First thing to note is the USB connectivity has largely been left "as is" for a while now, Ultimaker have essentially classed it as redundant. As to the COM port configuration within Cura, it's all automated and not configurable by the end user. Each time you connect via USB, Cura will poll all COM Ports and attempt to auto-configure. If it works, Great !! otherwise your SOL.
As a general rule, connecting via USB through Cura is a bad idea anyways, you're one OS auto update / system crash / power outage or surge away from losing your print. Go for the SD card option or setup Octoprint.
Now regarding the update to version 4.7.....i'd personally recommend not updating Cura unless you find you absolutely NEED to. There's too many incidents in the past of updates causing issues and support after the fact is non-existent for 3rd party anything. That said, you're using a 3rd party made printer with an altered firmware, which has the potential to complicate things.
I too use the TH3D Firmware on my Ender-3 without issue and in theory it shouldn't cause any issues between Cura versions as G-code is generated by Cura, how that G-code is interpreted is what the firmware does ( Marlin used in TH3D's unified firmware in this instance), but the USB functionality of both Cura and 3rd party printer firmware is another can of worms.
@scorch5000 - I would recommend using anything other than Cura to do firmware updates due to the aforementioned ignorance of 3rd party anything as far as Ultimaker concerned. Its possible you may even need to use an Arduino ( or similar ) as a boot-loader too depending on your main board anyways.
Anyways, good luck the both of you.
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scorch5000 0
same thing, I can't find how to specify the COM port to fix it. i am using stock firmware, and want to install bl touch firmware too, but I cant even get it to conect to the printer
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