Thanks @Slashee_the_Cow for taking a look at this.
I was originally trying to use it via the preinstalled script located in the %APPDATA%\cura\5.6\plugins\HTMLCuraSettings\HTMLCuraSettings\resources\scripts folder but it seemed to be working sporadically & output didn't always change when I made a settings change so I moved the script from there to %APPDATA%\cura\5.6\scripts folder & it seems to work much better from there.
The file also resides in %APPDATA%\cura\5.6\plugins\CalibrationShapes\CalibrationShapes\resources\scripts
I tried changing the line you suggested in the script. The GCode Documentation does get added in a better location however the thumbnail code is either being removed or isn't being generated. I also tried changing the order where the GCode Documentation script is in the Post Processor list in relation to the thumbnail scripts, however the results were the same. I've attached copies of the same print GCodes with the two settings for comparison
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Slashee_the_Cow 437
I can't even get that script to work, but I might be able to help anyway. It says it's been processed using the script but I don't see any documentation.
First I had to track the damn thing down - in my case it the only Gcode Documentation script was part of a plugin, in my case it was installed in %APPDATA%\cura\5.6\plugins\HTMLCuraSettings\HTMLCuraSettings\resources\scripts - if yours came from a different source then these instructions might not apply at all. Also, please tell me where you got a thumbnail generator for Ender machines, I haven't managed to find one.
Anyways, open in a text editor and go right down to the bottom. Line 639, at least in my instance:
Try changing that to:
That will make it appear at the top of the next layer, I can't remember whether all the preamble is considered its own layer or not but just search the file or scroll down (but only a layer or two) to see if you can find it.
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