GregValiant 1,455
Your Ender's firmware may support Resume after Power Loss. You would need to do some research on how to accomplish it.
If it is enabled in the firmware, and you happen to be printing via the SD card, then the printer will constantly write the "resume data" to the BIN file on the SD card. If the power goes out, no problem, the printer checks the BIN file and knows pretty closely where it was when the power died. It can then restart a print from that "byte location" in the file.
If you were printing via USB and did not have an SD card installed then there is no resume data. Cura has no way to know what happened at the printer so keeping track of how many bytes were sent isn't useful.
If you were printing via the USB and did have an SD card installed then I don't know if the printer would be updating the BIN file or not.
Printing from the SD card is simple, and the printer can pull gcode lines at it's own pace. Using something like Octoprint seems to work quite well. Printing from the USB is glitchy and can be prone to random print stoppages even without a power loss.
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Dustin 178
Hi there,
Print resuming is not something UltiMaker Cura directly supports, that is firmware side.
Additionally printing over USB with UltiMaker Cura is not at all recommended either.
Support for printing over USB with UltiMaker Cura is considered legacy and only really there still to support very old machines that are not able to print any other way. So support for USB is very buggy.
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