@Slashee_the_Cow I tried the tolerance setting but it seems to make no difference. Just to clarify, I want there to be no spacing in between the two objects so thought inclusive might work too, but it doesn't.
I saved and uploaded the project attached.
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Slashee_the_Cow 429
If you could post it as a Cura project file .3mf (get it ready to print, then go to File > Save Project) that would really help. The file you uploaded only consists of a single mesh, and doesn't have your printing settings.
About the only suggestion I can offer off the cuff is to search the print quality settings for "expansion" and make sure they are all at 0.
It's also worth noting that with stuff this small: rounding can make all the difference sometimes. Especially with parts that are only one or two walls wide.
I don't know if this will make a difference, but try selecting the blue (rivers?) mesh, open the Per Model Settings panel:
Click Select settings and search for "tolerance". It should return only Slicing Tolerance so check that and then close the window:
and set the slicing tolerance to Exclusive:
I don't have a dual extruder printer so I don't know the joys of being able to test things like this (mesh intersections) but Exclusive makes Cura always round down so that the mesh can't exceed its defined model (at least for other things).
Edited by Slashee_the_CowLink to post
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