I'm having pretty much the same problem, but really only on the first layer.
If I set Build Plate Adhesion to "Skirt" on Extruder-1, it will make the skirt and the purge tower base with E1, then the first layer of the first model with E1, then it will retract Z by 1mm and sit there and ooze for about 10-15 seconds.
After that, it will try to purge for E2 by just going around the skirt again, which is not enough volume to purge the first color out; it doesn't even try to go to the purge tower. The insufficient purge results in the first layer of the 2nd model being a mixed color. And again, as was the case with the first model, after completing the first layer, it will retract and dwell while oozing before going on.
The issue with the dwell and ooze only happens after the first layers; after that, the purge tower seems to work as advertised.
I spent most of the day following the video from 1zRadio, which is linked in this thread; believe I've done everything he showed me.
BTW, I'm using CURA 5.0, although I found a thread on Reddit where someone else was having this same problem 2 years ago.
Anyone have any direction here?
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Barry111 0
Maybe you can try to change the settings like the videos below:
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