Hi Daid,
thanks for your reply. Sorry I meant a 20x4 display
I'm a bit confused on how to wire the SD card reader as the connections appear to be quite different from what's written here:
and what's instead written here:
http://jjshortcut.wordpress.com/2011/03 ... extension/
Have you got any clue about this?
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Daid 306
this is the Ultipanel. So you should be able to get the information from there. Ultimaker is not hiding information about what they build. Same as with the machine, most info is out there.
You need a 20x4 display, not 16x4.
Also, I followed a discussion about rotary encoders on #reprap a few weeks back, and there are a lot of quality differences between those things. So be careful with what you get.
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