Now that I see your photo I changed my mind!
The *walls* aren't bonding.
I think you have backlash (also known as "play"). This can be caused by friction too high or belts too loose. Probably belts too loose. Try sliding both X and Y stepper down a bit to tighten the belts. You might have to tighten you long belts also.
Paradoxically, if the long belts are too tight then friction will be too high and you can also get the same symptoms.
Also if friction is high check that if you loosen some of the 8 endcaps maybe friction will lower drastically.
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gr5 2,224
Does you extrusion look good? Ignoring the first layer, do the lines touch nicely? Or is there a gap between every line as seen from above?
If extrusion is good then you need more heat. I only ever print 245C with ABS. That's only 5C hotter than you. I suspect your temperature is off a bit - maybe the probe is too far from the nozzle tip? Maybe the probe is off by 15C? Try raising the temp another 10C or so to about 250C - that's what I would try. But if you get it too hot you can get a clog.
When layers separate you usually need more heat.
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