JohnInOttawa 104
I found the best results were with using a different colour of nylon as support material instead of PVA. I suspect an issue was that the nylon printed too hot to work well with soluble support.
For the project I mentioned then, I had the 910 printing the plate flat with a lot of brim, then black Ultimaker nylon used for support inside the barrel and no fans running. The support came out fine and I just reamed out the barrel lightly to get it to final shape and tolerance. I'm happy with this stuff and it is really, really strong.
I've also run a hybrid model with the Taulman 910 as the skin and Nylforce inside for strength. Bonding is not great between the two so I have to arrange a mechanical linkage in the model.
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davidbitton 0
Where are you with this?
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