It is not a question of layer thickness but of nozzle size and line width ... We do not have any information about nozzle and line width. It would be more efficient to share your project instead of the STL file.
My point of view wtih the actual information : The dimension of the grey element are equal to your nozzle size = 0.4
You can reduce the line width to 0.35 or change the geometry of the grey element.
If you reduce the line width take care of the parameter : "Outer Wall Inset"
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BradLevy 4
Here is a simpler version of the .stl file, showing the same problem when sliced.

The elements that are being omitted (not extruded, even though movement made along their path) are 0.5 mm thick. Slicer settings are for 0.2mm layers, so they should be several layers thick. I've tried with and without adaptive layers checked.
The model consists of two bodies in the CAD program:
(In this screen cap, I selected one of the two bodies so it would show up a different color in the capture. Note that the missing elements are part, but not all, of one of the two bodies. The highlighted (brown) body exists to provide better adhesion during printing, keeping the four sections of the part shown in blue together and better anchored to the plate. (There is more going on higher up in the original model, but I truncated it to the few mm high in this version because they don't affect the buggy behavior in question.)
Edited by BradLevyadd details
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