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Posted (edited) · use of previous used (network) location when opening a file.

Is Cura able to open the previously used (network) location when opening a new file on import?

As well, when generated gcode to disk, why can't Cura not open the last used location, either on local drive or on the attached network (e.g. NAS drive)?

IS there perhaps a settings in the preferences to activate this behavior?

If not, I would strongly suggest to add this option to the next version of Cura.

Where can I make a suggestion for this improvement (is there a bug tracking system for Cura)?

Otherwise I quite happy with Cura v5.2.1 on Linux.




PS. Aah, I just saw bug reports are on Github.

Edited by drobble
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    • 2 weeks later...
    Posted · use of previous used (network) location when opening a file.
    3 hours ago, drobble said:

    mmh, no-one who has a response or suggestion?

    1: Please, we don't need the condescending tone. If you're going to bump your thread just say "does anyone have any updates or new ideas" or something like that rather than implying "nobody on this forum is smart enough to fix it".

    2: You updated your first post to say you'd found bug reports on Github. That gives the air of "never mind, I see they have it covered".

    3: For a subject this technical, you need to provide more system info than just "Linux".

    • What distro and version?
    • Are you using the AppImage or a package format? (I know the Snap for Cura can cause some problems)
    • What file system are you using? (Yes, this may be relevant, ext4 will behave differently to a newer file system like my beloved BTRFS)
    • How and where are your file shares on the NAS being mounting?
    • What file system are the shares on your NAS?
    • Have you checked to make sure all the permissions are correct?
    • Are you logged in as a user with superuser privileges, or running Cura with superuser privileges? I've seen that cause problems.
    • Have you tried a newer version like 5.3.1 or 5.4?
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    Posted · use of previous used (network) location when opening a file.

    Slashee: Please don't read into my posting something what's not there.
    re 1: It's not me, it's you who implying that I would say ....nobody is smart enough..

    re 2: I don't know from where you're getting it that I would say "never mind, I see they have it covered".
    I just answering my own previously asked question.

    re 3: Gladly I'm providing the information requested:

    • Distro and version: Linux Mint v20.4
    • Format: AppImage
    • local file system: ext4
    • NAS: shared folders on the NAS mounted via nfs at $HOME/mnt/
    • It's a QNAP NAS
    • permissions for the NAS shares are correct
    • logged in as regular user with access privileges to the NAS
    • yes I did, it's same behavior in Cura 5.4 as in 5.2.1

    Btw. Are you implying that the Cura code includes already the feature of remembering the last opened location?
    Does other user experiencing that Cura is remembering the last used location for opening/saving files?




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    Posted · use of previous used (network) location when opening a file.

    Yes, Cura is supposed to remember your last used folder. Works fine for me on Windows. I think the problem is the AppImage isn't saving it in persistent storage - or something to do with a newer version of Cura - or something to do with your desktop environment - and nothing to do with a network drive.


    My Linux install is a bit different to yours (openSUSE Tumbleweed on BTRFS, by now don't think the file system makes a difference), figured it'd be close enough to do some troubleshooting though:

    (BTW I'm using the 5.4 AppImage on all of these but using whatever version is available in the repos for a native install)

    Part One: openSUSE Tumbleweed (KDE)

    1. Opened AppImage, opened file in an out of the way, closed Cura. Opened AppImage again, folder remembered.
    2. Rebooted, opened AppImage. Folder not remembered (defaulted to the folder where the AppImage was). Navigated to folder, opened file then close the AppImage anyway.
    3. Installed Cura from the Tumbleweed repos (4.13.1 is the newest in Tumbleweed? That's not an offer to volunteer as a maintainer). Ran it, opened file in out of the way folder, closed it. Ran it again, folder remembered.
    4. Rebooted, opened AppImage. Folder not remembered. Opened installed packaged version - folder remembered. Repeated test, same result.
    5. Because this was the only one I was running on bare metal, I tried opening files from my Windows drives (automatically mounted at boot) and a flash drive. Same behaviour, both forgot after a reboot, but the native version even remembered the flash drive, as long as it was mounted when I tried to open a file.

    Figured that was fairly comprehensive, at least on that part. But I'm not one to just dig at the surface.

    Part Two: Ubuntu 22.04 (GNOME)

    1. Opened Ubuntu 22.04 install I had as a virtual machine (trying to figure out someone else's problem, actually). Already had the AppImage downloaded and the Snap package (also 4.13.1) installed.
    2. Results about the same as under openSUSE, even though I was using a Snap and not a native install. AppImage forgot last used folder on reboot (but slightly more conveniently, it opens the GNOME file picker to recent files); Snap remembers last folder.

    Okay, so how about something more relevant to the person at hand? (I don't actually know off the top of my head what version of Ubuntu each version of Mint is based on; when Windows XP reached EoL I figured LMDE would be a better fit for her computer made of hand-me-down parts).

    Part Three: Linux Mint 21.2 (Cinnamon)

    1. Hah! There's a Flatpak for 5.4 available from Flathub. This is why even Ubuntu derivatives hate Snaps.
    2. There's also a native package for... holy carp, You'd think it'd at least pull the slightly newer version from the Jammy repos.
    3. Test results: actually worse (in this regard) than the others. None of the three versions automatically opened the previously used folder, even without a reboot. It could be that Cinnamon's file open dialog just always defaults to $HOME, but it's worth noting that was actually using the Qt file picker dialog with Mint-Y theming applied but had the same behaviour.
    4. BTW: Holy cow this thing runs so much faster as a VM than Ubuntu.

    Sorry this doesn't exactly definitively answer your question. Too many variables in the equation, but as I said, at this point I don't think the network drive is among them.

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    Posted · use of previous used (network) location when opening a file.

    Thank you for the detailed tests.


    I took the effort downloaded and installed from Flathub Cura 5.4.

    And as you mentioned, no remembrance of the previously used location.

    That makes Cura for me (almost) useless because who has his 3D models located in the $HOME folder (a rhetorical question)?

    I guess the development team has not tested this scenario (Linux, Linux Mint).

    Even if Cura would be my preference as slicing software, I guess I will move to PrusaSlicer.





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    Posted (edited) · use of previous used (network) location when opening a file.
    8 hours ago, drobble said:

    That makes Cura for me (almost) useless because who has his 3D models located in the $HOME folder (a rhetorical question)?

    It's not that bad. There's plenty of Windows programs I don't give up on just because they CBF remembering where I last was. Just create a symlink (symbolic link) in your home directory and you're two (or one, depending on preferences) clicks away from your models folder! Fire up a terminal (I don't think it requires superuser access, although it might if your network share does, haven't tested it) and enter the following:


    cd $HOME
    ln -s $HOME/mnt/NAS1/path/to/models MyModels

    Obviously replace the path with the correct one (probably requires quotes if it contains a space), and change the name "MyModels" if you want (just an example). And now you have what's basically a shortcut to your network share. Even if programs think they're in ~/MyModels, you're really in the network share!


    If you ever get sick of your symlink, fire up a terminal and enter the magic phrase(s):

    cd $HOME
    unlink MyModels


    Edited by Slashee_the_Cow
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    Posted · use of previous used (network) location when opening a file.

    That's a really good idea. Cool thinking.


    For some reason it's creating a symlink which is broken.

    Haven't figured it out yet why.

    Will post an update when I have results.


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    Posted · use of previous used (network) location when opening a file.

    Interesting findings.

    when I'm using the suggested syntax (

    ln -s $HOME/mnt/NAS1/path/to/models MyModels

    ) it's creating a broken link, even when using quotes for folder name containing spaces.

    When I'm pointing to the target folder on the NAS with NEMO and creating there a link (in NEMO) it's working fine. Moved the symlink then to $HOME and Cura can find it.

    It's not the best solution (last opened folder), but I can live with (for now). 🙂


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    Posted · use of previous used (network) location when opening a file.

    Hey, looks like maybe someone found a potential solution - take a look at 


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