first of all thanks for the kind reply,
1) yes! thanks
2) Understood, waiting for the next release ;-) but when I slice the same object with different settings it overwrite the last saved. Why not to add a suffix like xxxxx1.gcode xxxxx2.gcode so to have all the different sliced version ready to print without overwrite? (well the best would be a complex suffix to remaind basic parameters like layer thickness, speed, infill,, temp... like xxxxxxxxx02_50_20lin_215.gcode :lol:
4)what I means is that if I load and print different objects the scale remain the same of the first and if you change it once it remains until I reset it at 1.0. Maybe just changing the scale letterbox color when it <> 1.0 could be enough to pay the right attention, like this one scale 0.5
5) no prob, this way it's fine.
a huge thank for your patience too...
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Daid 306
1) I think in the title bar is normal in these types of applications. Which makes sense. Done for next version.
2) This would break a lot of features. But the development version has an "open file location" button, which opens an exporer window with the GCode file selected. Very useful to copy the file to SD, or to edit the GCode file after you sliced it.
3) I rather keep the simplicity of a single scale factor. I understand why in some rare cases a scale factor for X,Y or Z could be useful, but in 99% of the other cases it would get in the way.
4) Ever made a multi part object at 50% scale?
I have been thinking about saving the scale/rotate/mirror options at the model location. But saving them in the printing profile has proven to be much easier so far. Also, the development version has a button next to the scale which resets the scale to 1.0 (all the toolbar options have icon buttons now)
5) Not sure why you would want that, the GCode file is still there. And it also loads the GCode file if you load a model file which already has sliced GCode.
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