So basically the solution is ... use Cura :-) will do from now on ! thx for reply
You should play a Cura Card, they showed me the progress at Protospace and I am impressed! The bucks are lost, but Cura it is :-)
I wouldn't waste time or money on netfabb
it's installed on my machine for only one reason - it can fix broken stl files from 3rd party sources.
when Daid has that feature in Cura, I'll be so happy to hit the uninstall button on netfabb.
meanwhile, it's k'slicer for me I'm afraid. the difference in quality just blows you away.
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Daid 306
Most likely the "start code" of Netfabb doesn't play very well with the firmware you have on your machine. (No experience with Netfabb here, so no idea what the default start code is)
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