In that case there should be plenty of options available at eg. ebay
In that case there should be plenty of options available at eg. ebay
Ebay is too slow, though not that much slower than Ultimaker themselves. It does mean more local options are available. Parts have been ordered, I will report back on the accuracy of my earlier statements.
However, I have to give credit to Ultimaker. Even when they had nothing to gain themselves, they helped me finding a quick solution to the problem. So very few companies tend to do this.
Rejoice, I'm printing again. A generic RepRap thermocouple board was available quickest. It has screw terminals instead of a plug, the pins are in a different order and the PCB is quite a bit bigger, but the basic chip is the same. After making an adapter wire to avoid cutting up my original wiring, the temperature indication was what it is supposed to be. The first print to test the whole affair has been a small adapter piece to mount it all neatly on top of the hotend, so the new PCB is nicely integrated, and came out nicely.
Apparently the Ultimaker is not picky when it comes to thermocouple PCB's, with a bit of handywork it will take other versions without a problem.
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zumfab 3
After a little deliberation with Ultimaker it appears TC1, TC2 and the RepRap boards should be interchangeable without much problem. The most prominent difference should be the connectors.
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