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Cura wipped out my material settings


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Posted · Cura wipped out my material settings

Hi guys, I know other users had similar issues and some of them solved it by going to the configuration folder but, since this didn't worked for me, I'm looking for some help.


The thing is that I've been using Cura for a year with a specific configuration due to my printer and filament setup (XYZ printer Da Vinci Jr.1.0 with some bq PLA filaments). With the help of some random guys in youtube and after making a trillion of Benchys, I achieved my personal perfect configuration... but it has just gone. I don't really know how since I have not updated Cura, at least as far as I know, and maybe I just changed materials and therefore the configuration, and I don't remember what was I using... but right now I'm unable to print anything without going through the whole process of making uncountable benchys to get the same results, taking me days.


I was wondering if there is some way to know what happened using the log: my settings changed today 17th november while fusing some .stl models together, but I don't know how to recognize what happened to my config in the log. When I realized something was wrong (I saw that, when slicing, the model had one layer of adhesion to the plate while I don't use that option... I checked out and everything was gone: my support config, the outline...), I tried to look for help in other users threads and I was messing around with some materials config I had in the config folder but that configuration (bq PLA Wood) was totally useless. I know that the settings used the day before, 12th november, were the correct settings but, again, I don't really know where to look at...


Well, at least this thaught me to made some backups for the next time... but man, I really NEED those configs back...


If you guys can help me or at least give me a hint, it would be extremely helpful

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    Posted · Cura wipped out my material settings

    Interesting thoughts as I come to them going through the log file:

    1. Making a backup after you've lost the data is like buying insurance after you've crashed the car.
    2. Line 264: 2023-11-07 20:04:40,843 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [96]: No active GlobalStack, set quality profile model as empty. That means it doesn't have a printer currently loaded, and quality profiles are tied to printers by default.
    3. Lines 403-414:
      2023-11-07 20:04:49,953 - WARNING - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider._saveCachedDefinition [308]: The definition cache for definition custom failed to pickle.
      2023-11-07 20:04:49,953 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.UI.MachineActionManager.addDefaultMachineActions [74]: Default machine actions added for machine definition [custom]
      2023-11-07 20:04:50,235 - WARNING - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider._saveCachedDefinition [308]: The definition cache for definition fdmprinter failed to pickle.
      2023-11-07 20:04:50,375 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [190]: Extruder[custom_extruder_2 #2] added to [Custom FFF printer] at position [1]
      2023-11-07 20:04:50,375 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [190]: Extruder[custom_extruder_3 #2] added to [Custom FFF printer] at position [2]
      2023-11-07 20:04:50,375 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [190]: Extruder[custom_extruder_6 #2] added to [Custom FFF printer] at position [5]
      2023-11-07 20:04:50,375 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [190]: Extruder[custom_extruder_1 #2] added to [Custom FFF printer] at position [0]
      2023-11-07 20:04:50,375 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [190]: Extruder[custom_extruder_5 #2] added to [Custom FFF printer] at position [4]
      2023-11-07 20:04:50,375 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [190]: Extruder[custom_extruder_8 #2] added to [Custom FFF printer] at position [7]
      2023-11-07 20:04:50,375 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [190]: Extruder[custom_extruder_4 #2] added to [Custom FFF printer] at position [3]
      2023-11-07 20:04:50,375 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [190]: Extruder[custom_extruder_7 #2] added to [Custom FFF printer] at position [6]
      2023-11-07 20:04:50,485 - INFO - [MainThread] FirmwareUpdateChecker.FirmwareUpdateChecker.checkFirmwareVersion [79]: No machine with name Custom FFF printer in list of firmware to check.

      "Pickling" is one of the ways Python serialises/deserialises information to save to/read from disk. If it can't pickle, that means it failed to load. The interesting part is that fdmprinter also failed to pickle - that's the base profile which most machine definitions are based on, it comes with Cura, and should be entirely valid. And at the end there it's looking for the machine "Custom FFF printer" (which is I'm guessing what your definition is called?) and can't find it.

    4. Unrelated to your problem: 411-413:

      2023-11-07 20:04:53,428 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [122]: OpenGL Version:  4.1.0 NVIDIA 472.08
      2023-11-07 20:04:53,429 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [123]: OpenGL Vendor:   NVIDIA Corporation
      2023-11-07 20:04:53,429 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [124]: OpenGL Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770/PCIe/SSE2

      Much as I'd love to chide you for an older GPU, that's beside the point. At least download the latest drivers because they contain security fixes.

    5. 585-586:

      2023-11-07 20:05:32,192 - DEBUG - [EngineOutputThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [115]: [Backend] [2023-11-07 20:05:32.205] [info] Slicing model...
      2023-11-07 20:05:32,207 - DEBUG - [EngineOutputThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [115]: [Backend] [2023-11-07 20:05:32.212] [info] Slice of mesh took 0.015000000000327418 seconds

      I don't know what printer or quality preset it was using, but it did successfully slice something.

    6. 706-710, 714:

      2023-11-07 20:09:11,607 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.TaskManagement.OnExitCallbackManager.addCallback [31]: on-app-exit callback [<bound method USBPrinterOutputDevice._checkActivePrintingUponAppExit of <USBPrinting.USBPrinterOutputDevice.USBPrinterOutputDevice object at 0x0000023D572252D0>>] added.
      2023-11-07 20:09:11,607 - DEBUG - [JobQueueWorker [4]] USBPrinting.AutoDetectBaudJob.run [24]: Auto detect baud rate started.
      2023-11-07 20:09:13,295 - DEBUG - [JobQueueWorker [4]] USBPrinting.AutoDetectBaudJob.run [49]: Checking COM3 if baud rate 115200 works. Retry nr: 0. Wait timeout: 3
      2023-11-07 20:09:14,574 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Controller.setActiveStage [180]: Setting active stage to MonitorStage
      2023-11-07 20:09:14,872 - DEBUG - [JobQueueWorker [4]] USBPrinting.AutoDetectBaudJob.run [79]: Detected baud rate 115200 on serial COM3 on retry 0 with after 0.06 seconds.
      2023-11-07 20:09:18,180 - INFO - [USBPrinterUpdate] USBPrinting.USBPrinterOutputDevice._setFirmwareName [354]: Unknown USB output device Firmware name: b'FIRMWARE_NAME:Marlin 1.0.c (Github) SOURCE_CODE_URL:https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin PROTOCOL_VERSION:1.0 MACHINE_TYPE:Jr Pro X+ EXTRUDER_COUNT:1 UUID:cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff.Cap:SJOB:1.Cap:AUTOLEVEL:0.Cap:Z_PROBE:0.Cap:LEVELING_DATA:1.Cap:BUILD_PERCENT:0.Cap:SOFTWARE_POWER:0.Cap:TOGGLE_LIGHTS:0.Cap:CASE_LIGHT_BRIGUS:0.Cap:THERMAL_PROTECTION:1ok\n'

      You're printing over USB? That's a legacy feature which isn't really maintained. But more importantly, Cura couldn't recognise the printer it found. Driver issue or something?

    7. 1058-1072:

      2023-11-07 20:48:11,804 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [444]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 5.2.1/share/cura/plugins/MonitorStage/MonitorMain.qml:28: TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuredConnectionTypes' of null
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,805 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [91]: Updating IntentSelectionModel.
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,805 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [96]: No active GlobalStack, set quality profile model as empty.
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,806 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [91]: Updating IntentSelectionModel.
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,806 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [96]: No active GlobalStack, set quality profile model as empty.
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,807 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [444]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 5.2.1/share/cura/resources/qml/PrintSetupSelector/Recommended/ProfileWarningReset.qml:53: TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of null
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,812 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [28]: Updating NozzleModel.
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,815 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [444]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 5.2.1/share/cura/plugins/MonitorStage/MonitorMain.qml:28: TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuredConnectionTypes' of null
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,815 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [91]: Updating IntentSelectionModel.
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,816 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [96]: No active GlobalStack, set quality profile model as empty.
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,816 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [91]: Updating IntentSelectionModel.
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,817 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [96]: No active GlobalStack, set quality profile model as empty.
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,817 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [444]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 5.2.1/share/cura/resources/qml/PrintSetupSelector/Recommended/ProfileWarningReset.qml:53: TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of null
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,819 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [28]: Updating NozzleModel.
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,908 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [444]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 5.2.1/share/cura/resources/qml/WelcomePages/AddLocalPrinterScrollView.qml:237:25: Unable to assign QString to QRegularExpression

      It can't find an assigned printer in the global stack (meaning none are active). Not only that, it's having trouble loading a string (printer name, manufacturer, profile author, default name) to into the "add a non-networked printer" section.

    8. Most of those things repeated several times as you've tried again.

    According to my vaguely educated opinion, it's having trouble reading a printer profile - either yours, or the base fdmprinter if yours inherits from it. If it's the former - check your profile and make sure everything looks valid (especially the metadata, but in general look for anything in strings which isn't base ASCII - special characters and such like ½ and some accented letters). If it's the latter, reinstall Cura would be my first stop.

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    Posted · Cura wipped out my material settings
    On 11/18/2023 at 12:49 AM, Slashee_the_Cow said:

    Interesting thoughts as I come to them going through the log file:

    1. Making a backup after you've lost the data is like buying insurance after you've crashed the car.
    2. Line 264: 2023-11-07 20:04:40,843 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [96]: No active GlobalStack, set quality profile model as empty. That means it doesn't have a printer currently loaded, and quality profiles are tied to printers by default.
    3. Lines 403-414:
      2023-11-07 20:04:49,953 - WARNING - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider._saveCachedDefinition [308]: The definition cache for definition custom failed to pickle.
      2023-11-07 20:04:49,953 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.UI.MachineActionManager.addDefaultMachineActions [74]: Default machine actions added for machine definition [custom]
      2023-11-07 20:04:50,235 - WARNING - [MainThread] LocalContainerProvider.LocalContainerProvider._saveCachedDefinition [308]: The definition cache for definition fdmprinter failed to pickle.
      2023-11-07 20:04:50,375 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [190]: Extruder[custom_extruder_2 #2] added to [Custom FFF printer] at position [1]
      2023-11-07 20:04:50,375 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [190]: Extruder[custom_extruder_3 #2] added to [Custom FFF printer] at position [2]
      2023-11-07 20:04:50,375 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [190]: Extruder[custom_extruder_6 #2] added to [Custom FFF printer] at position [5]
      2023-11-07 20:04:50,375 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [190]: Extruder[custom_extruder_1 #2] added to [Custom FFF printer] at position [0]
      2023-11-07 20:04:50,375 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [190]: Extruder[custom_extruder_5 #2] added to [Custom FFF printer] at position [4]
      2023-11-07 20:04:50,375 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [190]: Extruder[custom_extruder_8 #2] added to [Custom FFF printer] at position [7]
      2023-11-07 20:04:50,375 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [190]: Extruder[custom_extruder_4 #2] added to [Custom FFF printer] at position [3]
      2023-11-07 20:04:50,375 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.Settings.GlobalStack.addExtruder [190]: Extruder[custom_extruder_7 #2] added to [Custom FFF printer] at position [6]
      2023-11-07 20:04:50,485 - INFO - [MainThread] FirmwareUpdateChecker.FirmwareUpdateChecker.checkFirmwareVersion [79]: No machine with name Custom FFF printer in list of firmware to check.

      "Pickling" is one of the ways Python serialises/deserialises information to save to/read from disk. If it can't pickle, that means it failed to load. The interesting part is that fdmprinter also failed to pickle - that's the base profile which most machine definitions are based on, it comes with Cura, and should be entirely valid. And at the end there it's looking for the machine "Custom FFF printer" (which is I'm guessing what your definition is called?) and can't find it.

    4. Unrelated to your problem: 411-413:

      2023-11-07 20:04:53,428 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [122]: OpenGL Version:  4.1.0 NVIDIA 472.08
      2023-11-07 20:04:53,429 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [123]: OpenGL Vendor:   NVIDIA Corporation
      2023-11-07 20:04:53,429 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [124]: OpenGL Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770/PCIe/SSE2

      Much as I'd love to chide you for an older GPU, that's beside the point. At least download the latest drivers because they contain security fixes.

    5. 585-586:

      2023-11-07 20:05:32,192 - DEBUG - [EngineOutputThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [115]: [Backend] [2023-11-07 20:05:32.205] [info] Slicing model...
      2023-11-07 20:05:32,207 - DEBUG - [EngineOutputThread] UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [115]: [Backend] [2023-11-07 20:05:32.212] [info] Slice of mesh took 0.015000000000327418 seconds

      I don't know what printer or quality preset it was using, but it did successfully slice something.

    6. 706-710, 714:

      2023-11-07 20:09:11,607 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.TaskManagement.OnExitCallbackManager.addCallback [31]: on-app-exit callback [<bound method USBPrinterOutputDevice._checkActivePrintingUponAppExit of <USBPrinting.USBPrinterOutputDevice.USBPrinterOutputDevice object at 0x0000023D572252D0>>] added.
      2023-11-07 20:09:11,607 - DEBUG - [JobQueueWorker [4]] USBPrinting.AutoDetectBaudJob.run [24]: Auto detect baud rate started.
      2023-11-07 20:09:13,295 - DEBUG - [JobQueueWorker [4]] USBPrinting.AutoDetectBaudJob.run [49]: Checking COM3 if baud rate 115200 works. Retry nr: 0. Wait timeout: 3
      2023-11-07 20:09:14,574 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Controller.setActiveStage [180]: Setting active stage to MonitorStage
      2023-11-07 20:09:14,872 - DEBUG - [JobQueueWorker [4]] USBPrinting.AutoDetectBaudJob.run [79]: Detected baud rate 115200 on serial COM3 on retry 0 with after 0.06 seconds.
      2023-11-07 20:09:18,180 - INFO - [USBPrinterUpdate] USBPrinting.USBPrinterOutputDevice._setFirmwareName [354]: Unknown USB output device Firmware name: b'FIRMWARE_NAME:Marlin 1.0.c (Github) SOURCE_CODE_URL:https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin PROTOCOL_VERSION:1.0 MACHINE_TYPE:Jr Pro X+ EXTRUDER_COUNT:1 UUID:cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff.Cap:SJOB:1.Cap:AUTOLEVEL:0.Cap:Z_PROBE:0.Cap:LEVELING_DATA:1.Cap:BUILD_PERCENT:0.Cap:SOFTWARE_POWER:0.Cap:TOGGLE_LIGHTS:0.Cap:CASE_LIGHT_BRIGUS:0.Cap:THERMAL_PROTECTION:1ok\n'

      You're printing over USB? That's a legacy feature which isn't really maintained. But more importantly, Cura couldn't recognise the printer it found. Driver issue or something?

    7. 1058-1072:

      2023-11-07 20:48:11,804 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [444]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 5.2.1/share/cura/plugins/MonitorStage/MonitorMain.qml:28: TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuredConnectionTypes' of null
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,805 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [91]: Updating IntentSelectionModel.
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,805 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [96]: No active GlobalStack, set quality profile model as empty.
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,806 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [91]: Updating IntentSelectionModel.
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,806 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [96]: No active GlobalStack, set quality profile model as empty.
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,807 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [444]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 5.2.1/share/cura/resources/qml/PrintSetupSelector/Recommended/ProfileWarningReset.qml:53: TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of null
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,812 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [28]: Updating NozzleModel.
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,815 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [444]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 5.2.1/share/cura/plugins/MonitorStage/MonitorMain.qml:28: TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuredConnectionTypes' of null
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,815 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [91]: Updating IntentSelectionModel.
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,816 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [96]: No active GlobalStack, set quality profile model as empty.
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,816 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [91]: Updating IntentSelectionModel.
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,817 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.IntentSelectionModel._update [96]: No active GlobalStack, set quality profile model as empty.
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,817 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [444]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 5.2.1/share/cura/resources/qml/PrintSetupSelector/Recommended/ProfileWarningReset.qml:53: TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of null
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,819 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.NozzleModel._update [28]: Updating NozzleModel.
      2023-11-07 20:48:11,908 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [444]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 5.2.1/share/cura/resources/qml/WelcomePages/AddLocalPrinterScrollView.qml:237:25: Unable to assign QString to QRegularExpression

      It can't find an assigned printer in the global stack (meaning none are active). Not only that, it's having trouble loading a string (printer name, manufacturer, profile author, default name) to into the "add a non-networked printer" section.

    8. Most of those things repeated several times as you've tried again.

    According to my vaguely educated opinion, it's having trouble reading a printer profile - either yours, or the base fdmprinter if yours inherits from it. If it's the former - check your profile and make sure everything looks valid (especially the metadata, but in general look for anything in strings which isn't base ASCII - special characters and such like ½ and some accented letters). If it's the latter, reinstall Cura would be my first stop.

    First of all, thank you for taking your time! I know that taking a look into the log may be annoying and even so you decided to try help me with my problem, wow, I really aprecciate that. Also, regarding to the GPU, the PC that I'm using for the printer is an older one: my personal laptop have a RTX3060/R7 but since I travel with it to my workplace almost everyday I decided to use my old computer for the all 3d printing thing and I tend to forgot to update GPU drivers since that's the only use for that PC (that's a disgrace on me, I'll correct that).


    As for the printer, I'm using a XYZ Da Vinci Jr. 1.0 that uses its own propietary filament, so I'm currently using an external support and printing via usb connected to the computer in order to make the printer work with filaments from other brands. Now I see that this may cause a lot of problems... That's strange since the log section you're quoting is from 11/07 and it worked well all the way until 11/12, I didn't noticed anything strange those days so this is new for me as well. Maybe the part I have paid more attention is all related to the fdmprinter pickling.


    Taking that into consideration with the final opinion you provided, maybe I should reinstall Cura and make a new profile from 0 if I can't find any issues within the current profile (also I'll try to reinstall the drivers for the printer). Maybe this is the best option... but this time I'm making sure to made a backup for the new profiles if this persist after installing Cura again.


    Anyways, let me thank you again for all your effort: I'm still new in the 3d printing world (basically a relative gave me the printer the last year since he didn't know how to use it without the propietary filament) and have a LOT to learn so I'm making a lot of rookie mistake.



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    Posted · Cura wipped out my material settings
    4 hours ago, BrianD_Campbell said:

    I'm still new in the 3d printing world (basically a relative gave me the printer the last year since he didn't know how to use it without the propietary filament) and have a LOT to learn so I'm making a lot of rookie mistake.

    Join the club. Nobody starts as an expert, we've all made stupid mistakes along the way. Some of us have killed a printer or two in the process (though I'll contend that neither of those were actually my fault).


    Any idea what's special about the proprietary filament (which sounds like what you'd need if Apple made a 3D printer)? Most filament basically comes down to nozzle temperature, bed temperature, printing speed and occasionally flow rate - those are all things you can change in a print quality profile without having to edit material settings at all.

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