I also loaded the project in Cura 4.12.1 and I get the same message. The project slices just fine before trying the multi-infill.
As far as the screen shot I guess the site uses extreme compression cuz it was good image 😉
The message reads:
Unable to slice
Please review settings and check if your models:
- Fit within the build volume
- Are assigned to an enabled extruder
- Are not all set as modifier meshes
Edited by psalmist_35
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Slashee_the_Cow 541
Howdy. If you could provide the Cura project fil (the .3mf, go to File > Save Project) that would really help try and figure out the problem. If I had to guess, it's something wrong with your model, but without more information, it's really hard to tell. At the very least, next time upload a high enough resolution screenshot that we can read the errors 🙂
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