Excellent! Many thanks!
Oh hey I just realised that if you now have the list expanded so you can see it all and you want to export it, I don't know if there's a way in Cura, but if you're running Windows, Microsoft has a program called PowerToys which is a set of tools which can be really useful for certain things. One of the things in it is called Text Extractor, you press the shortcut (default is Win+Shift+T) and then drag it over the text you want, it takes a screenshot, does OCR on it and just puts the text itself on the clipboard so you can paste it into a text editor.
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Slashee_the_Cow 490
You mean like this?
This requires slightly altering Cura's interface code. Easy on Windows. Not sure about Linux (you'd have to edit then repack the AppImage). No clue on macOS.
Anyway, the file you need to change is:
C:\Program Files\UltiMaker Cura 5.7.0\share\cura\resources\qml\ObjectSelector.qml
Then you're looking for (what is at least for me) line 110:
(just showing the whole thing in context so if it's not line 110 for you, where it is among the whole file)
By default that line is:
You just need to change it to:
height: contentHeight
You might want to bookmark this page, because this will need to be changed with every new version of Cura you install.
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