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Posts posted by xisle

  1. I had the same problem as the OP the first time I ran and setup 15.09.80 on my UMO. Once I restarted Cura it printed as expected.

    I must have 2000+ hours on my printer and maybe 30 minutes of that was printing from SD. I didn't have an UltiController for the first couple months so it's what I got used to. When using blue tape it often got torn up and I'd have to move parts around to find a clean spot to print. Now I have a similar issue with Kapton tape, though it is far better than blue tape imo. My computers are also on 24/7 behind a UPS.

  2. by the way.. anyone else noticing how fast the home page is all of the sudden?


    It's fast and everything has a new font. The new font has been visible during loading for a while now. I like it. [edit: Maybe the font size was just increased. Seems a bit large now that I'm fully awake ;)]

    Any chance you can point community.ultimaker.com to the Community page rather than the UM home page?

  3. The settings thing... It wasn't just the one time sigh.

    Cura 15.06.03 loses its settings after every shutdown... it asks me to add a printer every time it starts. MacOS 10.10.4


    I'm on 10.9.5 and haven't had that issue.

    [EDIT] Actually, that's not true. I had an issue with printer settings not being retained, but not printers. That was until 15.06.02 or maybe even 15.06.03.

  4. Just installed the new version on my MAC and it lost all my settings?


    The settings from 15.04 to 15.06 were drastically changed and aren't brought over. If updating from 15.06.xx to 15.06.03, settings should not be lost.



    Was the build plate temperature bug in the UMO fixed?


    The bug where it would try to heat the bed if it wasn't manually set to zero? Yes.


    Yes, that's the one!

    The download page refers Ultimaker Original owners to a different version for firmware.  I'm struggling to find documentation (just executables/setup) on what is in each version (change history/notes)?  I'd like to know if I am current with firmware updates to my Ultimaker Original.


    15.04.2 is current FW for UMO. I installed it from 15.06.03 recently.

  6. If you look at the release dates here, it looks like the 14.12 listed for Windows may actually be 14.12.1. The Mac version was brought up to 14.12.1 on the same date that Windows 14.12 was updated.

  7. Don´t know if i had to open a new Topic but anyone knows witch Software to use to Split bigger Opjekts to print?

    So how do you all split to big opjekts that are finished?


    Netfabb can split objects. There are instructions in here.

    Or you can use Cura to cut off the "bottom" of your model, then flip it over to print the other portion.

  8. Like he said - embed img tag inside url tag.  The problem is now I have to first upload all my images somewhere before posting to ultimaker.  It only takes 30 seconds but it's an extra step I'd love to skip.


    If the image is deleted from that "somewhere" then the forum ends up with a broken link and no image. I recall seeing a request for no external images to be used on the old forum.

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    Wait, what? So when you choose a first layer of 0.1mm, Cura is expecting the nozzle to actually be 0.1 + one sheet of paper = 0.2mm? Does it also over-extrude the first layer to account for this?


    I was unclear. It expects that the gap, during bed calibration, will be 0.1mm.


    Bed calibration only homes the head, it doesn't then lower it by 0.1mm. The end result is that the home Z position ends up being 0.1mm (paper thickness) not 0.0mm. The thinner the first layer, the more pronounced the error will be. At 0.3mm it isn't so noticeable.

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