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Cura crashes when trying to use 'Open File(s)' Arch Linux

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Posted · Cura crashes when trying to use 'Open File(s)' Arch Linux

I have recently reinstalled my PC with Garuda Arch Linux using their minimal KDE installer. Whenever I open the 'Open File(s)' dialog Cura crashes and quits, the save project and export file dialogs from the File menu work correctly. Trying to Import or Export a material also results in a crash.


The logs say:

load non-native FileDialog implementation:
qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Dialogs/quickimpl/qml/FileDialog.qml:4 module "Qt.labs.folderlistmodel" is not installed
Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault


I had no problems on my previous Manjaro KDE install and have no problems running a much older install of Garuda Arch KDE. I am assuming there is a dependency missing or a Python library not installed but I'm not savvy enough to work out how to fix this.


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    Posted · Cura crashes when trying to use 'Open File(s)' Arch Linux

    Are you running the AppImage or did you get a copy from an AUR or something? (Or it could just be in the regular repos, I haven't messed around with Arch in ages). AppImages usually include all the dependencies they need.


    Also you'd think a KDE install would contain all the Qt libraries you'd ever want 🙂 but I guess if it's minimal maybe not?


    Being too lazy to set up an Arch VM, just looking in the repos for Debian and openSUSE Tumbleweed ❤️ and the different distros have different packages, so I can't tell you exactly what to search for, but in Debian (actually I can't remember whether that VM is Mint or LMDE so maybe Debian/Ubuntu) you'd probably want to make sure you have (probably being a bit overkill):








    Whereas on my openSUSE install it's a bit more simple:





    In both VMs Cura runs fine.


    Basically, just use pacman to search for qtquick and install anything which seems relevant - especially what seems like an all-encompassing package (like libQtQuick5 or qml-module-qtquick2) or anything to do with dialogs or controls.


    Also, I don't have the Qt 6 versions of these packages installed, so you probably don't need those.

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    Posted · Cura crashes when trying to use 'Open File(s)' Arch Linux

    Thanks for the reply, it looks like all the qt dependencies are already installed.


    $ pacman -Q | grep qt5                                                                                                  libdbusmenu-qt5 0.9.3+16.04.20160218-6
    modemmanager-qt5 5.111.0-1
    networkmanager-qt5 5.111.0-1
    packagekit-qt5 1.1.1-1
    phonon-qt5 4.11.1-3
    phonon-qt5-gstreamer 4.10.0-4
    polkit-qt5 0.114.0-2
    poppler-qt5 23.10.0-1
    python-pyqt5 5.15.10-1
    python-pyqt5-sip 12.13.0-1
    qca-qt5 2.3.7-2
    qt5-3d 5.15.11-1
    qt5-base 5.15.11+kde+r138-1
    qt5-charts 5.15.11-1
    qt5-datavis3d 5.15.11-1
    qt5-declarative 5.15.11+kde+r31-1
    qt5-graphicaleffects 5.15.11-1
    qt5-imageformats 5.15.11+kde+r12-1
    qt5-location 5.15.11+kde+r5-1
    qt5-multimedia 5.15.11+kde+r2-1
    qt5-quickcontrols 5.15.11-1
    qt5-quickcontrols2 5.15.11+kde+r5-1
    qt5-remoteobjects 5.15.11-1
    qt5-script 5.15.15-2
    qt5-scxml 5.15.11-1
    qt5-sensors 5.15.11-1
    qt5-serialport 5.15.11-1
    qt5-speech 5.15.11+kde+r1-1
    qt5-svg 5.15.11+kde+r6-1
    qt5-tools 5.15.11+kde+r3-1
    qt5-translations 5.15.11-1
    qt5-wayland 5.15.11+kde+r60-1
    qt5-webchannel 5.15.11+kde+r3-1
    qt5-webengine 5.15.15-2
    qt5-websockets 5.15.11+kde+r2-1
    qt5-webview 5.15.11-1
    qt5-x11extras 5.15.11-1
    qtkeychain-qt5 0.14.1-2


    I tried both the Appimage and versions from the AUR , both the same.


    So unfortunately I still haven't fixed the issue. Luckily drag and drop works for getting models into Cura, but I would like to fix this if I can.

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    Posted · Cura crashes when trying to use 'Open File(s)' Arch Linux

    I downloaded a Garuda KDE "Lite" (I've seen full fat distros with smaller downloads) ISO and set up a VM. I was able to replicate your problem but couldn't find a solution. All I found was a deep yearning to punch whoever decided pacman's syntax in the gut. Hard.

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    Posted · Cura crashes when trying to use 'Open File(s)' Arch Linux

    I can never remember the the Pacman commands so always setup zsh aliases called pacsearch, pacinstall and pacremove.

    The slightly annoying thing is that the Garuda KDE with the vanilla interface used to be called Bare Bones iirc and was less light, I have it installed on my laptop and it works perfectly.
    I also have tried a few a few other Arch Distros with KDE Plasma in a VM, some reproduced the issue and others didn't. I'm now comparing what packages are installed on a fresh install of a distro that did work (Reborn OS) and my Garuda install and hopefully I'll figure out what's missing.

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    Posted · Cura crashes when trying to use 'Open File(s)' Arch Linux

    I will mention, using VM's for testing is not really recommended. 
    While its possible to get Cura running in a VM.. part of possible issues could be.. that its running in a VM..

    Cura does not formally support running in virtualized environments.
    As noted here: https://support.ultimaker.com/s/article/1667337917781 

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    • Solution
    Posted · Cura crashes when trying to use 'Open File(s)' Arch Linux

    Well, using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. I ended up just installing all the missing packages that were installed on Reborn OS that weren't installed on mine. Cura started working properly after a reboot.


    14 minutes ago, Dustin said:

    I will mention, using VM's for testing is not really recommended. 
    While its possible to get Cura running in a VM.. part of possible issues could be.. that its running in a VM..

    That's not really what I was doing. Cura was crashing on my desktop PC running on bare metal not in a VM. That's what I needed to fix. I used the VM's to find an Arch distro running KDE that didn't crash Cura so I could compare the differences in installed packages between a distro that worked and one that didn't. And it worked!

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    Posted · Cura crashes when trying to use 'Open File(s)' Arch Linux

    I have the same issue on Manjaro i3. 


    Tried Cura 5.4 and Cura 5.5. Both AppImage and AUR build...


    Running with strace results in the following just before the crash:

    2023-11-01 13:40:19,435 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [444]: file:///opt/ultimaker-cura/share/cura/resources/qml/Cura.qml:624:5: QML FileDialog: Failed to load non-native FileDialog>
    qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Dialogs/quickimpl/qml/FileDialog.qml:4 module "Qt.labs.folderlistmodel" is not installed

    I'm not sure what to install extra, because I have both qt5-declarative qt5-quickcontrols qt5-quickcontrols2 as qt6-declarative

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    Posted · Cura crashes when trying to use 'Open File(s)' Arch Linux
    Just now, wetgravel said:

    Well, using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. I ended up just installing all the missing packages that were installed on Reborn OS that weren't installed on mine. Cura started working properly after a reboot.


    That's not really what I was doing. Cura was crashing on my desktop PC running on bare metal not in a VM. That's what I needed to fix. I used the VM's to find an Arch distro running KDE that didn't crash Cura so I could compare the differences in installed packages between a distro that worked and one that didn't. And it worked!


    Could you share the list of missing packages, please? 

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    Posted · Cura crashes when trying to use 'Open File(s)' Arch Linux

    I can let you have a list of the packages, Please note that packages I installed are from an Arch KDE install, I couldn't see anything that looked like the likely culprit, so in the end I just installed all of them. A lot of them are particularly for KDE Plasma so you will need to pay attention and filter out the packages that are not relevant to your i3


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    Posted (edited) · Cura crashes when trying to use 'Open File(s)' Arch Linux

    One or more of the following packages fixed my problem but I don't know which. I don't know if installing any the packages in the following list will work on a Manjaro i3 system and I take no responsibility for any damage you may do to your do to your system.


    adobe-source-han-sans-otc-fonts adobe-source-han-serif-otc-fonts amd-ucode base-devel bluedevil blueman bluez bluez-utils deepin-wallpapers-plasma dolphin-plugins dragon drkonqi feh fuse2fs
    gufw gvfs-afc gvfs-gphoto2 gvfs-mtp gvfs-nfs gwenview jfsutils kdeconnect kdegraphics-thumbnailers kfind kgamma5 khelpcenter kinfocenter kio-gdrive kvantum kvantum-theme-materia kwrited latte-dock materia-kde merkuro nano network-manager-applet open-vm-tools openconnect openvpn oxygen plasma-browser-integration plasma-disks plasma-meta plasma-pass plasma-sdk plasma-thunderbolt plasma-vault plasma-workspace-wallpapers plasma5-applets-active-window-control plasma5-applets-thermal-monitor plasma5-applets-window-buttons qemu-guest-agent virtualbox-guest-utils wireguard-tools xf86-input-vmmouse xf86-video-vmware xorg-xinput xsettingsd



    Edited by wetgravel
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    Posted (edited) · Cura crashes when trying to use 'Open File(s)' Arch Linux
    2 hours ago, bdewitte said:


    Could you share the list of missing packages, please? 

    I would suggest you do what I did but for i3. It looks like RebornOS also does an I3 version, I would download that install it in a VM download and run the Cura appimage and see if the open file dialog doesn't crash Cura. If Cura appears to run correctly get a list of all the explicitly installed packages using

    pacman -Qe >reborn_installed_packages.txt

    You will need to get that file off the VM and on to your computer, if you haven't set up virtual disks I would suggest email it to yourself from a web email.
    Get a list of the explicitly installed apps from your Manjaro I3 system and then use diff to find out what packages are installed on reborn and not manjaro. It's probably worth stripping off the version numbers of the packages in a text editor using find and replace with a regular expression \s.* and replace with nothing.

    diff reborn_installed_packages.txt manjaro_installed_packages.txt | grep '^<' | cut -c 3- > on_reborn_but_not_manjaro.txt


    I've got to thank iAsk.Ai for the regular expression and the diff command syntax, I would have had to do it all maunually otherwise

    Edited by wetgravel
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    Posted · Cura crashes when trying to use 'Open File(s)' Arch Linux
    7 hours ago, wetgravel said:

    adobe-source-han-sans-otc-fonts: Fonts

    adobe-source-han-serif-otc-fonts: More fonts

    amd-ucode: Updates microcode on AMD processors

    base-devel: Basic tools to build programs from source

    bluedevil: KDE bluetooth stack, builds on bluez

    blueman: GTK+ bluetooth device manager

    bluez: Linux kernel bluetooth stack

    bluez-utils: Development and debugging tools for bluez

    deepin-wallpapers-plasma: Wallpapers from the Deepin Desktop Environment packaged to be used in Plasma

    dolphin-plugins: Adds version control system support to Dolphin (KDE file manager)

    dragon: Media player

    drkonqi: Crash handler for KDE software

    feh: Lightweight image viewer

    fuse2fs: Allows mounting images as file systems with FUSE (Filesystem in UserSpacE) drivers
    gufw: GUI to manage ufw firewall

    gvfs-afc: GNOME Virtual File System - Apple mobile devices

    gvfs-gphoto2: ^ Picture Transfer Protocol

    gvfs-mtp: ^ Media Transfer Protocol

    gvfs-nfs: ^ Network File System

    gwenview: KDE image viewer

    jfsutils: Tools for working with partitions using the JFS file system

    kdeconnect: Application that connects to your phone and integrates things like messages and file transfers

    kdegraphics-thumbnailers: Allows KDE to generate thumbnails for advanced file formats

    kfind: File search GUI tool (and backend to search in Dolphin)

    kgamma5: KDE tool to change monitor gamma

    khelpcenter: KDE help files and framework for third party files to use the same format

    kinfocenter: Utility that displays system information

    kio-gdrive: Allows KIO (KDE Input/Output) applications to access Google Drive files

    kvantum: Theme engine allowing for styling Qt windows using SVG resources

    kvantum-theme-materia: Materia theme using Kvantum

    kwrited: Lets KDE provide pop-up notifications for system events

    latte-dock: macOS style dock for KDE

    materia-kde: Materia native theme. Has qt5-graphicaleffects qt5-quickcontrols2 as dependencies

    merkuro: Calendar application

    nano: Console based text editor

    network-manager-applet: GNOME network manager applet

    open-vm-tools: Open source implementation of VMWare tools

    openconnect: VPN connection manager designed for site-site VPNs

    openvpn: VPN framework and provides end nodes

    oxygen: Defunct default theme from older KDE versions

    plasma-browser-integration: Allows Plasma to integrate with several web browsers to allow native KDE notifications, managing downloads through Plasma's notification area, use media keys on keyboard to control playback

    plasma-disks: Monitors S.M.A.R.T. capable hard drives for warning signs

    plasma-meta: Metapackage for installing Plasma desktop. May contains nested dependencies for qt libraries

    plasma-pass: Plasma applet to access pass, the system's built in password manager

    plasma-sdk: Software Development Kit for Plasma applications

    plasma-thunderbolt: Plasma addon for controlling devices connected over a Thunderbolt connection

    plasma-vault: Plasma tool for creating encrypted files and directories

    plasma-workspace-wallpapers: Stock wallpapers for Plasma

    plasma5-applets-active-window-control: Plasmoid for controlling currently open window

    plasma5-applets-thermal-monitor: Plasmoid for monitoring hardware temperatures

    plasma5-applets-window-buttons: Plasmoid which contains a copy of a programs window buttons

    qemu-guest-agent: Helper daemon for integrating with a host system while running as a VM in QEMU

    virtualbox-guest-utils: Same as above but for VirtualBox

    wireguard-tools: Tools for managing VPN connections using the WireGuard (shiny, new, nice) protocol

    xf86-input-vmmouse: X driver for mouse input in VMWare

    xf86-video-vmware: X video drivers for running in VMWare

    xorg-xinput: Utility to configure and test X input devices

    xsettingsd: Daemon to allow applications to access the X settings for things not managed by/inaccessible to a window manager


    I'm pretty sure it's not any of those directly - the library you want is probably a dependency or part of a metapackage in there.

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    Posted · Cura crashes when trying to use 'Open File(s)' Arch Linux

    TL;DR: Sorry, I just needed to get this off my chest. Please feel free to ignore me.

    16 hours ago, wetgravel said:

    I can never remember the the Pacman commands so always setup zsh aliases called pacsearch, pacinstall and pacremove.

    And I'm betting you're not the only one. Searching is the most painful, having to regexes (I hate regexes), I ended up installing Octopi because that used plain language and could search the AUR as well as the official repos.


    Still... I can remember the syntax for zypper fine. And apt. And dnf. /me tries not to begin general anti-Arch rant


    16 hours ago, wetgravel said:

    The slightly annoying thing is that the Garuda KDE with the vanilla interface used to be called Bare Bones iirc and was less light, I have it installed on my laptop and it works perfectly.

    Fortunately half the reason I love KDE is that it is infinitely customisable. Although if I wanted something light, I'd be looking for something that runs Xfce instead.


    On 11/1/2023 at 12:00 PM, Slashee_the_Cow said:

    I downloaded a Garuda KDE "Lite" (I've seen full fat distros with smaller downloads) ISO

    Yes, I'm quoting myself here. But how do you ship a distro without makenano or even ls and make it take up 1.5GB of an ISO... and demand 29.9GB of hard drive space to install? Normally I only set up my VMs with 16GB and I've only had to increase that for Ubuntu... not that I'm installing a lot of stuff (just a test VM for if someone is having problems with Cura and they're running Ubuntu), just all that comes with it and updates added up quickly.

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    Posted · Cura crashes when trying to use 'Open File(s)' Arch Linux
    7 hours ago, Slashee_the_Cow said:


    I'm pretty sure it's not any of those directly - the library you want is probably a dependency or part of a metapackage in there.


    I couldn't see anything that looked obvious but as the were all installed on a freshly installed Arch KDE install that they weren't going to do any harm to my Arch KDE system if I installed the lot. I had a snapshot standing by to revert to if there were any problems.

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    Posted · Cura crashes when trying to use 'Open File(s)' Arch Linux
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    Posted · Cura crashes when trying to use 'Open File(s)' Arch Linux
    31 minutes ago, adabru said:

    Please be a bit more descriptive. Without context that one... what I'm assuming is a shell command... isn't very clear.

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