Hi Titus, I am trying with AP mode, and my computer is connected to my AP (Doodle3D) network. I am using wifi, not cable. I was looking for a "print wireless" button, but could not see any.
Hi Titus, I am trying with AP mode, and my computer is connected to my AP (Doodle3D) network. I am using wifi, not cable. I was looking for a "print wireless" button, but could not see any.
It's supposed to be there as the middle of the three buttons you normally have. What Cura version and Doodle3D version are you running?
Cura 14.07
Not sure about Doodle3D version, how do I find out?
The middle button is still the "Save" button.
For this to work, you (unfortunately) need to switch the "GCode flavor" from UltiGCode to "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)" in the machine settings.
(Whole bunch of technical reasons)
Oh there you go! I missed the Ultimaker 2 part. My UM original runs fine because it's already set to reprap marlin
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Titus 170
If your printed is plugged into the Doodle3D and they are both on the same network, the "print/send to sd" button should be replaced by a "print wireless" button of some sorts.
When you are are running in AP mode, you should make sure you are connected to your AP network. Did you try wifi or cable?
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