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Posts posted by xisle

  1. @labern, that is the odd behavior I was referring to, but seems to occur when layer height is >=2 times the initial layer height, which is not a common setup IME. I also get an unexpected first slice difference between 0.1 and 0.2 for layer height with 0.2 initial layer for both.

    With the OP's .stl I found no way to get the "0.1" to slice, even with 0.01 mm layers... OK, I just tried 1 micron (for all layers) and there is something there but it isn't a clean cut-out like the others and is only 0.004 mm deep at most.

  2. There is certainly a difference between the hop at layer change and the hop in your second code block. At layer change, the Z axis is returned to print position at the same time as the X and Y axes, but isn't elsewhere.

    As for the feed rate, I'm not sure why the hop would start slow and end fast. You could try increasing the hop F value and see how it effects your print ;)

    I don't believe there is a way to specify individual axis feed rates in one line of G Code. Any change to the feed rate effects all future moves.

    As a quick test, I tried this in Cura:


    G1 F6000G1 X100 Y100G0 X0 Y100G1 F3000 X100 Y100G0 X0 Y100G1 X100 Y100G1 F6000G0 F3000 X0 Y100G1 X100 Y100


    * The first two moves happen at F6000, the remainder occur at F3000.

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  3. I figured it out by shrinking a Windows 8.1 VM display below 1024x768.

    The tab indexes are in proper order in Cura. Use tab (or Enter) to advance to the next field (or add Shift to go in reverse). The - and = keys will uncheck and check respectively, the currently selected checkbox.

    I assumed you were running a flavor of Windows.. if you are on OS X, the checkboxes cannot be accessed via the keyboard.

  4. I just posted a second print and it saved/posted quickly and without issue.

    Subaru Part

    Posting to an album has strange behavior for me though. I get a spinning wheel for a loong time. I even opened a second tab to the forum and posted the image while the spinning wheel spun.

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