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Question regarding spacing between brim lines.


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Posted · Question regarding spacing between brim lines.


So basically my printed jobs look pretty ok since I changed my print profile based on what was recommanded at all3dp in order to make first layers look better:

But the thing is since I changed that, I was not able to adjust Cura anyhow in order to have the brim lines to touch each other anymore.
I tried tweeking the following settings without any success (see attached picture - it shows only the brim since I cancelled the job right after it)


Initial Layer Line Width : tried between 100 - 200%
Skirt/Brim Line Width : 0.8 - 1.5

Since my understanding of brim is that these lines should touch each other in order to give a better adhesion to the bed, does anyone knknow how I could fix that ?

Here is the complete settings for the last test I did with the following settings :
Initial Layer Line Width : tried between 200%
Skirt/Brim Line Width : 1.5

Complete settings:

; Layer Height: 0.12
; Initial Layer Height: 0.2
; Line Width: 0.4
;  Wall Line Width: 0.4
;   Outer Wall Line Width: 0.4
;   Inner Wall(s) Line Width: 0.4
;  Top/Bottom Line Width: 0.4
;  Infill Line Width: 0.4
;  Skirt/Brim Line Width: 1.5
;  Support Line Width: 0.4
;  Support Interface Line Width: 0.4
;   Support Roof Line Width: 0.4
;   Support Floor Line Width: 0.4
;  Prime Tower Line Width: 0.4
;  Initial Layer Line Width: 200

; Wall Extruder: -1
;  Outer Wall Extruder: -1
;  Inner Wall Extruder: -1
; Wall Thickness: 1.2000000000000002
;  Wall Line Count: 3
; Outer Wall Wipe Distance: 0.0
; Top Surface Skin Extruder: -1
; Top Surface Skin Layers: 0
; Top/Bottom Extruder: -1
; Top/Bottom Thickness: 0.9199999999999999
;  Top Thickness: 0.9199999999999999
;   Top Layers: 8
;  Bottom Thickness: 0.9199999999999999
;   Bottom Layers: 8
; Top/Bottom Pattern: lines
; Bottom Pattern Initial Layer: lines
; Top/Bottom Line Directions: [ ]
; Outer Wall Inset: 0
; Optimize Wall Printing Order: True
; Outer Before Inner Walls: False
; Alternate Extra Wall: False
; Compensate Wall Overlaps: True
;  Compensate Outer Wall Overlaps: False
;  Compensate Inner Wall Overlaps: True
; Fill Gaps Between Walls: everywhere
; Filter Out Tiny Gaps: False
; Print Thin Walls: False
; Horizontal Expansion: 0
; Initial Layer Horizontal Expansion: 0
; Z Seam Alignment: back
; Z Seam X: 117.5
; Z Seam Y: 235
; Seam Corner Preference: z_seam_corner_weighted
; Z Seam Relative: False
; Ignore Small Z Gaps: False
; Extra Skin Wall Count: 1
; Enable Ironing: False
; Iron Only Highest Layer: False
; Ironing Pattern: zigzag
; Ironing Line Spacing: 0.1
; Ironing Flow: 10.0
; Ironing Inset: 0.2
; Ironing Speed: 10.0
; Ironing Acceleration: 500
; Ironing Jerk: 8

; Infill Extruder: -1
; Infill Density: 20
;  Infill Line Distance: 6.0
; Infill Pattern: cubic
; Connect Infill Lines: False
; Infill Line Directions: [ ]
; Infill X Offset: 0
; Infill Y Offset: 0
; Cubic Subdivision Shell: 0.4
; Infill Overlap Percentage: 30.0
;  Infill Overlap: 0.12
; Skin Overlap Percentage: 10.0
;  Skin Overlap: 0.04
; Infill Wipe Distance: 0.0
; Infill Layer Thickness: 0.12
; Gradual Infill Steps: 0
; Gradual Infill Step Height: 1.5
; Infill Before Walls: False
; Minimum Infill Area: 0
; Skin Removal Width: 1.2000000000000002
;  Top Skin Removal Width: 1.2000000000000002
;  Bottom Skin Removal Width: 1.2000000000000002
; Skin Expand Distance: 1.2000000000000002
;  Top Skin Expand Distance: 1.2000000000000002
;  Bottom Skin Expand Distance: 1.2000000000000002
; Maximum Skin Angle for Expansion: 90
;  Minimum Skin Width for Expansion: 5.878304635907295e-17

; Default Printing Temperature: 200
; Printing Temperature: 210
; Printing Temperature Initial Layer: 210
; Initial Printing Temperature: 210
; Final Printing Temperature: 210
; Extrusion Cool Down Speed Modifier: 0.7
; Default Build Plate Temperature: 50
; Build Plate Temperature: 55
; Build Plate Temperature Initial Layer: 60
; Diameter: 1.75
; Adhesion Tendency: 0
; Surface Energy: 100
; Shrinkage Ratio: 0
; Flow: 100
; Initial Layer Flow: 100
; Enable Retraction: True
; Retract at Layer Change: False
; Retraction Distance: 5
; Retraction Speed: 45
;  Retraction Retract Speed: 45
;  Retraction Prime Speed: 45
; Retraction Extra Prime Amount: 0
; Retraction Minimum Travel: 1.5
; Maximum Retraction Count: 100
; Minimum Extrusion Distance Window: 10
; Standby Temperature: 180
; Nozzle Switch Retraction Distance: 16
; Nozzle Switch Retraction Speed: 20
;  Nozzle Switch Retract Speed: 20
;  Nozzle Switch Prime Speed: 20

; Print Speed: 30.0
;  Infill Speed: 30.0
;  Wall Speed: 15.0
;   Outer Wall Speed: 15.0
;   Inner Wall Speed: 15.0
;  Top Surface Skin Speed: 15.0
;  Top/Bottom Speed: 15.0
;  Support Speed: 15.0
;   Support Infill Speed: 15.0
;   Support Interface Speed: 15.0
;    Support Roof Speed: 15.0
;    Support Floor Speed: 15.0
;  Prime Tower Speed: 15.0
; Travel Speed: 100.0
; Initial Layer Speed: 5.0
;  Initial Layer Print Speed: 5.0
;  Initial Layer Travel Speed: 5
; Skirt/Brim Speed: 5.0
; Maximum Z Speed: {max_feedrate_z_override}
; Number of Slower Layers: 2
; Equalize Filament Flow: False
; Maximum Speed for Flow Equalization: 150
; Enable Acceleration Control: False
; Print Acceleration: 500
;  Infill Acceleration: 500
;  Wall Acceleration: 500
;   Outer Wall Acceleration: 500
;   Inner Wall Acceleration: 500
;  Top Surface Skin Acceleration: 500
;  Top/Bottom Acceleration: 500
;  Support Acceleration: 500
;   Support Infill Acceleration: 500
;   Support Interface Acceleration: 500
;    Support Roof Acceleration: 500
;    Support Floor Acceleration: 500
;  Prime Tower Acceleration: 500
; Travel Acceleration: 500
; Initial Layer Acceleration: 500
;  Initial Layer Print Acceleration: 500
;  Initial Layer Travel Acceleration: 500
; Skirt/Brim Acceleration: 500
; Enable Jerk Control: False
; Print Jerk: 8
;  Infill Jerk: 8
;  Wall Jerk: 8
;   Outer Wall Jerk: 8
;   Inner Wall Jerk: 8
;  Top Surface Skin Jerk: 8
;  Top/Bottom Jerk: 8
;  Support Jerk: 8
;   Support Infill Jerk: 8
;   Support Interface Jerk: 8
;    Support Roof Jerk: 8
;    Support Floor Jerk: 8
;  Prime Tower Jerk: 8
; Travel Jerk: 8
; Initial Layer Jerk: 8
;  Initial Layer Print Jerk: 8
;  Initial Layer Travel Jerk: 8
; Skirt/Brim Jerk: 8

; Combing Mode: noskin
; Retract Before Outer Wall: True
; Avoid Printed Parts When Traveling: True
; Travel Avoid Distance: 0.625
; Start Layers with the Same Part: {start_layers_at_same_position}
; Layer Start X: 0.0
; Layer Start Y: 0.0
; Z Hop When Retracted: False
; Z Hop Only Over Printed Parts: False
; Z Hop Height: 0.2
; Z Hop After Extruder Switch: True

; Enable Print Cooling: True
; Fan Speed: 100
;  Regular Fan Speed: 100
;  Maximum Fan Speed: 100
; Regular/Maximum Fan Speed Threshold: 10
; Initial Fan Speed: 0
; Regular Fan Speed at Height: 0.44
;  Regular Fan Speed at Layer: 4
; Minimum Layer Time: 10
; Minimum Speed: 10
; Lift Head: False

; Generate Support: True
; Support Extruder: 0
;  Support Infill Extruder: 0
;  First Layer Support Extruder: 0
;  Support Interface Extruder: 0
;   Support Roof Extruder: 0
;   Support Floor Extruder: 0
; Support Placement: buildplate
; Support Overhang Angle: 20
; Support Pattern: zigzag
; Connect Support Lines: False
; Connect Support ZigZags: True
; Support Density: 0
;  Support Line Distance: 0
; Support Z Distance: 0.24
;  Support Top Distance: 0.24
;  Support Bottom Distance: 0
; Support X/Y Distance: 0.8
; Support Distance Priority: xy_overrides_z
; Minimum Support X/Y Distance: 0.4
; Support Stair Step Height: 0.3
; Support Stair Step Maximum Width: 5.0
; Support Join Distance: 2.0
; Support Horizontal Expansion: 0
; Support Infill Layer Thickness: 0.12
; Gradual Support Infill Steps: 0
; Gradual Support Infill Step Height: 1
; Enable Support Interface: True
;  Enable Support Roof: True
;  Enable Support Floor: True
; Support Interface Thickness: 0.96
;  Support Roof Thickness: 0.96
;  Support Floor Thickness: 0.96
; Support Interface Resolution: 0.2
; Support Interface Density: 33.333
;  Support Roof Density: 33.333
;   Support Roof Line Distance: 2.4000240002400024
;  Support Floor Density: 33.333
;   Support Floor Line Distance: 2.4000240002400024
; Support Interface Pattern: grid
;  Support Roof Pattern: grid
;  Support Floor Pattern: grid
; Use Towers: False
; Tower Diameter: 3.0
; Minimum Diameter: {support_minimal_diameter}
; Tower Roof Angle: 65
; Drop Down Support Mesh: True

;Build Plate Adhesion 
; Enable Prime Blob: False
; Extruder Prime X Position: 0
; Extruder Prime Y Position: 0
; Build Plate Adhesion Type: brim
; Build Plate Adhesion Extruder: 0
; Skirt Line Count: 3
; Skirt Distance: 10.0
; Skirt/Brim Minimum Length: 250
; Brim Width: 8.0
;  Brim Line Count: 3
; Brim Only on Outside: True
; Raft Extra Margin: 15
; Raft Smoothing: 5
; Raft Air Gap: 0.3
; Initial Layer Z Overlap: 0.15
; Raft Top Layers: 2
; Raft Top Layer Thickness: 0.12
; Raft Top Line Width: 0.4
; Raft Top Spacing: 0.4
; Raft Middle Thickness: 0.18
; Raft Middle Line Width: 0.8
; Raft Middle Spacing: 1.0
; Raft Base Thickness: 0.24
; Raft Base Line Width: 0.8
; Raft Line Spacing: 1.6
; Raft Print Speed: 15.0
;  Raft Top Print Speed: 15.0
;  Raft Middle Print Speed: 11.25
;  Raft Base Print Speed: 11.25
; Raft Print Acceleration: 500
;  Raft Top Print Acceleration: 500
;  Raft Middle Print Acceleration: 500
;  Raft Base Print Acceleration: 500
; Raft Print Jerk: 8
;  Raft Top Print Jerk: 8
;  Raft Middle Print Jerk: 8
;  Raft Base Print Jerk: 8
; Raft Fan Speed: 0
;  Raft Top Fan Speed: 0
;  Raft Middle Fan Speed: 0
;  Raft Base Fan Speed: 0

;Dual Extrusion  
; Enable Prime Tower: False
; Circular Prime Tower: {prime_tower_circular}
; Prime Tower Size: 20
; Prime Tower Minimum Volume: 6
;  Prime Tower Thickness: {prime_tower_wall_thickness}
; Prime Tower X Position: 215.0
; Prime Tower Y Position: 195.0
; Prime Tower Flow: 100
; Wipe Inactive Nozzle on Prime Tower: True
; Wipe Nozzle After Switch: {dual_pre_wipe}
; Prime Tower Purge Volume: {prime_tower_purge_volume}
; Enable Ooze Shield: False
; Ooze Shield Angle: 60
; Ooze Shield Distance: 2

;Mesh Fixes 
; Union Overlapping Volumes: True
; Remove All Holes: False
; Extensive Stitching: False
; Keep Disconnected Faces: False
; Merged Meshes Overlap: 0.15
; Remove Mesh Intersection: False
; Alternate Mesh Removal: True
; Remove Empty First Layers: True

;Special Modes 
; Print Sequence: all_at_once
; Infill Mesh: False
; Infill Mesh Order: 0
; Cutting Mesh: False
; Mold: False
; Minimal Mold Width: 5
; Mold Roof Height: 0.5
; Mold Angle: 40
; Support Mesh: False
; Anti Overhang Mesh: False
; Surface Mode: normal
; Spiralize Outer Contour: False
; Smooth Spiralized Contours: True
; Relative Extrusion: False

; Tree Support: True
; Tree Support Branch Angle: 40
; Tree Support Branch Distance: 1
; Tree Support Branch Diameter: 2
; Tree Support Branch Diameter Angle: 5
; Tree Support Collision Resolution: 0.2
; Tree Support Wall Thickness: {support_tree_wall_thickness}
;  Tree Support Wall Line Count: {support_tree_wall_count}
; Slicing Tolerance: middle
; Top Surface Skin Line Width: 0.4
; Top Surface Skin Pattern: lines
; Top Surface Skin Line Directions: [ ]
; Infill Travel Optimization: False
; Auto Temperature: False
; Flow Temperature Graph: [[3.5,200],[7.0,240]]
; Maximum Resolution: 0.05
; Break Up Support In Chunks: False
; Support Chunk Size: 20
;  Support Chunk Line Count: 0
; Enable Draft Shield: False
; Draft Shield X/Y Distance: 10
; Draft Shield Limitation: full
; Draft Shield Height: 10
; Make Overhang Printable: False
; Maximum Model Angle: 50
; Enable Coasting: False
; Coasting Volume: 0.064
; Minimum Volume Before Coasting: 0.8
; Coasting Speed: 90
; Alternate Skin Rotation: {skin_alternate_rotation}
; Cross 3D Pocket Size: 6.0
; Alternate Cross 3D Pockets: {cross_infill_apply_pockets_alternatingly}
; Spaghetti Infill: False
; Spaghetti Infill Stepping: True
; Spaghetti Maximum Infill Angle: 10
; Spaghetti Infill Maximum Height: 2.0
; Spaghetti Inset: 0.2
; Spaghetti Flow: 20
; Spaghetti Infill Extra Volume: 0
; Enable Conical Support: False
; Conical Support Angle: 30
; Conical Support Minimum Width: 5.0
; Hollow Out Objects: {infill_hollow}
; Fuzzy Skin: False
; Fuzzy Skin Thickness: 0.3
; Fuzzy Skin Density: 1.25
;  Fuzzy Skin Point Distance: 0.8
; Flow rate compensation max extrusion offset: 0
; Flow rate compensation factor: 100
; Wire Printing: False
; WP Connection Height: 3
; WP Roof Inset Distance: 3
; WP Speed: 5
;  WP Bottom Printing Speed: 5
;  WP Upward Printing Speed: 5
;  WP Downward Printing Speed: 5
;  WP Horizontal Printing Speed: 5
; WP Flow: 100
;  WP Connection Flow: 100
;  WP Flat Flow: 100
; WP Top Delay: 0
; WP Bottom Delay: 0
; WP Flat Delay: 0.1
; WP Ease Upward: 0.3
; WP Knot Size: 0.6
; WP Fall Down: 0.5
; WP Drag Along: 0.6
; WP Strategy: compensate
; WP Straighten Downward Lines: 20
; WP Roof Fall Down: 2
; WP Roof Drag Along: 0.8
; WP Roof Outer Delay: 0.2
; WP Nozzle Clearance: 1
; Use adaptive layers: False
; Adaptive layers maximum variation: 0.04
; Adaptive layers variation step size: 0.04
; Adaptive layers threshold: 0.2
; Enable Bridge Settings: False
; Minimum Bridge Wall Length: 5
; Bridge Skin Support Threshold: 50
; Bridge Wall Max Overhang: {bridge_wall_max_overhang}
; Bridge Wall Coasting: 100
; Bridge Wall Speed: 10
; Bridge Wall Flow: 50
; Bridge Skin Speed: 10
; Bridge Skin Flow: 60
; Bridge Skin Density: 100
; Bridge Fan Speed: 100
; Bridge Has Multiple Layers: True
; Bridge Second Skin Speed: 10
; Bridge Second Skin Flow: 100
; Bridge Second Skin Density: 75
; Bridge Second Skin Fan Speed: 0
; Bridge Third Skin Speed: 10
; Bridge Third Skin Flow: 110
; Bridge Third Skin Density: 80
; Bridge Third Skin Fan Speed: 0
; Try Multiple Line Thicknesses: {wall_try_line_thickness}

;Command Line Settings: 0
; Center object: False
; Mesh position x: 0
; Mesh position y: 0
; Mesh position z: 0
; Mesh Rotation Matrix: [[1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1]]

;******End of current settings*****


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    Posted (edited) · Question regarding spacing between brim lines.

    Looking at your settings, your nozzle seems to be a 0.4 nozzle going by the normal print line width settings you have. But i see you are going with a line width starting from 0.8 with the setting " Skirt/Brim Line Width:" what in the settings above you got last set at 1.5.


    This means your asking the printer to make a single line thats 0.8-1.5mm wide when you only have a nozzle thats 0.4 wide. So set the " Skirt/Brim Line Width" setting to between 0.35 - 0.4


    Also just to add, if you want a wider brim, you edit the "Brim Width" setting.

    Edited by Carla_Birch
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