Beautiful work. A nice example of "remix and share". True Open-Source. In my opinion Ultimaker can only benefit from developments such as these.
Beautiful work. A nice example of "remix and share". True Open-Source. In my opinion Ultimaker can only benefit from developments such as these.
Very nice great work. I like the heated chamber option
Cura is getting better and better by the version and here I am suggesting a way for donating funds for development is established, for the ones using it with other then Ultimaker printers. Maybe there could be a store item "Contribute to Cura development."
We love chocolate chip cookies.
I love the idea of supporting Cura by baking fresh chocolate cookies.. HEHEHEH LOL ;-)
Ian :-)
Hello Musti,
from the neighbourhood. :-)
Very nice design, gratulations!
I'm also building an UM1, I think I had the same problem, wanted to put all together in one box.
Found an other solution, hope that it will be also functional.
Built a "PSU box" underneath the UM. So I can use also regular RAMPS controller.
If somebody wants, will share the drawings, must only make it right.
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shadowfiend 9
A thing of beauty. Truly awesome :cD
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