OK, I stand corrected, I hadn't noticed the lone G92s. It seems it's being done every 10000 mm. Maybe a bit more often?
The post you gave mentions u=1.19e-07 as the relative error, this is good as a guideline, but the numbers I gave are accurate for conversions in numbers in the specific ranges. I.e.
values in range 8192.0 <= x < 16384 have a precision of 1/1024.
values in range 16384.0 <= x < 32768 have a precision of 1/512.
values in range 32768.0 <= x < 65536 have a precision of 1/256.
So, It would help if you could even reduce that limit from 10000 mm to 8000 mm, it would keep you out of that range.
(have made a longer comment on the github thread to the same effect).
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Daid 306
Actually, someone did the math on this:
And I'm only resetting the E value at retractions right now. This has some internal code reasons.
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