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Posts posted by shurik

  1. I have UM2 since March. Nowadays, the bowden tube shows signs of wear and tear. I hope to get an advice to find it on the internet.

    Recently, the famous Robert's feeder was installed and it is real pleasure to use. However, my machine struggles to go to 5mm3/sec even with it. I put a few drops of machine oil into the existing bowden. What else can be done?

    A new teflon thingy costs 15Euro, but the shipment shows as another 41E! :-(


  2. Hi varsanyy,

    Can't see the images in your album, so some theoretical suggestions based on my empirical experience:


    1. Perform atomic cleaning of the printhead
    2. Increase top thickness to 0.8 or even all the way to 1.2 mm
    3. Reduce the print speed to 30 or 40 mm/s

    The rest of the parameters seem to be OK. What type of the filament do you use? My "Architects Stone" by Faberdashery needs 240C, for example.


  3. Hi András,

    Just saw your photos. I am following this thread for a while because it happens every so often for me too. I also make architectural prints from time to time, and this looks so much familiar - bad top layers and walls shells not touching.

    So far, the counter-measure for this is cleaning the nozzle and printing slower. It looks like the temperature you're using is already hot enough. Another suggestion is to use more top layers - the mesh looks very thin as it was not enough layers to build a solid looking surface. I may be wrong, of course, this is only my impression. What are your printing parameters?

    BTW, with Cura and the firmware 14.07 it is possible to get decent-looking prints, you can safely upgrade to this version.


  4. @Corey, i popped into the imakr store in london last week.. I have to say that the UM2`s were all printing away and the MB`s were not... the shop manager also suggested that sales of the UM2s are way outperforming those of the MB. No surprise huh!

    Lovely news for UM!

    Given the fair chance, they are so way ahead of the competition, in almost every aspect.

    As the news of me having the 3D printer are spreading around, I'm giving some lectures and consulting people here and there. My message is - even today, after getting know the 3D printing much better than a year ago, and with all the remaining problems of my UM2 (unresolved yet, should be said), I would by the UM2 again, with no doubt!

    Hope, the customers in the US will finally understand that, too.


  5. Blizz - thanks! 50mm/s - surprisingly good quality at that speed, as it seems. I printed once the stems with thorns without any supports and it turned out OK. Raft was used to keep them secured during the print. The blessings note was printed, too, wasn't it?


  6. I have to say, what really pleases me in Ultimaker team is the openness of the communication. Even though their support is sometimes not the best you would expect, they are always open, honest and work sincerely hard to improve.

    Just how many manufacturers would openly discuss a design of a key component with their customers community?

    Way to go guys, just get better on the marketing - there's so much other major company's printers all around, and so relatively few Ultimakers to make a real buzz.


  7. I would suggest using the brim as Duesentrieb suggests. In the recent versions of Cura, it works wonders for prints such as these. For the rest of the settings, go with JonnyBischof, except the fan. If you'll use the brim, fan can be brought to 100% even at 1mm height already.

    My Colorfabbs printed well even at 190C once, but never tried the red one.

    Would love to see the results, good luck!


  8. What can I say reading the replies...

    I suggested to Sander to make a FAQ or a well-organized manual back in April... Being working in a training dept. of my company, it's not that much of a big deal for me.

    And yet, no really serious replies received. :(


  9. Yup, there are always people behind every scoop on the TV and that's sad.

    The Swiss were smarter than us by about 500-600 years, I think. :-) We still have a way to go.

    But then, I'm thinking about the British during the Blitz. Compared to what they were through, we're having a piece of the cake.

    After all, if the things got really bad, there's good chance they will get better. The same feeling when I have a failed print. ;)


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