Thanks for the reply, it looks like all the qt dependencies are already installed.
$ pacman -Q | grep qt5 libdbusmenu-qt5 0.9.3+16.04.20160218-6
modemmanager-qt5 5.111.0-1
networkmanager-qt5 5.111.0-1
packagekit-qt5 1.1.1-1
phonon-qt5 4.11.1-3
phonon-qt5-gstreamer 4.10.0-4
polkit-qt5 0.114.0-2
poppler-qt5 23.10.0-1
python-pyqt5 5.15.10-1
python-pyqt5-sip 12.13.0-1
qca-qt5 2.3.7-2
qt5-3d 5.15.11-1
qt5-base 5.15.11+kde+r138-1
qt5-charts 5.15.11-1
qt5-datavis3d 5.15.11-1
qt5-declarative 5.15.11+kde+r31-1
qt5-graphicaleffects 5.15.11-1
qt5-imageformats 5.15.11+kde+r12-1
qt5-location 5.15.11+kde+r5-1
qt5-multimedia 5.15.11+kde+r2-1
qt5-quickcontrols 5.15.11-1
qt5-quickcontrols2 5.15.11+kde+r5-1
qt5-remoteobjects 5.15.11-1
qt5-script 5.15.15-2
qt5-scxml 5.15.11-1
qt5-sensors 5.15.11-1
qt5-serialport 5.15.11-1
qt5-speech 5.15.11+kde+r1-1
qt5-svg 5.15.11+kde+r6-1
qt5-tools 5.15.11+kde+r3-1
qt5-translations 5.15.11-1
qt5-wayland 5.15.11+kde+r60-1
qt5-webchannel 5.15.11+kde+r3-1
qt5-webengine 5.15.15-2
qt5-websockets 5.15.11+kde+r2-1
qt5-webview 5.15.11-1
qt5-x11extras 5.15.11-1
qtkeychain-qt5 0.14.1-2
I tried both the Appimage and versions from the AUR , both the same.
So unfortunately I still haven't fixed the issue. Luckily drag and drop works for getting models into Cura, but I would like to fix this if I can.
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Slashee_the_Cow 541
Are you running the AppImage or did you get a copy from an AUR or something? (Or it could just be in the regular repos, I haven't messed around with Arch in ages). AppImages usually include all the dependencies they need.
Also you'd think a KDE install would contain all the Qt libraries you'd ever want 🙂 but I guess if it's minimal maybe not?
Being too lazy to set up an Arch VM, just looking in the repos for Debian and openSUSE Tumbleweed ❤️ and the different distros have different packages, so I can't tell you exactly what to search for, but in Debian (actually I can't remember whether that VM is Mint or LMDE so maybe Debian/Ubuntu) you'd probably want to make sure you have (probably being a bit overkill):
Whereas on my openSUSE install it's a bit more simple:
In both VMs Cura runs fine.
Basically, just use pacman to search for qtquick and install anything which seems relevant - especially what seems like an all-encompassing package (like libQtQuick5 or qml-module-qtquick2) or anything to do with dialogs or controls.
Also, I don't have the Qt 6 versions of these packages installed, so you probably don't need those.
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