17:54:19,622 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,628 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:19,655 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container fdmprinter
2019-04-19 17:54:19,741 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [fdmprinter] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:20,059 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: BQ_PauseAtHeight
2019-04-19 17:54:20,062 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: ChangeAtZ
2019-04-19 17:54:20,065 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: DisplayFilenameAndLayerOnLCD
2019-04-19 17:54:20,068 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: FilamentChange
2019-04-19 17:54:20,070 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: PauseAtHeight
2019-04-19 17:54:20,072 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: PauseAtHeightRepRapFirmwareDuet
2019-04-19 17:54:20,074 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: PauseAtHeightforRepetier
2019-04-19 17:54:20,077 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: SearchAndReplace
2019-04-19 17:54:20,080 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin.loadScripts [170]: Begin loading of script: Stretch
2019-04-19 17:54:20,084 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.UM3OutputDevicePlugin.checkCloudFlowIsPossible [412]: Checking if cloud connection is possible...
2019-04-19 17:54:20,084 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.UM3OutputDevicePlugin.checkCloudFlowIsPossible [435]: Cloud Flow not possible: User not logged in!
2019-04-19 17:54:20,256 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [136]: Extruder[creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] added to [Creality CR-10] at position [0]
2019-04-19 17:54:20,260 - WARNING - [MainThread] cura.Settings.ExtruderManager.registerExtruder [169]: Extruder [creality_cr10_extruder_0 #2] has already been registered on machine [Creality CR-10], not doing anything
2019-04-19 17:54:20,271 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._initMachineState [330]: Machine 'Creality CR-10' quality changes set to 'PLA #2'
2019-04-19 17:54:20,627 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:54:20,629 - INFO - [MainThread] FirmwareUpdateChecker.FirmwareUpdateChecker.checkFirmwareVersion [76]: No machine with name Creality CR-10 in list of firmware to check.
2019-04-19 17:54:22,783 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin._createView [280]: Creating post processing plugin view.
2019-04-19 17:54:22,924 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.load [158]: Loading theme file: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\themes\cura-light\theme.json
2019-04-19 17:54:23,047 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.load [230]: Loaded theme C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\themes\cura-light
2019-04-19 17:54:23,187 - DEBUG - [MainThread] PostProcessingPlugin.PostProcessingPlugin._createView [290]: Post processing view created.
2019-04-19 17:54:23,477 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.getImage [133]: No image header_pattern defined in Theme
2019-04-19 17:54:23,496 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.BuildPlateModel._update [33]: Updating BuildPlateModel.
2019-04-19 17:54:24,634 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 17:54:24,894 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.DiscoverUM3Action._createAdditionalComponentsView [196]: Creating additional ui components for UM3.
2019-04-19 17:54:24,955 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM3NetworkPrinting.src.DiscoverUM3Action.startDiscovery [47]: Starting device discovery.
2019-04-19 17:54:24,973 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Controller.setActiveStage [159]: Setting active stage to PrepareStage
2019-04-19 17:54:25,148 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [34]: Updating NozzleModel.
2019-04-19 17:54:25,331 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [352]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.0/plugins/PrepareStage/PrepareMain.qml:16:5: QML ActionPanelWidget: Binding loop detected for property "width"
2019-04-19 17:54:25,337 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Controller.setActiveView [92]: Setting active view to SolidView
2019-04-19 17:54:25,341 - DEBUG - [MainThread] ModelChecker.ModelChecker._createView [103]: Creating model checker view.
2019-04-19 17:54:25,355 - DEBUG - [MainThread] ModelChecker.ModelChecker._createView [112]: Model checker view created.
2019-04-19 17:54:25,356 - DEBUG - [MainThread] SliceInfoPlugin.SliceInfo._createDialog [82]: Creating dialog [MoreInfoWindow.qml]
2019-04-19 17:54:25,447 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.run [747]: Booting Cura took 16.137810468673706 seconds
2019-04-19 17:54:25,473 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MaterialManager._updateMaps [279]: Updating material lookup data ...
2019-04-19 17:54:25,545 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1270]: Updating quality/quality_changes due to material change
2019-04-19 17:54:25,551 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1277]: Current quality type = [draft]
2019-04-19 17:54:25,556 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.MachineManager._updateQualityWithMaterial [1291]: Current available quality type [draft] is available, applying changes.
2019-04-19 17:54:25,624 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 17:54:25,672 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._checkStack [140]: Need to check for errors again. Discard the current progress and reschedule a check.
2019-04-19 17:54:25,727 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [61]: Updating QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:54:25,729 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container coarse
2019-04-19 17:54:25,737 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [coarse] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:25,775 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container extra_coarse
2019-04-19 17:54:25,783 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [extra_coarse] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:25,822 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container fast
2019-04-19 17:54:25,831 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [fast] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:25,918 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container high
2019-04-19 17:54:25,926 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [high] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:25,969 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container normal
2019-04-19 17:54:25,978 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [normal] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:25,980 - DEBUG - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider.loadContainer [59]: Loading container extra_fast
2019-04-19 17:54:25,988 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [extra_fast] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:26,041 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [15]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:54:26,050 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._rescheduleCheck [136]: New error check scheduled.
2019-04-19 17:54:27,372 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtRenderer._initialize [183]: Support for Vertex Array Objects: True
2019-04-19 17:54:27,390 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [99]: Initialized OpenGL subsystems.
2019-04-19 17:54:27,394 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [100]: OpenGL Version:  3.3.0
2019-04-19 17:54:27,399 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [101]: OpenGL Vendor:   NVIDIA Corporation
2019-04-19 17:54:27,405 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [102]: OpenGL Renderer: GeForce 9500 GT/PCIe/SSE2
2019-04-19 17:54:27,410 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\default.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:54:27,418 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\selection.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:54:27,426 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\default.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:54:27,434 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\composite.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:54:27,444 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\overhang.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:54:27,452 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\striped.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:54:27,461 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\transparent_object.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:54:27,470 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\striped.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:54:27,480 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\default.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:54:27,488 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\grid.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:54:27,497 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\platform.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:54:27,636 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.QualityManager.initialize [136]: Lookup tables updated.
2019-04-19 17:54:27,759 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [61]: Updating QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:54:27,790 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [15]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2019-04-19 17:54:30,021 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Machines.MachineErrorChecker._setResult [188]: Error check finished, result = False, time = 4.0s
2019-04-19 17:54:35,517 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] [ERROR] Could not connect to the given address
2019-04-19 17:54:35,612 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onBackendQuit [811]: Backend quit with return code 0. Resetting process and socket.
2019-04-19 17:54:37,715 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
2019-04-19 17:54:40,161 - INFO - [Thread-3] STLReader.STLReader.load_file [46]: Using NumPy-STL to load STL data.
2019-04-19 17:54:40,181 - DEBUG - [Thread-3] UM.Mesh.MeshData.calculateNormalsFromVertices [444]: Calculating normals took 0.004998683929443359 seconds
2019-04-19 17:54:40,184 - DEBUG - [Thread-3] STLReader.STLReader._read [97]: Loaded a mesh with 82644 vertices
2019-04-19 17:54:40,244 - DEBUG - [Thread-3] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [401]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.055002689361572266 seconds. 351 input vertices. 351 output vertices.
2019-04-19 17:54:40,325 - DEBUG - [Thread-3] UM.FileHandler.ReadFileJob.run [69]: Loading file took 0.2 seconds
2019-04-19 17:54:40,382 - DEBUG - [Thread-3] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [401]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.05100083351135254 seconds. 351 input vertices. 351 output vertices.
2019-04-19 17:54:40,403 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.addContainer [386]: Container [per_object_stack_2494788975640] added.
2019-04-19 17:54:40,452 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\transparent_object.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:54:46,288 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [228]: Starting to slice...
2019-04-19 17:54:46,289 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [246]: Going to slice build plate [0]!
2019-04-19 17:54:46,295 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:54:46,698 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:54:46,740 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:54:46,752 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:54:46,834 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:54:46,850 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:54:46,858 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:54:46,867 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:54:46,880 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:54:46,889 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:54:46,898 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:54:47,137 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:54:47,148 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:54:47,154 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:54:47,160 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:54:47,165 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:54:47,171 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:54:47,177 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:54:47,184 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:54:47,189 - DEBUG - [Thread-14] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:54:47,582 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onStartSliceCompleted [432]: Sending slice message took 1.2929794788360596 seconds
2019-04-19 17:54:59,398 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\resources\shaders\toolhandle.shader]...
2019-04-19 17:55:01,887 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:55:01,888 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [301]: Killing engine process
2019-04-19 17:55:01,894 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [304]: Engine process is killed. Received return code 1
2019-04-19 17:55:01,899 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._createSocket [227]: Previous socket existed. Closing that first.
2019-04-19 17:55:01,916 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [187]: Socket state changed to Listening
2019-04-19 17:55:01,930 - INFO - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [81]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\CuraEngine.exe
2019-04-19 17:55:01,935 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Ultimaker Cura 4.0\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '']
2019-04-19 17:55:02,000 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:55:02,006 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Cura_SteamEngine version 4.0.0
2019-04-19 17:55:02,012 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] Copyright (C) 2018 Ultimaker
2019-04-19 17:55:02,019 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:55:02,024 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2019-04-19 17:55:02,030 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
2019-04-19 17:55:02,035 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
2019-04-19 17:55:02,040 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] (at your option) any later version.
2019-04-19 17:55:02,044 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:55:02,049 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2019-04-19 17:55:02,054 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
2019-04-19 17:55:02,058 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
2019-04-19 17:55:02,063 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
2019-04-19 17:55:02,067 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] 
2019-04-19 17:55:02,072 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
2019-04-19 17:55:02,076 - DEBUG - [Thread-17] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-04-19 17:55:03,013 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.TaskManagement.OnExitCallbackManager.triggerNextCallback [51]: No more on-app-exit callbacks to process. Tell the app to exit.
2019-04-19 17:55:03,018 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.closeApplication [547]: Close application
2019-04-19 17:55:03,037 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.windowClosed [417]: Shutting down cura
2019-04-19 17:55:03,110 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [295]: Attempting to kill the engine process
2019-04-19 17:55:03,111 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [301]: Killing engine process
2019-04-19 17:55:03,120 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [304]: Engine process is killed. Received return code 1


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    Posted · Cura won't slice anything!
    4 hours ago, Andreiva said:

    2019-04-19 16:57:31,487 - DEBUG - [Thread-11] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [101]: [Backend] [ERROR] Could not connect to the given address


    I'm guessing that you are using Windows and have a firewall operating. Try disabling it?

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    Posted · Cura won't slice anything!
    32 minutes ago, smartavionics said:


    I'm guessing that you are using Windows and have a firewall operating. Try disabling it?

    Yes I am using Windows 10.
    Disabling Firewall did not solve the issue.

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