Can you point me to the file/GUI-element where I find those settings? To a novice the printer defs are hard to find.
That sounds like just what I want!
Can you point me to the file/GUI-element where I find those settings? To a novice the printer defs are hard to find.
That sounds like just what I want!
There is no interface element for it. We consider this to be an expert+ functionality, because people who have the skill to build their own 3D printer are also smart enough to edit a JSON file.
To be able to edit this, you need to create a printer definition in Cura for your printer. This printer definition is a .def.json file just like the other printer definitions. The other printer definitions are located in the installation folder of Cura for your operating system (Windows): Usually C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura 4.1\resources\definitions
You can place a new definition there, or if you don't have admin access you can also place them in C:\Users\<AbeFM>\AppData\cura\4.1\definitions
To have an example printer definition to work with, I suggest copying a .def.json from a different printer that is most like your printer (in the number of extruders it has and its capability of switching out material profiles, nozzles, etc). You will also need to copy the extruder definitions in the \extruders folder for your printer.
Then under the "overrides" header in those JSON files you can edit the nozzle_offsetting_for_disallowed_areas and such to what you need.
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ghostkeeper 105
Printer definitions can put disallowed areas in the scene that move along with the nozzle offset as well as disallowed areas that don't.
The disallowed areas that move with the nozzle are stored in the machine_disallowed_areas setting. They indicate where the print head is not allowed to go. This is used for instance in the Ultimaker 3 for the camera in the front right corner.
The disallowed areas that don't move along with the nozzle offset are stored in the nozzle_disallowed_areas setting. They indicate where the nozzle is allowed to go. This used to be used for the bed clips in the Ultimaker 3, until we found that the clips can also collide with the inactive nozzle anyway. Currently no built-in printer makes use of this one.
Apart from those, Cura also generates disallowed areas to not go outside the build volume. You can configure those to either move along with the nozzle offset on both sides (as done for the Ultimaker 3) or on neither side (as done for the Ultimaker S5). This is determined by the nozzle_offsetting_for_disallowed_areas setting.
So for your case you should disable nozzle_offsetting_for_disallowed_areas, then create a machine_disallowed_area on the right hand side.
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