Thank you for a quick response! That is just the kind of solution I was expecting
Trying now...
[edit] Yes, that solved it! thank you
Btw, thanks for an amazing program; I'm like 3 layers into my third print in total, first with Cura, and I already see an amazing difference...
For all you people in the future with the same problem: The Marlyn builder can be found at (at the time of writing); I entered the baudrate 115200 instead of 250000, and hit "build" at the bottom. After that I clicked "download hexfile", and copy-pasted what comes up into a textfile named "something-or-other.hex", went to Cura, and chose Expert>Install custom firmware in the menu, and chose the .hex file I just created. After that, it at first didn't work, but I went to File>Preferences in the menu and changed the baudrate there as well, and after that everything was just dandy
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Daid 306
There is known problem with the linux version, which is that it does not work with the default baudrate of 250000. You need to install an 115200 baudrate marlin (build from my builder) and configure Cura to use 115200.
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