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Everything posted by onkelgeorg

  1. A square shaped box 189x140x50mm. Unfortunately I had a warping problem and th corners came up a bit, but the print was finished. There was also a bit of underextrusion at ~z=40mmm, so that this was my first failed print :mrgreen: Anyway, my wife is using it for her knitting needles
  2. Congratulations! Really good job Ian. Do you see any chance to adopt this design for the UM1, once it is finished for the UM2? Best regards, Joerg
  3. @Daid: sounds good I think that's it for me btw: do you have any comment to this question? http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/4535-calculating-required-filament-in-layers-view/ @Dim3nsioneer: thanks for the hint, but that's a little bit too dangerous I think - never change a running system . May be I will try it later... @Nick: You're a lucky one Thanks for your replies. Cheers, Joerg
  4. Hi all, I'm really pretty satisfied with my UM1, but one thing is really annoying: When the button on the Ulticontroller is pressed, there is a really horrible noise from the piezo. Is there any possibility to decrease the volume? Or is the only solution a soldering iron to get rid of this sound? :mrgreen: Any idea is welcome... Regards, Joerg
  5. voila This is a small collection of the prints from the first 10 days. There are some more printer parts (large filament spool, LED attachments, etc.) which are attached to the printer and therefore not shown in the image. I also print always an Ultimaker robot for testing after filament change, so there are lots of robots too Currently I'm printing the small tree house from thingiverse for my daughter :cool: Cheers, Jörg
  6. This is great and I didn't knew it. Thanks a lot for this hint. But nevertheless it would be more convenient to see it in Cura instead of searching the right spots in the gcode Cheers, Joerg
  7. Hi all, may be this is a bad idea, but I would like to ask my question anyhow Wouldn't it be good if Cura will calculate the required filament in the layers view continously while scrolling throgh the layers? In addition with the z-height (displayed instead of the layer number) it would be a really good feature for calculating multicolour prints if one wants to join the different filament colours before printing. Cheers, Joerg
  8. Hallo Flo, bin zwar Ultimaker-Newbie, habe aber dennoch einige 3D-Druck Erfahrung (BFB-3000). Deine Idee halte ich für Unsinn. Wie du ja schreibst läuft dein UM Original perfekt. Warum auf den UM2 wechseln? Der UM2 ist faktisch ein UM1 für Apple User: Tolle Verpackung aber der Inhalt ist Standard-Programm um Pseudo-userfreundliche Ergänzungen erweitert. Ich bin froh einen UM1 zu haben wo ich immer weiß welche Komponente was bewirkt. Der UM2 macht z.B. den Filamentwechsel über den Controller - ich finde es absolut zumutbar diesen Job ohne Motorunterstützung zu erledigen. Beim UM1 ist man halt näher am Werkzeug An deiner Stelle würde ich abwarten bis eine wirklich neue Druckergeneration aus der Taufe gehoben wird Beste Grüße, Jörg
  9. Das gefällt mir richtig gut. Ist zwar sicher nicht für alle Druckjobs optimal, aber passt sicher für kleine Teile perfekt. Kommt auf die 'To-Do-Liste' Gruß, Jörg
  10. Hi all, this is my first post and now I would like to introduce myself My name is Joerg, 45 years old, professions: Mechanic and Media Designer + interested in any new technology. I am located in Germany. My Ultimaker Original DIY is running for a couple of days now and I'm pretty convinced about this product. The first print after assembling the printer came out pretty good and after optimizing some settings in Cura prints came out almost perfect. My first printing projects were some add ups to my printer and some spare parts. Right now I am looking forward to do some experimental stuff like multi colour prints and stuff like that. Hopefully we will having a good time here and pushing ourselves to new limits in 3D printing. Let's have fun Cheers, Joerg
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