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Everything posted by ji11

  1. wenn du google verwendest, solltest du einen link zum ultimaker-shop finden. dann kannst du den chip einfach bestellen. kostet glaube ich etwa 25 euro. alternativ schreibst du den support an. beim motor kann man den nehmen http://www.mendel-parts.com/index.php/stepper-motor-nema17-incl-molex-connector.html leider jedoch mit einer langen lieferzeit.. alles im allem musst du mit etwa 150-200 euro rechnen um einen Ganz davon abgesehen kann ich bisher nicht von sonderlich zufriedenstellenden ergebnissen reden... Hatte aber auch noch nicht so viel zeit dafür... Viel Spaß beim tüffteln!
  2. Hi daid, any progress so far? Did not have any time to design a fan-shroud yet... but i am still up to the task! how have you been handling the cooling? and where did you get your stepper motor? I have been ordering mor than 3 weeks ago and still didn´t recieve anything. think'll have to order somewhere else! Regards J
  3. Same happend to me the day before yesterday... Had a strang error using my ulticontroller but the was no forum to ask for help. At least got it going just by myself!
  4. @Daid: good to know that it used to work in the past! Had a quit stressy day and have not arrived back home yet.. Has anyone checked an older cura-version? Looking forward to get home and start working even though i think i will just go to sleep
  5. hi guys, just checked both features. got the same problems as you two while using the second head as daid intended and ended up with a totaly cold second head on printing a "dual-load". Since I am still running without a second extruder-stepper, i can´t tell if the extruder has been working the way it should but the head movements intended that everything else was going the way it should.... hopefully, i will be able to retry tomorrow after recieving the motor. Would be cool if Daid could checkout the trouble concerning the support-structure.
  6. interesting since i didn´t know, that one could tell cura to print the support-struct using the second head. Thought you always have to give it a second stl. it would just be interesting if you can use the dual-color-function while using two STL' s as in the mentioned file or if this aswell results in errors. in the end, i also just want to print the support struct, but would have started by using one of the existing files from thingiverse. so i did not use the dual-load function yet, but have been running cura with "SUPPORT DUAL EXTRUSION" for a while. Never found an option for printing with the(not yet working extruder #2). How and where did you change the setting if you did this at all?! regards j
  7. Hi it's me again.. I was just wondering if you loaded two different .stl files or just one? As far as i got it, you would have to load a "support structure"-file and a "part"-file. Have you been trying this file http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:23008 or any other print containing two .stl-files? Sorry if this is not your problem but thought that you might have bet it wrong since you are usually not working with cura. Regards Ji
  8. Hi snowygrouch, Thanks for adding this progress thread! Reprinted my extruder using the .stl from your website. In the first place i was using this one http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:53690 in combination with a all printed bertho-upgrade. But it turned out to be to big to put it on the ultimaker next to the first extruder without blocking the spool turning. So thanks a lot! Happy to see, that you managed to get the right firmware by using cura. What kind of problems are you faceing with the rest of the software? And i finally would really like to know how you have been leveling the heads. Could you post please post a pic showing you hotends? Since i did not recieve my stepper yet, i am unable to start printing but everything else is ready. At the moment i am working on a fan shroud and could let you know about the results! Regards ji
  9. Hi owen, which exact stepper did you take in the end? i am looking for a replacement, too. a link would b great! regards ji
  10. Cool looking forward! Please let me know if cura did the job! would be great if we could keep contact via pm on the dual-extrusion.As far as i can remember you have been using kisslicer ever since. I would really love to give it a try on a two color print and someone to discuss the results or upcoming problems migth be a good thing to have! Regards ji
  11. Hi snowygrouch, really good question and since i am up to a dual extruder aswell, i am rerally intersted in everything concerning it. thought that cura 13.03 has a updated firmware ready for dual extrusion. i just selected "dual extrusion" while running the first-start-wizard. i ended up with an option for a second nozzle in my ulticontroller. regards ji p.s. how did you level your hotends?!
  12. Hi Ultimakers, I bougth a new set of stepperdrivers and was wondering how to install them in an appropriate way. While the how-to about the stepperdrivers [ http://wiki.ultimaker.com/Electronics_build_guide ] goes into detail on setting up the current depending on the motors temperature, it only tells little about the real deal. The only thing i could find, is that 1.5 A are more than enough. They dont tell you how to set it, before connecting the stepper... Since i do not want to harm the motor i would like to know how to measure the current. And in the event of breaking something (+ being curious ) i was wondering where to get a replacement extruder-stepper. Regards ji11
  13. Hi Guys, I am not so lucky to be one of those guys with a full kit, but i finally got all the needed parts sourced (only some from UM) Are we going to have some kind of how-to on dual extrusion one day or whats your plan? Since my PCB seems to have a bad soldering-point on the connector of "head 2" i lost some time and i really could need some "professional" help on the leveling-process of the two heads. On the other side it would be great to know how to handle the process on the software-side. I know that Cura can do it, but what are the (best/better) alternatives? @Daid: What software have you been using for the cool dragon you did some time ago And finally do the kits ultimaker started to sell differ in any how? A new peek insulator could do the job for me and my leveling problem if it would be variable in higth in some way Great work so far! Good night and good luck! p.s.: daid: is cura slower while being in the "dual-print mode" or is it due to cura 13 that it takes longer for slicing? don t get me wrong i am still just working with one nozzle but tried our the dual mode p.p.s.: As soon as i got some spare time, i am up to a dual-extruder-friendly fan shroud.
  14. Did you upload you redesigned case somewhere? Aready orderded all parts for a real DIY-(and so much cheaper) Controller and would love to use your housing.
  15. Hey destroyer, Great work! Did you upload your redesigned case somewhere? Planing to do the same and would really like to use your design!
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