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Posts posted by nick-foley

  1. You definitely do not need that. You just need to preload the printhead assembly so that the teeth of the bowden retaining nubbin bite into the bowden more effectively. Also, make another thing like the blue clip, but slightly thicker, out of any material, just to get yourself back to printing.


  2. Also, following people is how? You guys should fast-track hiring that Ruby developer so that we can start getting a more full-featured platform. Partner with 3D Hubs and get yourself a cut of the commission, so you can have a path to profitability that isn't ads, and actually fund the development of a competent Thingiverse killer...


  3. Another bug:

    When tagging designs, it is frequently impossible to add a new tag when (alphanumerically) similar tags are being suggested. Example: I can't tag a design with "Photography" because the window auto-changes it to "Astrophotography".

    Edit: It seems to have corrected itself somewhat, and if I add Astrophotography to my object as a tag first, it then no longer suggests that tag while I can add others. Still, buggy...


  4. There is something broken with the Edit Profile page - first, you have to enter your password confirmation every time or it rejects your changes (bad feature... unintentional?) and then second, after you try to update your page once without re-entering your password confirmation, the next time you try, youmagine automatically logs you out and, once again, your profile edits aren't changed.



  5. When printing small-to-medium sized prints, I've noticed that the bottom few mm always look a little messy when using a heated bed. I was printing parts of Robert's extruder yesterday and had a pretty clear example of this... identical settings but one with the heated bed (left), one without (right):

    Same print, heated bed left, non heated right.

    (Roughly 205 nozzle 80 bed temp, though my bed is significantly lower in actual temp than reported temp. Ignore the upper part of the print for the left print, I was futzing around with the filament which caused some uneven extrusion.)

    Any tricks to avoid this?


  6. I've used Octoprint and Botqueue extensively (logged almost 1400 hours on BQ last summer, about half that on Octoprint last fall) and I am extremely excited for PrintToPeer.

    Octoprint and Botqueue both suck. Sorry to those devs who might read this (sure Zach knows and has moved on), but they are both stagnant, buggy projects that do a disservice to the incredible potential that exists with cloud-connected 3D printers. The setup processes are tedious and easy to do incorrectly; the UI's are slow and prone to failure. They are challenging or borderline impossible to set up with multiple printers, and they do a poor job of helping you diagnose problems when things go wrong.

    Honestly, I hope this doesn't become another orphaned open-source project. I'm supportive of open-source projects, but so far, the open-source community hasn't done a great job serving this amazing opportunity for wireless printing. Hopefully a funded competitor can. I would gladly pay something like $5/month/printer for truly excellent wireless printing, queuing, monitoring, etc...


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