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Posts posted by swordriff

  1. Maybe it is Impossibilium Donalditis?

    I have today shipped to everyone who contacted me!

    I also included a new kind of nozzle for you.. sorry :-P .

    About the test; No need to test how tough it is, I am only concerned with

    material sticking/not sticking to its inside after retractions, and after complete cooldowns.

    The length of the item is exactly the same as the standard Teflon piece, but since it is a harder material

    you can increase the pressure to avoid any leak.. so screw the Metal coupling ( the one with the radial holes ) down or all the way down, this brings the hot end block a little higher inside the coupling.

    BE CAREFUL: The steel coupling is very brittle, I have easily destroyed one myself. you need to HEAT the nozzle before touching the steel coupler.. It is brittle because it is thinly designed to absorb as little as possible energy from the block.

    Thank you all!


  2. REALLY close! Some bad-asses here even do it like this:

    Loosen the 4 long vertical screws holding the head-assembly a little!

    Then, while keeping a keen eye on the area top of teflon coupler,




    holding the clip socket ring DOWN so the tube can move freely


    -carefully move the bowden up and down while looking until you are


    the tube is inside the Teflon receptor.


    holding the tube down quite forcefully,

    tighten the 4 vertical screws..not too much,

    with a "childs hand". and slide the ring down and enter the horseshoe to

    keep it there.

    (some print out a fatter horseshow.. you find it in youmagine, but I never

    needed one)



  3. Esteban!

    It is because the Bowden tube is not fully inserted into the Teflon top!

    This is much more fiddly than one would imagine!

    WHen not inserted fully, the filament crashes into the 6.35mm "plateau" near the top of the Teflon coupler.

    This must be without gap!


  4. Photo 10.04.15, 15.10.04

    I need volunteer testers, Ultimaker 2 family only. Limit 40 persons, one item/person.

    I need to test the IPM Coupler "Teflon replacement" for the UM2, and I need to have it tested UNTIL IT FAILS. It is composed of an undisclosed material.

    Max 300C continuous. (Good luck!).

    You must be able to test it with PLA and at least one more material, preferably a high tech material like from COLORFABB. (please suggest more suppliers and I will add it to the list).






    XT does NOT WORK, it sticks after few hours, thank you Christian.


    Test report must include: Material, Nozzle type, Temp, Speed, Retraction/No retraction, time to fail, FIX for fail?

    I ship 40 pcs IPM couplers FREE of charge (one for each person) if you PM me you would like to test it. Some early testers have had it work for PLA, some not.

    Recent buyers are being compensated. We need to find out what works!

    Please PM with "test" in subject line.

    Name, Address, Material you plan to use.


    First come, first served, basta!


    • Like 3
  5. there is a video somehere, possibly by gr5, with a simple, non-scientific test of nozzle tip temp. It involves touching the tip with a piece og filament and see how deep an impression it leaves... try to find it!

    I think there is a bigger chance of loose connector on main PCB, both sensor and heater, , then heater failure, least temp sensor failure..

  6. dirkdirk!

    Der Versand ist aus Norwegen, die Teile sind hier hergestellt.

    Ist kein MWST, da Norwegen nicht in EU ist. Die kleinen Brieflein

    werden neie aufgemacht, und der Wert ist ja gering.

    Glasfaserverstärkung macht das Teflon nicht mehr wiederstandfähig

    gegen hohe Temperaturen u. die Oberfläche ist fiel mehr Rau.

    Mit GF hält sie ein ganz wenig länger, vor dem dass sie einen "coupler-squeeze" macht, ie aud dem Filament ein kollaps macht.

    Ich Drucke jetzt 19ccm/S: 0.8mm Mundstück, 0.4mm höhe u. 60mm/s, mit standard feeder und PLA von hoher Qualität.

  7. Labern,

    The hole for the temp sensor in some blocks is outside spec, so 20-50 microns too large.

    To make it work; put a l ittle aluminium foil around the probe, covering the tip so it wont slide back when you insert it,

    It will work perfektly!

    You have choice:

    I send you new and you send me the wrong ones back, Ill incude a nozzle for your trouble..you can use the ones you have until you receive the replacment.

    Or you just fix them the way I suggest, and Ill send you a Dupont Teflon or something else

    as a compensation.

    Aluminium is a fantastic thermal conductor (twice brass) and your syste cannot detect the difference, actually it is better than just "air" which it will be in most cases anyway.

    Anything for you!

    Let me know!

  8. Take it out.

    Cut 3-7mm

    Put back!

    Now: it can be really fiddly to get it back INSIDE the top of the teflon coupler.

    Make sure you do! Move it up and down while holding the collett down.

    Then, when it is inserted into the teflon, WHILE holding it down firmly, raise the collet, and insert the horseshoe.

    You may consider a thicker horseshoe, make it from here:



    I prefer the lower one.


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