Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.
Here is my version with my settings, if that sheds any light.
Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.
Here is my version with my settings, if that sheds any light.
Okay, so the answer to "is it the model or is it my settings" is: it's the model. It's hollow, in that there are paper thin walls with nothing between them (not enclosed). You can try printing it by turning on Walls > Print Thin Walls but since it's only going to print a single wall in those areas it's going to be fairly weak.
Thank you! That's really helpful.
My next task is to remake correctly... *rolls sleeves up*
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Slashee_the_Cow 493
Possibly a bit of both. The model is invalidly defined (not watertight) but when I slice it with my default settings, it comes up fine:
If you could post a Cura project file (.3mf, in Cura get it ready to print then go to File > Save Project) that will include your settings so if it is your settings we can figure out where the problem is. Just in case it is the way your computer is dealing with the model I'm including a fixed version.
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